I’ve had a great day!

Indeed it was IceCube, it was a good day. A very, very good day I might add. I’ve had a really good time with two good friends, one of whom I don’t see to often. But hopefully that will change and we can have more fun together. Had some food in town, then we sat and talk for a while and it was fun. Overall today has been a great day and any signs of looming depression is wiped away. I really hope this good feeling will last a long time now.

I’ve also started playing The Order 1886 for the PlayStation 4. Not to far into the game, but so far its pretty nice. I don’t really care for graphics but man, that game is beautiful. If it is as good or bad as people say, I can’t say anything about right now. I’m to early into the game to have a real opinion of the game.

Hopefully I can start my GameBoy Advance project soon. I’ve gotten a hold of a faulty GBA SP and I hope the screen at least work as it should. I’m going to mod it so I can a front lit screen in an original GBA since I like the form factor so much more. I’ll post some pics when I start my project and hopefully I can get everything to work.
And by the way! If you have a Kickstarter account and love the old platform games Rare used to make like Donkey Kong Country N64 and Banjo-Kazooie. Some old Rare members have formed a new company and is kickstarting Yooka-Laylee. It looks great, so check it out! I’ve done my part.

Not much happening

Wow, I’m almost impressed by how little that is happening now. Is a bit sad really, but somewhat refreshing too. The most exciting thing that has happened it that I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron when it premiered here in Sweden. Such a cool movie! I really enjoyed it, now I’m really hyped for Ant-man.

I’ve been playing some games to, finally played Shovel Knight and damn it was good! Love the charm of the game, the music is so great. Such a great “retro” feeling to the game. I honestly think this is my favorite game of the year so far, it really clicked with me. Great adventure, cool Mega Man like levels. And I just love the sprite work. Hopefully I’ll be able to start playing The Order 1886 this upcoming weekend, or hopefully I’ll be getting a New Nintendo 3DS and Paper Mario Sticker Star. And then I’ll probably just be waiting until Batman Arkham Knight is released.
But still my most eagerly awaited game for this year is Tales of Zestiria and there are more rumors floating around that there will be a PlayStation 4 and Steam version in the west. So we’ll see if that turns out to be true. Guess I’ll have to but every version of the game… Maybe. ;)

So we are getting Star Ocean 5

Not a lot of stuff has happened in the past weeks, not more than I was sick last weekend and couldn’t do anything that weekend. Which really pissed me off! It was such a big waste, just lying in bed and not having the strength of energy to do anything. Felt like I was dying, but thankfully it is better now.

But I got a big surprise what really made me happy. We are getting a new Star Ocean game!
Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. Hopefully it will get a western localization conformation sooner rather than later. Man I’m pumped for this game. They are going to have the dude who wrote the story for Star Ocean 1-3 do this story too, so hopefully that means the game will feel a bit less “anime” in style as Star Ocean 4 did. I’m very hopeful for this title, it became one of my most sought after games now. Man I just love that we are getting new JRPG’s. And Square Enix says they have more to release on PlayStation 4, so I can’t wait to see what they bring. Perhaps Final Fantasy XII HD? Hopefully more new titles too, well I’ll leave you with some images.

Some stuff and a new banner

I’ve had wonderful time with my vacation, it was well needed. And I’ve managed to get a somethings done so that’s even better. But tomorrow its back to work, but I could definitely have had some more vacation days. Haha, well I suppose I shouldn’t be greedy. Having easter of was more than enough. The first day I was incredible lazy. I only watched TV and caught up with some shows and animes I’ve missed and it was great. Finally back on track there. Honestly I almost felt bad of how good, doing nothing was. After that it was time to finish of some games I had lying around. And that’s probably what I’ll do today, if I feel better. Came down with something yesterday, that really made me feel like shit. Vomiting and just feeling, sick. Ugh. Hopefully it will feel better later today.

There where two games I finished before I had my easter vacation, but it was so close to it so I thought I’d mention them anyway. Wild Arms 5 was a good game, much better than Wild Arms 4 but I still think I like Wild Arms 3 more personally. Better characters and I like the world more, even the fighting more actually.
The HEX-fighting system is good, but I prefer the games without to be honest.
And right now I am so sick of WA5 battle theme… Sure these things might sound like I’m pissing on the game, but I’m not. I had a very good time with the game, even if I didn’t like everything about it. Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell was a short but fun game, something that I felt I needed after a long JRPG. It is silly, it is over the top. But damn it was enjoyable, even if it was a tad short.

Next up was a game I’ve been eyeing for sometime and it was Metroid: Zero Mission. I have actually never played a Metroid game from start to finish before.
This was such a good game, it felt really great playing it and I really think I needed a game like this. Samus Aran is such a cool lady, kicking space pirates ass and doesn’t afraid of anything. (Old internet meme. Goggle it.)
And last but certainly not least! The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Me and my friend Elden have been playing some Zelda games together in the past, like
A Link To The Past, Skyward Sword and now Wind Waker HD. Such a good game, I was very enjoyable. Guess we’ll see if we will tackle more Zelda games together in future.

And now I’m going to enjoy Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, I’ve just played a few hours on it but I like it so far. I’m just starting on chapter 3. So I’m looking forward to get to know Class Zero even more. Before I leave I just want to thank my good friend Elden for making drawing me! Right now I’m using it in my banner and I really like it! But then again I do enjoy his art and if your interested check it out! He has some really cool stuff. Here is the old chibi art VS the new one, which took some inspiration from the Tales of games. With a bit of his own style thrown into the mix. Hopefully I can get him to make a new one, when I start to loose some weight. Hehe.

How am I doing?

Yeah, I think I decided to write in English from now on. While fun to write in Swedish, I just think it feels better to write in English. And I have an easier time that put some words together in English, might be strange but that’s how it is. So I’m going to redo my “Spelen jag ser fram emot under 2015” post later, since some stuff has changed and I might have forgotten to add some stuff. So therefor I’ll be updating it.

I’ve been feeling a bit ill/sick these past months, like I have no energy or just don’t have the strength to do anything. I’ve had a really hard to to motivate myself do anything, even sitting down to enjoy a game has been somewhat hard. I was missing some vitamins that made me feel tried all the time, so I’m taking them now and it is a bit better. Still not as it used to, but hopefully getting there. There are some other problems besides the vitamins, but since I haven’t talked to a doctor about those things yet, I won’t be saying anything. Its nothing dangerous at least, I can say that much. But I hope I get the held I need, so I can feel more alive again. Right now it’s almost as I only feel alive when I work, well not really but it is really hard to explain. I feel better than I did, so that’s great! =)

But I have managed to beat some games. I’ve finally made my way through
Wild Arms 5, a good game but I’m not really sure what else to thing about it. I like it, but I still think my favorite one is the third game. I like the characters, world and enemies much more in that game. It felt more alive, in a sense. At least it was better than Wild Arms 4, but I dunno. Perhaps I’m just not that into the WA series? I’ve also played Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, a fun but very short game. With a musical number and other weirdly awesomeness. I have gotten Final Fantasy Type 0 HD and I’m going to start playing it for real tomorrow after work, because after tomorrow I have about a week of from work! So that is going to be sweet! I really enjoyed the demo of Final Fantasy XV at least and I’m really looking forward to the full game.

I’m also going to start to projects, both will take some time but I will post here as soon as I have some form of results. First one is to mod a GameBoy Advance with a screen from a GBA SP, since I vastly prefer the form factor on the original GBA over the SP model. But the original screen is more or less worthless for playing with. In my memory it was much better, but then reality hit me. So I really want to get this mod done. The second one is a bit of a mod on a DualShock 4, some painting, getting it a bigger battery and stuff. But will take time since I’m not rich and can get all the parts I need at the same time, but I’m working on it. So we’ll see what will happen, but even if they are failures I’ll post about them.

Hur mår man egentligen?

Av någon anledning har jag undvikit att gå till doktorn, kan väl ha med att göra att jag haft lite misstro till dem. Då de aldrig hjälpt mig så mycket när jag var yngre och hade behövt hjälp, en annan sak är väl att jag helt enkelt inte gillar det. Jag blir verkligen tvungen att öppna upp mig för någon och berätta precis allt, hur jobbigt det än är och det är väl just det som tar mycket på mig. Men det var givande med de saker jag tog upp med doktorn, han lyssnade och antecknade allt och har en teori om vad det är. Om det är det som “felar” så förklarar det en helt del av hur jag mår och är.
Just nu vill jag inte skriva något här, mest för att inget är bekräftat än. Men jag ska återkomma och göra lite fler tester, ni behöver inte vara oroliga dock. Det är inget farligt eller jo kanske, men det beror nog på hur det drabbar person till person.
För min del är det ingen fara om det är som det är nu. Alltid roligt med sådana här, jag ska berätta en sak men ändå säger jag inget texter eller hur?
Nä, jag ville mest säga att de är något på spåret och vi ska följa upp med det och är det som felar, kommer jag berätta. Tror jag kommer må bättre efter det, då jag kommer få den hjälp jag behöver. Plus att som jag då sa, att det är en förklaring till varför jag är som jag är ibland.

I övrigt känns det väl helt okej, just nu åtminstone. Är väl lite glad över att jag inte blev sjukskriven, hade nog börjat klättra på väggarna efter ett tag. Men fasen vad jag längtar till april, då är jag ledig en hel vecka. Det ska bli underbart att få vila ut sig riktigt ordentligt då, då blir det att spela en hel de Final Fantasy Type 0 HD och då även demot på Final Fantasy XV, det ska bli kul. För att inte nämna att jag och min polare ska se klart på andra halvan av The Walking Dead season 5, det är också något jag ser fram emot. Ja, jag ska helt enkelt bara göra saker jag tycker är kul och förhoppningsvis innebär det också att det blir lite sittande vid datorn.

Hade jag haft mer pengar hade jag nog lite smått velat börja samla på tv-spels figurer igen. Hade verkligen velat ha de två Play-Arts figurerna av Rinoa Heartilly och Squall Leonhart från Final Fantasy VIII. Även en figur på Zack Fair från Final Fantasy VII / Crisis Core hade varit grymt att ha. Man får se vad som händer i framtiden, kanske blir det något man kan spara ihop till.

På bättrings väg

Nu börjar det äntligen kännas lite bättre, så nu är man väl på bättrings väg. Mår bättre, har ingen feber som skiftar upp och ned längre. Energin och aptiten börja sakta men säkert återvända. Så i veckan som kommer, kanske jag till och med orkar att göra saker! Ska bli riktigt skönt faktiskt, men jag känner mig inte helt återställd. Är fortfarande trött och orkeslös, men det har blivit bättre. Har ju redan fått tillbaka en del av min vanliga energi och det är jag glad för, då denna helgen har jag gjort mer än bara sovit bort den.

Till och med sett lite filmer i helgen. The Intouchables (En oväntad vänskap) var en riktigt bra film, gillade den riktigt mycket. Feelgood film om en blommande vänskap, den var rolig, helt enkelt. Klicka länken om du vill läsa mer om den. Såg äntligen Edge of Tomorrow också, som jag måste säga att jag gillade betydligt mer än jag trodde att jag skulle. Hade inga förväntningar på den, men jag tyckte den var en schysst popcorns rulle, helt klart. Att den baserades på en manga var en överraskning för egen del också.
Såg även om den nya Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, den är fortfarande okej. Finns en hel del saker jag önskar kunde ändras i filmen, men delar av den är bra. Andra mindre bra, hoppas betydligt mer på uppföljaren.

Har även spelat lite helt otroligt nog! Körde igenom Transistor som man fick denna månaden på PlayStation Plus. Ett helt okej spel, har hört folk som hajpat det rätt rejält. Visst det var trevligt, men för egen del var det verkligen inte mer än okej. Nu ska jag ge mig an att testa Wolfenstein: The New Order till PlayStation 4. Gillar inte FPS[/] i normala fall, men har hört väldigt bra saker om spelet från andra som inte är större fans av FPS. Med detta så blir det en liten paus ifrån Wild Arms 5[/b] och jrpg. Kan vara lite skönt det, jo jag älskar fortfarande jrpg, men måste trycka in något annat i mellan känner jag. Det blir för mycket tårta på tårta så att säga, plus om mindre än en månad kommer ju Final Fantasy Type 0.

Under nästa vecka väntar jag på svar om jag fått en lägenhet jag sökt, så det är lite spännande. För är inte nämna att jag ska till Sci-fi Mässan i Malmö som är nästan helg, ska bli spännande att se vad man finner där. Hoppas på mycket cosplay denna gången och att jag får en massa foton, kommer lägga upp det här i sådana fall. :)