It’s November again!

So here we are, November and almost at the end of 2014. Man this year has really flown by, I hardly noticed where the time went. Oh, well talking about how this year has gone will have to wait until next month. So I have a whole lot of work in front of me in November, I’m going to travel and hold a two day course about my job in Malmö. I’ve never done it away from home, so it’s both incredible freighting and somewhat exciting. The day after that I have a meeting in Malmö and then the week after that I’m going go on a two day course myself. And then there are a couple of smaller things. So yeah, I’m booked for almost two weeks. But like I said its nice and I like doing this, I’m just a bit terrified about the traveling. I’m not to fond of that since I’ll be going alone, even if Malmö is pretty close.

In 9 days I’ll finally be playing Tales of Hearts R on PlayStation TV! I’m really looking forward to that! TOHR will most likely be my last JRPG for this year, then I will have to try and get started with The Last of Us Remastered. Sure I played the original on PS3, but I want to play it again and see how much “better” the PS4-version is. I also want to play the new Tomb Raider again, finally got a hold of the Definite Edition so gotta get through that too.
Next year will be a crazy year for gaming, Final Fantasy Type-0, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Tales of Zestiria, Batman Arkham Knight and many more! My gawd!

I finished the second season of The Walking Dead game, pretty good. The first season was a bit better, but this was good too. I also beat The Legend of Korra game, I’m not so sure what I think of that… I liked parts of it, others not so much. I wish it was more polished, had a bit more variety to it. If you like Korra and Platinum Games, sure give it a try. But perhaps buy it when it’s discounted. I know there was something else I really wanted to write about, but for the life of me I can’t remember what. Hm… So I guess I’ll leave it at that today. Thinking a bit about doing a third YazTalks, just have to find a subject to talk about and I would like to make it better. Just wish I had the time for all the stuff I want to do.

Games, movies and hopefully fun

Man this month has been a killer so far. It hasn’t been easy dragging yourself out of that damn hole called depression, I’m still crawling up and it feels better. But I’m more or less still an emotional wreck when I am alone. Well as I said, its better now. But I’ll be more than happy when this “period” is over and I can go back to feeling well and actually function properly again.
The worst thing about this is that it leaves me with little to no motivation or energy to do anything, I’ve had inFAMOUS: First Light for a while now and I’ve played it for about an hour. I just don’t have any motivation to play games. And now I can play Dust: An Elysian Tail that has interested me for a while, but noooo! Just waste the days by staring at the computer of ceiling.

It’s the same with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World, I started playing it and got past the intro part. Met Martha for the first time and had my first fight and lost all interest, and it’s not because the game is bad mind you. Still way to early in the game to have an opinion about it, but yeah. It’s like this no matter what I play right now. But hopefully after tomorrows work is done, I can start relaxing and get into something. And while we are on the subject of the Tales of-series, next month Tales of Hearts R will finally be released! And Bandai Namco today announced the game will have support for PlayStation TV, so if you rather want to play it on your TV than on an handheld go right ahead. You can read about it here on the PlayStation Blog. I think this was a great choice and I hope more people who release Vita games make them compatible with PSTV. I hope some old games get some patches to work with PSTV too. I like the Vita don’t get me wrong, but as I’ve said before about handhelds, I’d rather play on a TV-screen. Mostly because my hands cramp so damn easily with handhelds.

If everything goes well, me and Elden should be watching at least three other horror or monster flicks this weekend. On the menu we’ll find, Spiders, Cabin in the Woods and one more that I for the life of me can’t remember right now. Which sucks a bit. I have never seen Spiders before and my expectations are as low as they can be, if I can get a laugh out of the movie at least it won’t be a total waste. Cabin in the woods on the other hand is a movie favorite of mine, I love it! So I’m really looking forward to see that one again. When it’s closer to Halloween we’ll be watching Trick ‘r Treat, we both like that movie very much! I don’t think we’ll watch any of the Halloween movies ironically enough, but I’m hoping and we must keep out own tradition of Freddy VS Jason alive! We always watch it around Halloween and have done for the past 3-4 years now.

Depression, birthday and horror movies

I get a bit sad that I don’t write as much as I did before, since it is something I really enjoy. But as long as I’m writing something I’m good. Things have been weird for a while, like I’ve fallen into depression and I’m not really sure where to turn or what go do. And sometimes I get the feeling that I am not myself, I can’t explain it well. Like I’m trapped or something looking out from someone else’s eyes, hm… Now y’all probably think I’m crazy too.

There have been some highlights though. A friend from England came to visit and that was nice, we only see him once a year but it is fun and I hope he enjoys it too. Disappointed they never came over to my place, but what can you do? :/

Tried cheering up another friend who was feeling down, only to fall into depression myself and had to use medication again. I hate taking pills. But its starting to get better, but it will take a while before I am back to the old me. I’ve gotten inFAMOUS: First Light for the PlayStation 4, but I’ve hardly touched it. I hope fix that problem under this week. But I have played Muramasa Rebirth for PlayStation Vita and it was pretty nice. Can’t say it was anything spectacular, but it was nice. As usually I am waiting for Tales of Hears R and a few other games, we’ll see which I’ll be able go get.

Would love to go see Dracula Untold when it premiers, but I don’t have the cash for that now sadly. In the passing weekend me and Elden continued with our yearly tradition with watching monster/horror/scary movies in October, like many others do.
We saw Horns, The Howling and The Mist. God I love The Mist. In our upcoming movie viewing we are having a Jeffrey Combs days. We will at least watch From Beyond, Beyond Reanimator and The Frighteners. We have some other stuff to check out also, but right now I can’t remember any of them. Typical.

Oh, yeah. I’ve also done some upgrading to the “Games I’ve beaten” section, more work will be done on it later. But just about every console had their own section right now, a few consoles will share. And to finish things off today, I just wanted to say my birthday is on the 27th October hopefully it will be a good day. Just take it easy and relax, I’m not 25 anymore.

Time for ToS: Dawn of The New World!

After finishing Tales of Xillia 2 I was thinking of taking a break from JRPG’s, but then I started doing a bunch of extra sidequests and stuff. So I though I should play Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World instead of just grinding levels in a game I’ve already beaten. Sure I have more to do in it to get “everything”, but right now I’d much rather focus on games I haven’t played.

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality

I have heard a lot of negative stuff about this game, but it won’t keep me from playing it and to form my own opinion of the game. I have played a few hours of it before on the Wii, but I wasn’t to fond of the controlls. It feelt a bit weird to me and since I am playing the PlayStation 3 version of the game I can play with a controller I like. Not saying it was bad, it just didn’t work for me.

I really like the graphical style, I almost wish the first Symphonia game was remade with these models. I like the more vibrant colors of the game, it is almost like a cartoon. I’m not a fan of monsters taking the place of real characters in the game. You have Emil, Martha, monsters and sometimes you get guest characters that are the old characters from the first game.

I had forgotten what a bunch of assholes the people of Luin are in this game. Emil’s parents was killed by “Lloyd” and he of course hates him for that and because he has an opinion different from all the others in Luin he is treated like shit. It almost makes my blood boil! Mostly because bullying like that sadly excists for real and it pains me. I myself have been treated like I wasn’t worth jack shit, so I really feel for Emil here. Thank god he has Martha at least and she is a breath of fresh air. I really like how open with how she feels about Emil. Not many characters are so open with whom they love in games, so I really like this. Tenebrae is also a great character and will probably get even better/funnier the more I progress through the game. I’m looking forward to see more of the characters.

I’m not sure what the game will give me or what lies ahead for me. Let’s see if I like the game or if I will become of those who dislike it. I don’t think I will though, from what I’ve played I lile it and I take it for what it is.

Tales of Xillia 2 – The feelings

So I finished Tales of Xillia 2 yesterday and I enjoyed it very much. I think it is a worthy successor to Tales of Xillia and one of the best games I’ve played this year. Not to mention that it has been my most anticipated games of the year for me. I am going to talk a bit about the game, but then I’m going to jump in more on the story and there is going to be spoilers. So if you haven’t finished the game stay away from now on. Just wanted to warn you all so you can hang me for it later. From here on there will be spoilers.


Trying something new [audio]

Hello everyone! I’m trying something new today! I’m making an audio recording and since this is so new for me, I’m only talking in Swedish. I hope some can enjoy it and I hope to get a bit more training with this, so I can feel more comfortable about this. Would love to make more of these in the future, the file isn’t edited much so I hope you can deal with that. Thanks and take care guys! OH, btw. The audio is not edited so its pretty raw and I make a few mistakes. Hope you’ll give it a listen to anyway.

YazTalks – Episode Zero: The first test [in Swedish]

Please have a listen an tell me what you think.

Life, death and stuff

Damn, I’ve been so busy this past month. I really haven’t had anytime to write anything or rather I’ve been much to tired to write anything. I’ve more or less been working nonstop and working overtime, just to be sure we’ve had everything ready at work. But soon everything will be back to normal there too, so it will be good. No more extra weekend shifts, just my one regular working weekend. It’s gonna be good.
My damn cellphone is slowly dying. The battery is messed up, just like the rest of the phone. But then again it was a cheap crap phone, I just got since I needed something. But I’m so tired of it now, I’ve been eyeing a Nexus 5 which I’ve only heard good things about. If I can managed to get one it would be a early birthday present to myself, I must have a phone in my work, one that I can sync to my mail and calendar. Those two things are very important, if I just needed to speak I could have bought something much cheaper. But for once I’d like to have a really nice phone and not settle for a cheap piece of shit.

… And I guess no one missed the news of Robin Williams passing. That really hit me hard, people die everyday and usually I don’t think too much about it. It’s not like I can do anything about it. But I was genuinely sadden by that news, Robin Williams was a great actor and one of my favorite actors period! He was not only good at comedy but I loved him in One Hour Photo. This upcoming weekend I’ll be having a bit of a Robin Williams marathon, gonna watch some of my favorite movies with him. R.I.P Robin Williams and thanks for everything you gave us.

It is a little less than a 1½ week for the European release for Tales of Xillia 2, so looking forward to that! I’ve even taken some more vacation time so I can spend time with the game. I really am looking forward to that game, so much that I actually haven’t been playing much else. Well I finished Strider and I’m not quite sure what I think of that game, it was okay but probably not much more in my book. I’ve also gotten The Last of US: Remastered and I hope to find the time for that one, some day too. Its not a priority to play that title again, since it wasn’t all that long ago since I finished the game on my PlayStation 3.
I have some more games I’d like to get my hands on this year, Infamous: First Light, Ar Nosurge, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX, Tales of Hearts R and a few more. Hopefully I’ll be able to get them all. I’m trying to put some money away since I’m looking for a new apartment, if I get one there will likely be no more games for me this year.

Last weekend I went out with my friends Elden and Tenchi to fish. Man I haven’t gone fishing in years, it was actually pretty fun and relaxing. Sadly we didn’t get anything. Okay, okay I’m lying. I managed to get four clams and a water leaf. So I got a clam-salad! Haha… Yeah.. Hopefully the next time we’ll actually get some fish too, that would be pretty nice.