Den där tiden på året…

Nu är vi här igen, denna tiden på året. Då man nästan ska tvingas vara glad och allt ska vara så otroligt bra. För mig och många andra är det en hemsk tid, som istället för att fylla en med glädje fyller en med obehag och tomma känslor och annat som man inte ska behöva känna. Det var många år sedan jag verkligen tyckte om julen och att den gav mig något annat än depression och jobbiga känslor. Min kärlek till julen dog för många år sedan, kanske var det all jävla repetition, samma sak detta året som förra och så vidare. Eller den där falskheten som kryper fram i folk. Folk man inte träffat sedan förra julen är helt plötsligt ens bästa vänner och saker ska bli annorlunda och man ska träffas och umgås mer. När nästa jul kommer är det samma sak.

Marathon of the dead

So the weekend came and went by and I’ve finally seen the first half of season 5 of The Walking Dead. Man I really enjoy that show! The hours just flew by! Me and my friend marathon-ed it, like we’ve done with the past seasons. Now we just have to wait until the shows starts again, but man it is getting interesting. Don’t worry, I will not spoil anything for those of you who haven’t watched it. I don’t do stuff like that, it is fucking evil. I heard AMC spoiled the season ending on their own facebook, what a bunch of idiots… Oh, well.
Before we started out TWD marathon, we had hot-smoked salmon and potatoes, something I don’t eat very often. But man it is good, so good!

We also watched the keynote of the PlayStation Experience. Some good stuff there, Uncharted 4 looking really great. The Order 1886 is a bit interesting and Square Enix announcing the PC-version of Final Fantasy VII coming to PlayStation 4. Street Fighter V being a PS4 and PC exclusive, might be good for those who enjoy fighting games, I personally don’t care very much about it.
I think one of the best announcements for me was that Shovel Knight is coming to Sony’s platforms. And that they actually showed the PlayStation Vita some love. Bringing Yakuza 5 to the west, will please a lot of people. I’ve never played the games myself. All in all it was a pretty good show, but I was actually hoping for a bit more. Perhaps could have shown some unannounced JRPG or something…

With all that behind me, I can finally relax with two extra days of from work. I’ll need it since I’ll be working this upcoming weekend too… But it pays good and I really need the extra cash for January, AKA worst month of the year. I’m going to concentrate on playing more Tales of Hearts R today and if I beat the game today or tomorrow I am finally going to try Grand Theft Auto V. Heard a lot of good stuff about the game, but I’m not a GTA fan. But from what I’ve seen the game speaks to me, so I’m looking forward to see if I’ll like it. Really should try to finish Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition too, even if I played the original on PlayStation 3. Still I don’t like having games in my backlog. Thankfully I don’t have a very big backlog, but I wish I had more time to actually remove some of the games from that backlog. Hopefully I can get some vacation time around easter, so I can relax and just keep gaming. <3

Last round! December is here.

So we are finally here, December. The last month of the year, just a few measly days left and we are entering a new year. Yeah, yeah I’m getting ahead of myself. First we’ll celebrate Christmas, not that I care for it. I think I say the same thing every year around this time. Starting to sound like a damn broken record, haha.
But seriously, it is great that there are people who enjoys this kind of stuff, I just wish they didn’t shove Christmas down you throat in the beginning of October. Stop premature Christmas decoration!

Like most of you know I love video games and I have for a long time, but have you ever fallen for someone in a video game? Like when you where younger, you fell for the hero because he/she was cool, great or just plain awesome? I recently thought about this and I remember my very first “videogame crush“. Can you guess who it was? If you thought KOS-MOS from Xenosaga, you are wrong. Good pick though. It is from an JRPG (surprise!) and it is among the first ones I played after Lunar Silver Star Story Complete. It is Rena Lanford from Star Ocean The Second Story. This was around when I was 17 myself, so around 14 years ago… Man now I feel a little old. So does anyone have a videogame crush? Don’t leave me hanging now. ;)

Still going strong with Tales of Hearts R, I played a whole lot this past weekend. To my big enjoyment. Hopefully I’ll be able to play anything this week, at least it won’t be anything on this coming weekend. I’m working and then I’m going to watch some tv-shows with Elden, from beginning to end! Marathon it, like always!

Work, play and more work

Man I am so glad that next week is going to be a “normal” work week. I’ve had my hands full with some courses, both learning and holding my own. And right now I’m so tired of it, but I have a two day course left to hold in the beginning of December then that’s over for this year. Then we’ll get ready for some new stuff next year, I might be tried of it right now but it is fun. I wouldn’t have done it if I though it was crap or I didn’t get any satisfaction from it. That would just be wasting everyones time.
I’m going to work some extra in December, I really need the extra cash to be able to survive in January. Some big bills are on the way then. Wouldn’t be much of a problem if I had the chance to actually save some money. Well at least when my debts are payed that will be a problem of the past and oh boy, I am looking forward too that! I am not looking forward too how tired I’ll be from all the extra work, but what can you do? You do what you have to in order to survive, you can rest when you are dead… =/

Would be nice if there was some money over later to actually get something nice, maybe some new clothes or just something. Maybe some new games, maybe could get a better couch I really need a new one… Sadly there isn’t any money, but there is always expenses. I really wish it was the other way around, if just for one month. Just to feel how it feels to not have to worry about money and your economy. *dreams*
I’ve spent almost the entire day changing my blog, I got a new theme I’m very pleased with. Even if it does look a bit like the other one I had, there are some changes here and there. I’m not going to go into detail about it though, I doubt anyone really cares about it either. I am however looking forward to the day when the newly drawn picture of me is ready to use on the site. Not sure when it will be ready, but hopefully soon. =)

Since it’s been a rough past two weeks, I haven’t been playing like I wanted to. And I’m not really feeling it today, so I might just watch a movie or something.
But I am about 11hours into Tales of Hearts R and I love that game! No surprise there! Tomorrow is game day, so I’ll be spending the whole Sunday just playing. Nothing else matters! I love playing the game on the PlayStation TV, it works great! I just hope they add more support to the thing. Like some of the old PSP Final Fantasy games from PSN and stuff like that. Come on Sony and add more games to your whitelist!

Tomorrow its time for Tales!

Tomorrow I’ll finally be able to pick up my copy of Tales of Hearts R. Really looking forward to play that game, it will most likely be my last JRPG of the year. So I really gotta make it count! The last one for the year has to be special. ;)
But then again, who knows if I’ll manage to finish of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World before the year ends. While I think its unlikely that I’ll jump on another JRPG after finishing another, you never know. Oh, right. As I was typing this it just came to my attention that Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD REMiX will be released soon too, so I’ll have to find time for that too. Hummm… Someone have some sparetime to give?

I’ve started playing Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for PS4. I played the original game before, but I had forgotten how fun I thought it was to play. Love hunting my enemies with a bow, mwhaha! It is my favorit weapon in the game.
I should go over and review the games I’ve played this year and see what title I’ll grown GOTY (Game Of The Year).
And I need to make a better list of some of the games I am looking forward to next year and I mean a better list than I have done in the past. So I hope I can start working on that too.

It’s November again!

So here we are, November and almost at the end of 2014. Man this year has really flown by, I hardly noticed where the time went. Oh, well talking about how this year has gone will have to wait until next month. So I have a whole lot of work in front of me in November, I’m going to travel and hold a two day course about my job in Malmö. I’ve never done it away from home, so it’s both incredible freighting and somewhat exciting. The day after that I have a meeting in Malmö and then the week after that I’m going go on a two day course myself. And then there are a couple of smaller things. So yeah, I’m booked for almost two weeks. But like I said its nice and I like doing this, I’m just a bit terrified about the traveling. I’m not to fond of that since I’ll be going alone, even if Malmö is pretty close.

In 9 days I’ll finally be playing Tales of Hearts R on PlayStation TV! I’m really looking forward to that! TOHR will most likely be my last JRPG for this year, then I will have to try and get started with The Last of Us Remastered. Sure I played the original on PS3, but I want to play it again and see how much “better” the PS4-version is. I also want to play the new Tomb Raider again, finally got a hold of the Definite Edition so gotta get through that too.
Next year will be a crazy year for gaming, Final Fantasy Type-0, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tales of Zestiria, Batman Arkham Knight and many more! My gawd!

I finished the second season of The Walking Dead game, pretty good. The first season was a bit better, but this was good too. I also beat The Legend of Korra game, I’m not so sure what I think of that… I liked parts of it, others not so much. I wish it was more polished, had a bit more variety to it. If you like Korra and Platinum Games, sure give it a try. But perhaps buy it when it’s discounted. I know there was something else I really wanted to write about, but for the life of me I can’t remember what. Hm… So I guess I’ll leave it at that today. Thinking a bit about doing a third YazTalks, just have to find a subject to talk about and I would like to make it better. Just wish I had the time for all the stuff I want to do.

The best birthday present ever!

It will soon be the 27th October and that means I will turn 31. A year older and a year wiser as they might say, haha. Well not so sure about the last part, but at least older. And today I was moved, I’m still at a loss for expressing my gratitude.
My friends banded together and got me something I’ve wanted for a long, long time. Or rather I wanted to regain something that I lost a long time ago. This year marks 20years since I got the Green Ranger’s Dragon Dagger for Christmas and my friends got me the Legacy Dragon Dagger. And my emotions are all over the damn place! The original Dragon Dagger was my favorite Power Rangers toy when I was a child and I’ve always loved to, so to finally have it again has made me happy beyond words. I really can’t express how I feel, but hopefully I can get though a bit more in the second episode of YazTalks.