Vacation almost over

Time really does fly when you are free. Soon my three and a half weeks of vacation will be over, I start working again on Wednesday. It’s been pretty nice not having to go up so early and I’ve had as couple of late nights and I didn’t realize how much had missed this. But alas all things must come to an end, and I’m somewhat looking forward to starting working again. Mostly because I’ll get out of the apartment more than I have under my vacation. I have gotten out quite a bit in the first week of vacation, buy then I’ve mostly stayed home and have been taking it easy and lazy.
It was nice being lazy for once.

I’m still searching for a new apartment, I have a few I’ve show interest in so I hope the will pick me to check them out. Then I’ll just have to hope I get one of them. I really want to move now, I want a bigger apartment so I can rearrange my stuff better.
I want a kitchen I can sit and eat in, I want a real bedroom so I don’t have to have everything in the living room as things are now. And hopefully later people can stay over if they want, and if I’ll let them off course. ;)
In looking forward to actually hang some posters/paintings up, right now I have nothing on the walls. Mostly so I don’t have to fix anything when I leave the current apartment. I really want my hobby and life to show where I live, right now there is nothing of that. I like games, I like cartoons and I want that to show. If people don’t like it can handle it that is their problem not mine, I’m not ashamed of what I like.
And if I do meet a special someone, they have to accept this part of me too.

I’m hoping to get some other furnishers then I finally move to, some more shelves for the games and hobbies. I hope my economy will let me start retro collecting soon, but before that can happen I need the older consoles first. Well I don’t really need them first, but I want to have them first do I can start playing as soon as I get some games, but that is for another post. I’m hoping I’ll be able to see Ant-man in about two weeks, when it has finally premiered here in Sweden.

Other than focusing on work and looking for a new place to live, the coming months will be filled of games for me, so at least I’ll have that. And if I’ll be moving hopefully it will be done in the coming thee months, and then there will be no money left for anything else. Moving is expensive, especially when you end up with double rent.
But it’s only for a month or so, just have to hold out. Things will be better later.
All in all I’ve had a great vacation starting home and taking it easy, next year I might be ready for some more action. Hopefully I’m in better shape next year to, hope I can start going to the gym again soon. Everything depends on the economy, but at least I haven’t had any soda for a week now, yes it’s a big deal actually. And I’ve only eaten soon candy that I’ve had at home, I have not bought anything new. So now I want to get in form, I really want to regain the weight I had 15 years ago.

Batman: Arkham Knight & Tales of Zestiria

So for the past week I’ve been playing Batman: Arkham Knight for the
PlayStation 4. Such a great game, I had some troubles putting the controller down. Like yesterday I played for about 15hours straight! Well I took miniature pauses for food and other visits, if ya get my drift. The worst (best) part is that it didn’t feel like I spent such a long time with the game, the day just flew by and I haven’t done gaming in one sitting like this in years! Mostly I’ve just gotten 2-3hours in one sitting.

I did really like the game, but I’m a tad sad that the batmobile takes up a bit too much space. I can’t go into detail on what exactly what I mean, since I would then have to spoil some stuff and I’m NOT going to do that. All in all it was a good game and a good ending to Rocksteady’s Arkham trilogy, I’m please that Rocksteady acknowledges the stuff that happened in Arkham Origins even if they didn’t make the game themselves.
I just have some Riddler stuff left (almost all of it) and I’ll see if I will give them ago, probably not. But if would be nice, since there is a surprise… ;)

And in other news Bandai Namco today announced the Collectors Edition for
Tales of Zestiria, it’s more or less the same version as the Japanese CE. A shame that the will bring the ToZ OVA over, but on a DVD. You would think they would put it on a blu-ray for the PS3 and PS4. You’ll get a cloth artwork, steelbook, 4 Chibi Kyun figures, hardcover arbook, selected soundtrack cd and a big old box to put everything in. I’m still thinking about getting this or not, some great stuff, but I would have preferred a figure like Milla or Ludger from Tales of Xillia 1 & 2.

Some retailers will offer some Tales of Cameo costumes! I need them, I must have them! So hopefully my local GameStop will be able to offer these costumes. If you get the game digitally you will get them regardless. I’m not sure if this is true even for the steam version of the game, but I would be surprised if you didn’t get them there too. And speaking of steam, they are going to release Tales of Symphonia HD on steam next year. If a lot of people preorder Tales of Zestiria on steam and they hit a certain mark, those who preordered ToZ will get ToSHD for free. Not bad, not bad.

So what is next for me in line of games? We’ll I’m looking forward to
Onechanbara Z2 Chaos which is coming out the Juli 21 in the US. Guess it will be imported since we still don’t have a date in Europe and I want to be sure to get a physical copy. After that its time for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain in September, then in October I have no idea how I’m going to find time to play all the games I want. Dragon Quest Heroes, Tales of Zestiria, Transformers: Devastation. Ugh. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is something I’ll be getting later, since I do not have the time and I’m pretty sure it will sell well either way. There are probably so many more games I’ve missed and for now that is okay, I don’t need to remember them all. That would only be more trouble for me. Hehe.
What did you say? I don’t have to get all the games at once? I can wait? What are you saying dear sir/madam? You crazy. O.O

First Tales of Berseria trailer

So we’ve finally have a trailer for the newest Tales of game, Tales of Berseria. While it is not confirmed for a western release, I do hope Bandai Namco keeps up with their good work of releasing Tales of games in the west.

I like what I see, even if what we see isn’t much. But I already want the game, I want it bad!! So just as usual with Tales of games. I’m looking forward to a longer trailer and to see some better artwork of Velvet and hopefully we’ll see some of her companions soon. Damn, I really wish it could be October now. I really, really want to play Tales of Zestiria now.. Good things come to those who wait. Or so they say.

E3 2015: The rest of the show

And the E3 conferences have ended, well they ended some days ago actually.
This year was a pretty good show, with some surprises that actually interests me.
My biggest surprise among everything is that Square Enix and PlatinumGames are making a new NieR game. I was ecstatic to say the least. NieR was one of my favorite games for the previous generation so I’m very hyped about this one. PlatinumGames really is making every game from now on, they are involved in Transformers: Devastation, new NieR and Star Fox Zero for the Wii U.

We got too see a great new clip from Kingdom Hearts III and it looks bigger than ever! We got confirmation that Star Ocean 5 is being released in west for the PlayStation 4 in 2016 and we got a video of the game. I’m amazed how well it worked with their seamless battles, walking in the fields, see a monster and the battle menu pops up. While this is nothing new, I’m just amazed how quick it is! And you can have a big party with you to battles, they show 6 characters in battle at the same time and there seems to be room for one more. Crazy.

While Square Enix conference was long, they had some pretty sweet announcements that spoke to me. The one I found most boring was Nintendo. I liked their show with the puppets, but they didn’t announce anything new that spoke to me. They showed mostly stuff that was already announced and stuff that I already want, but I can’t honestly remember if there was anything else that spoke to me. Probably not, and remember this is my opinion. If you liked it good for you, good for you that you got something out of it.

All in all one of the best E3 in a good while. Usually there are just about one or two games that usually interest me. But this year there was a bunch, so I’m happy. I’m glad there was such a focus on the games this year from the big 3, they didn’t talk sales numbers or stuff like that. They just rolled with it and I liked that. They can do something separate if they want to announce how much they’ve sold. This E3 will certainly be remember as one of the better ones. What was your favorite stuff from E3?

E3 2015: The show so far

Now that both Microsoft and Sony’s show is over, lets see what where some of the highlights for me. I liked Microsoft’s event this year, first time ever I think. They where focused and it felt like they finally knew what they where doing, a bunch of great announcements. The first gameplay of Rise of The Tomb Raider was awesome.
The Rare collection which includes 30 titles from Rare, that’s a lot of quality games you get there. They announced that Xbox One would become backwards compatible with Xbox 360 games, which probably was my biggest surprise and something I think is great. The Minecraft / Hololens demo was pretty fucking awesome I must say.

Sony re-revealed The Last Guardian, guess it wasn’t canceled. I for one don’t care for the game at all, but I know a lot of other folks do, so I’m happy for them. Creator of Shenmue, Yu Suzuki revealed a Kickstarter for Shenmue 3, never thought I’d see the day. But then they went and revealed something I never thought I would see ever and that was the remake of Final Fantasy VII. Yes, they are finally remaking that game. I’m not a FFVII fan, I liked the game sure, but it’s not my favorite and I liked Crisis Core more. But I still got very excited over this news. They showed a lot of stuff that doesn’t interest me as much, but we got to see the first gameplay of Uncharted 4 and it looked good.

And now for two things that was not show in any of the press events, PlatinumGames is making Transformers: Devastation and it looks awesome! Really looking forward to that.

And I just check my Twitter just a short while ago, to see them having announced that they are releasing the 20th anniversary DualShock 4 controller separately! This might not a very big deal, but damn I’m in love with that color and the colored Home button. It really gets the nostalgia in me flowing, I need this controller. I’m going to get this controller when it is released in September. I’ve also wanted a second controller for a while, so this will be my new main controller and the other will be Player 2 controller.

Some really great stuff and so far one of the better E3 in a while. And let’s not forget we still have Nintendo’s and Square Enix event to see later today. But right now I need some sleep.

A slow month

May has been an incredible slow month, to the point of boredom. Not much has happened, there hasn’t been much to do. Among the two most exciting things this month was my Gameboy Advance project and the kickstarter of Bloodstained from Koji Igarashi. Google the guy if you don’t know, but as of this moment it’s close to reaching 3 million dollars! I’m proud to be backing this, I want more of Iga’s IGAvania/Metroidvania games.

I want to give a huge shout out to my friend Jrpgeek. He gave me an old Gameboy Advance SP he had lying around at home and some bonus petite Tales of characters! Super thanks man! I truly appreciate it, really I do.

May might have been a slow month, but thankfully June will be anything but slow for me. Firstly I’m really looking forward to next weekend (6-7 June) because it is time for Tales of Festival! Where it seems like we’ll be getting an announcement of a PlayStation 4 version of Tales of Zestiria! And hopefully more good Tales of news! More Tales of games are never a bad thing. I for one would love a PS4 port of Tales of Vesperia, since we who live outside of Japan never got the “complete” version of the game. With added characters, story and other goodies. I’ll keep dreaming. Then we have E3 this month, 15-16 June are the most important dates, Sony, Nintendo and Square Enix are what I’m looking forward to this year.

Then my vacation starts on June 22nd and then the 23rd It’s time to return to Gotham in Batman: Arkham Knight! And there will probably be more activities I’ll do on my vacation, so it will be a great change of pace compared to May. I hope for many great game announcements this E3 and I’m hoping I can find a new apartment soon, so yeah there is definitely more going on this upcoming month. Not to mention that four of my friends have their birthdays in June! And just a few days apart, but I guess that’ll be fun too. =)

My GameBoy Advance project!

I’m finally done with my GameBoy Advance project! I feel so incredible happy that it was a success. I put a GBA SP 001 screen inside an original GBA, might not be the most impressive thing ever and the screen is still a bit dark, but I did it all by myself and I’m proud. =)

Here is what it looked like when I got it, full of sticker and all a bit nasty. I got rid of the stickers and cleaned it up a bit and it looked much better.

Sadly I didn’t document this project, I sort of forgot since I got the part I needed to start the project today so I did just that. Started the project without thinking about doing some documentation, so I’m a bit sad about that. But hey, at least I have something to show. So here it is, with a brand new spanking housing. In a much, much better color in my opinion.

The first two pictures is how much the screen is lit up, if you have an original GBA you’ll know this is actually much, much brighter. The last two pictures are taking with my flash on the camera, I wish the screen was as bright as the last photo turned out to be. But I’m still pleased and it was fun to do, I’m glad everything went well and everything seems to work like it did before. I’m still going to try and get a GBA SP 101 later, but I won’t be modding that one, it will be strictly used for playing on.