Hur mår man egentligen?

Av någon anledning har jag undvikit att gå till doktorn, kan väl ha med att göra att jag haft lite misstro till dem. Då de aldrig hjälpt mig så mycket när jag var yngre och hade behövt hjälp, en annan sak är väl att jag helt enkelt inte gillar det. Jag blir verkligen tvungen att öppna upp mig för någon och berätta precis allt, hur jobbigt det än är och det är väl just det som tar mycket på mig. Men det var givande med de saker jag tog upp med doktorn, han lyssnade och antecknade allt och har en teori om vad det är. Om det är det som “felar” så förklarar det en helt del av hur jag mår och är.
Just nu vill jag inte skriva något här, mest för att inget är bekräftat än. Men jag ska återkomma och göra lite fler tester, ni behöver inte vara oroliga dock. Det är inget farligt eller jo kanske, men det beror nog på hur det drabbar person till person.
För min del är det ingen fara om det är som det är nu. Alltid roligt med sådana här, jag ska berätta en sak men ändå säger jag inget texter eller hur?
Nä, jag ville mest säga att de är något på spåret och vi ska följa upp med det och är det som felar, kommer jag berätta. Tror jag kommer må bättre efter det, då jag kommer få den hjälp jag behöver. Plus att som jag då sa, att det är en förklaring till varför jag är som jag är ibland.

I övrigt känns det väl helt okej, just nu åtminstone. Är väl lite glad över att jag inte blev sjukskriven, hade nog börjat klättra på väggarna efter ett tag. Men fasen vad jag längtar till april, då är jag ledig en hel vecka. Det ska bli underbart att få vila ut sig riktigt ordentligt då, då blir det att spela en hel de Final Fantasy Type 0 HD och då även demot på Final Fantasy XV, det ska bli kul. För att inte nämna att jag och min polare ska se klart på andra halvan av The Walking Dead season 5, det är också något jag ser fram emot. Ja, jag ska helt enkelt bara göra saker jag tycker är kul och förhoppningsvis innebär det också att det blir lite sittande vid datorn.

Hade jag haft mer pengar hade jag nog lite smått velat börja samla på tv-spels figurer igen. Hade verkligen velat ha de två Play-Arts figurerna av Rinoa Heartilly och Squall Leonhart från Final Fantasy VIII. Även en figur på Zack Fair från Final Fantasy VII / Crisis Core hade varit grymt att ha. Man får se vad som händer i framtiden, kanske blir det något man kan spara ihop till.

New year, 2015 is here!

Yeah, I am a bit late with this post. I was going to post it by the middle of the first week in January, that was my original goal at least. But I didn’t really know what to write about, well I did but it didn’t seem so important to just write a few lines and then be done. I wanted to make a bigger entry and then I had to handle a few things at work, like fixing a few stuff for my “big” travel later this month.
I’m going to Stockholm and while I do live in Sweden I have never been there, much less traveled by airplane. And that’s what I’m going to do, going to travel to Stockholm for my work and stay there for one night and then fly home again. I’m terrified of flying, but it takes about 45min – 1hour, it beats taking the train for 8hours plus… So that’s is going to be a real adventure for me, so we’ll see how that goes.
While I’m in Stockholm I’m going to try and find “Japanska Torget“, where I can buy Japanese curry roux. So I can try and make my own Japanese curry, I’ve wanted to try that so damn long! It always looks so damn tasty!

And I have been drinking/eaten any sodas/candy since the end of 2014, but this weekend I ate some candy. But I didn’t really taste all that good, so I more or less think I’m done with that sugar shit. Sure there are some things I’ll miss, but why eat or drink something that’s not good? I really want to lay of all of those things so I can loose some weight. Sure I have to train too, but I’ll start with getting rid of that shit first. So I’m hoping that will go well, because I really, really want to loose weight and I’ve been eating sweets, candy and drinking soda on almost daily bases. So it needs to stop. =/

The New Nintendo 3DS is releasing February 13 in Europe and I’m very glad we are getting the black regular one, that is the one I want! So I’ve gotten a preorder for one, traded away some old stuff I’m probably never going to touch again. I need a handheld console now if there is going to be more traveling with my work, as I suspect. Will be getting Xenoblade Chronicles 3D when it releases in April for it, it is exclusive to NN3DS. Then I want to play a bunch of older Nintendo DS titles, like the Dragon Quest games. I really want to play Super Princess Peach too, it looks like a fun game and for once you have to rescue Mario. Then in March it is time for Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, I am really looking forward to that one as well. I’ve wanted to play it since the original was released 2011 on the PSP, but now I’ll get my chance.

I’d like to get some kind of gaming headset too, so I can use it on the computer too. So I can chat on my PS4, PS3 and PC. That’s the most important, but that will have to come in the future. Oh, right I almost forgot. This year I’m going to Sci-Fi Mässan in Malmö again. I didn’t go last year since I was a bit tired of it, but I’m definitely going this year. So I’m looking forward to that a bit, hopefully there will be some great stuff and hopefully great cosplay again.

The end of 2014

Back to winning in English again as you can so clearly see. So here in Sweden we are almost nearing midnight and that means the end of 2014.
It had been an pretty okay year, nothing more nothing less.
The last movie of 2014 for me was Sideways that I’ve just finished watching. It was a pretty nice movie, Paul Giamatti is always great. Need to rewatch Shoot em Up again soon.

Last game I’ve played this year turned out to be Injustice: Gods Among Us for PlayStation 4. I’m guessing first game I play/beat in 2015 will be
Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition, a great game that I’ve played before for the PlayStation 3. It felt like it was deserved to be replayed on the PS4.
I’m not so sure about my game of the year, but I’m fairly certain is either
Tales of Xillia 2 or Tales of Hearts R. The worst game for me this year is Watch_Dogs, it did not live up to the hype for me. Looking forward to all the games coming out next year all the movies,I really hope 2015 will be a really great year.

Well folks, thanks for this year. Looking forward to the adventures next year will bring. I’m hoping it will be a new start for things. Take care y’all.

Hur har 2014 varit?

Då 2014 går mot sitt slut, ska man kanske kolla tillbaka lite på året. Har det varit ett bra eller dåligt år? Jag vet faktiskt inte, känner nog att det varit ett rätt okej år som gått lite upp och ned. Har mått bra från och till, har fortfarande varit en fight med depressionerna. Varit mycket jobbande, nästan lite för mycket kan jag tycka… Men jag trivs med det jag gör, men ibland skulle jag nog ta det lite lugnare än jag gör.

Känner jag borde nog försöka hitta en hobby till nästa år. TV-spel är inte en hobby egentligen, då det är en så stor del av mitt liv. Men då jag känner jag haft stora perioder under året då jag inte orkat spela, så behöver jag något annat man kan fokusera på. Så det framförallt känns bättre och roligare att sätta sig och spela, kan ju vara så att jag spelat fel typ av spel också. Men kan ändå vara skönt att finna andra saker att koppla av med.
Men när TV-spel ändå är på tapeten, så kan jag ju säga att jag nått en personlig milstolpe i år. Jag har klarat över 100 spel till PlayStation 3! Det är den enda konsol jag har spelat så många spel på, känns sjukt. Nästan overkligt faktiskt, men det borde det kanske inte göra. Spelet nr 100 blev Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, verkligen inte det bästa spelet att ta plats etthundra med, men vafan det får väl gå. För övrigt har jag klarat 24 spel i år på olika konsoler, lite mindre än förra året.

Nästa år ska jag försöka bli hälsosammare, försöka sluta äta godis och dricka läsk. Laga mera mat, äta mindre partitioner. Jag vill verkligen gå ner i vikt, så nu är det fan att anstränga sig ordentligt. Detta är inget nyårslöfte, jag ger inte sådana. Men från och med det nya året ska detta gälla, så vill jag äta något onyttigt eller käka godis eller sådant, så får det bli under de dagarna som är kvar. Det blir att dricka mer vatten sedan, något jag varit väldigt dålig med. Eller snarare, jag dricker inte så mycket vatten som man behöver. Så jag hoppas att vänner hjälper mig med detta, det kan bli jobbigt att stå emot. Så jag hoppas jag har erat stöd, även om det kan bli att man blir sur en stund.
Det ska bli spännande. Men även en annan utmaning väntar mig nästa år… Jag ska flyga för första gången i mitt liv, jag vet inte riktigt hur det kommer att gå, men jag är nervös som fan kan jag säga. Ska åka på en utbildning i Stockholm med jobbet, så första gången jag flyger och första gången i Stockholm. Ska bli spännande minst sagt! Om det inte kommer något mer inlägg innan året är slut, så får ni alla ha ett riktigt underbart resterande år. Hoppas även att erat 2015 blir riktigt bra!

Some of my favorite PlayStation 3 games

I love my PlayStation 3, it has brought me literally thousand of hours of joy! Its probably the only console so far that I have beaten over 100 games on also. Of course I have gotten some favorites over the years, so this post will be about those titles I’ve enjoyed or just liked extra much. It will not be about all my favorites, just some of the titles I’ve had a blast with. They might have given me an extra laugh or just been fun to play, they had something little extra that made playing them awesome for me. Now some of these games are multiplatform games and are also out on the Xbox 360 for example, but it’s just that I beat the game on a PS3. Of course I’ve gone through some crappy games too, but I don’t want to talk about those games.

Batman: Arkham Asylum (Arkham series)

There has been a bunch of Batman games in the past, but none of them was especially good in my opinion. It was when Rocksteady made Batman: Arkham Asylum I played my first good Batman game. And boy I really enjoyed it!
While I also do like Arkham City and Arkham Origins. As I said Arkham Asylum was the first game that I thought that did Batman justice. The presentation of Batman, the designs of the villains. Everything feels top notch! I am so looking forward to Batman: Arkham Knight.


I’m a big fan of The Legend of Zelda series and I’ve always wondered why no one besides Nintendo could make really good adventure games like that. It seemed like no one ever really tried, until Darksiders! It has the elements of a TLOZ game and is set in a post apocalyptic future (meh), but it is a really great game. Of course it has its own problems like every game does, but this is still the closes thing to a 3D Zelda game, that isn’t a Zelda game and that isn’t on a Nintendo console. If you haven’t played a single Zelda game BTW, go do it now!

Lollipop Chainsaw

Now a lot of people will probably look at me and go WTF!? But this game is awesome! It has it all! Humor, music, zombies, foul language, and a hot babe with a fucking chainsaw (swing). The story is whacked and the whole game is just crazy, but that’s the reason I like it, and it has really good music! The zombie bosses in the game all have their own music style, for example, we have the viking metal boss Vikke. Voiced by Michael Rooker, badass! And the games script is written by James Gunn who directed Marvel’s, The Guardians of the Galaxy. I had a ton of fun with and at this game, I really do love this game.

Tales of Graces f

While the PS3 has gotten a bunch of awesome Tales of games, of all that are released in the west my favorite is… Dare I say it? Tales of Graces f. The characters are not the best, I’ll admit that. But I still like them and the world they live in and I really love the combat! Out of all the Tales of games, this is probably one of my favorite when it comes to combat. It was a blast playing! So much that I actually cleared the game three times! And I got the platinum trophie from the game. Love it, like it, hate it. Do what you must, I love it.

Uncharted 2

The first and third Uncharted games are also great, but it was the second game I found to be the best. The one I enjoyed more. Good villain, good story and I loved the environments. It had a great cinematic feel to it and was my favorite game to be released in 2009. And it had a fun multiplayer, which I and some friends constantly played. We loved it! Too bad the multiplayer in Uncharted 3 wasn’t as good in my opinion.

As I started in the beginning of this post, these are just some of my favorites. There are tons of games I have enjoyed immensely. But listing them all and why, would be too time consuming and I’m not sure I can put into words why I enjoyed them all. No one has to agree with this list, but it would be nice to find more people who actually enjoyed these games.

Work, play and more work

Man I am so glad that next week is going to be a “normal” work week. I’ve had my hands full with some courses, both learning and holding my own. And right now I’m so tired of it, but I have a two day course left to hold in the beginning of December then that’s over for this year. Then we’ll get ready for some new stuff next year, I might be tried of it right now but it is fun. I wouldn’t have done it if I though it was crap or I didn’t get any satisfaction from it. That would just be wasting everyones time.
I’m going to work some extra in December, I really need the extra cash to be able to survive in January. Some big bills are on the way then. Wouldn’t be much of a problem if I had the chance to actually save some money. Well at least when my debts are payed that will be a problem of the past and oh boy, I am looking forward too that! I am not looking forward too how tired I’ll be from all the extra work, but what can you do? You do what you have to in order to survive, you can rest when you are dead… =/

Would be nice if there was some money over later to actually get something nice, maybe some new clothes or just something. Maybe some new games, maybe could get a better couch I really need a new one… Sadly there isn’t any money, but there is always expenses. I really wish it was the other way around, if just for one month. Just to feel how it feels to not have to worry about money and your economy. *dreams*
I’ve spent almost the entire day changing my blog, I got a new theme I’m very pleased with. Even if it does look a bit like the other one I had, there are some changes here and there. I’m not going to go into detail about it though, I doubt anyone really cares about it either. I am however looking forward to the day when the newly drawn picture of me is ready to use on the site. Not sure when it will be ready, but hopefully soon. =)

Since it’s been a rough past two weeks, I haven’t been playing like I wanted to. And I’m not really feeling it today, so I might just watch a movie or something.
But I am about 11hours into Tales of Hearts R and I love that game! No surprise there! Tomorrow is game day, so I’ll be spending the whole Sunday just playing. Nothing else matters! I love playing the game on the PlayStation TV, it works great! I just hope they add more support to the thing. Like some of the old PSP Final Fantasy games from PSN and stuff like that. Come on Sony and add more games to your whitelist!

Tomorrow its time for Tales!

Tomorrow I’ll finally be able to pick up my copy of Tales of Hearts R. Really looking forward to play that game, it will most likely be my last JRPG of the year. So I really gotta make it count! The last one for the year has to be special. ;)
But then again, who knows if I’ll manage to finish of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World before the year ends. While I think its unlikely that I’ll jump on another JRPG after finishing another, you never know. Oh, right. As I was typing this it just came to my attention that Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD REMiX will be released soon too, so I’ll have to find time for that too. Hummm… Someone have some sparetime to give?

I’ve started playing Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for PS4. I played the original game before, but I had forgotten how fun I thought it was to play. Love hunting my enemies with a bow, mwhaha! It is my favorit weapon in the game.
I should go over and review the games I’ve played this year and see what title I’ll grown GOTY (Game Of The Year).
And I need to make a better list of some of the games I am looking forward to next year and I mean a better list than I have done in the past. So I hope I can start working on that too.