I must see Wreck-It Ralph

Hahaha! I just gotta watch Disney‘s newest movie, Wreck-It Ralph. It takes place inside a videogame land! And there are a few famous cameos like, Bowser, Dr.Eggman and so on. Just check out the trailer below, I think its cool of the videogame companies to lend out their characters like this. Can’t wait to see the movie, I think it will be nerdy. :3

Cleared Dante’s Inferno

Woooh! I’ve been playing this whole damn day! Since it’s a holiday in Sweden, I made the most out of it. And since I hadn’t played something in a while I decided to go with Dante’s Inferno. I played through the whole game in one sitting, only took two breaks to visit the toilet, no other breaks of pauses. And that felt so damn great! Feels like it’s been like forever since I did something like that, but then again I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t enjoy the game.

The game is based on the Divine Comedy, which I know next to nothing about. Well the stuff I’ve learned from this game that is. So I’ll not go deeper into that, but I like what I’ve experienced in the game. One feeling I sadly couldn’t shake when playing Dante’s Inferno was the feeling of playing God of War. I really like the God of War series, it’s not that. But I am saddened that some parts of DI directly reminded me of GOW. Hell, in one area I even remembered something from GOW and wondered how the hell I knew that about DI, but yeah…

I don’t think it’s just because it’s a hack ‘n slash game, since I’ve played a few other GOW clones and never really got the feeling that they felt like GOW, but then again. Perhaps I shouldn’t complain about that I like GOW and I like DI they are both good games, too bad we’ll probably never see a Dante’s Inferno 2. If you like games like God of War I highly recommend you give this one a try, it’s made by Visceral Games know for the Dead Space games. I honestly like Dante’s Inferno more than Dead Space series. Well, I haven’t played DS2 yet. I’m saving that for Halloween so we’ll see what I think then. Either way, it a fun game and it’s fast paced battles are great.

E3 2012: Nintendo

It seems like this whole E3 has been very disappointing to me. While I do enjoy Nintendo’s own people like Reggie, Mr.Miyamoto and such I missed the great games. I could really careless about their NintendoLand, it might be fun. But it wasn’t very exciting to watch it. And the fact they just spent about 2-3 minutes on Nintendo 3DS made me sad, sure they’ll have a whole hour for that tomorrow but I would have loved to see something right now. The montages of Wii Fit U wasn’t interesting at all, but it was pretty nice to see what can be done with the Wii U. I’m definitely looking forward to more of those things.

New Super Mario Bros U looked very nice and is probably a lot of fun to play. Batman Arkham City Armored Edition, wasn’t as appealing as I’ve already played Arkham City. The new stuff with the controller will probably fun, but it didn’t do anything for me.
New Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3DS also looked very nice, but there was to much focus on gold of what they showed. Not really sure how to react to that really. Paper Mario: Sticker Star looked really fun, so i want to see more of that. Luigi’s Mansion is still one of my favorite GameCube games and Luigi’s Mansion 2, now know as Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon for 3Ds is something I’m really interested in.

So while I thought Nintendo’s conference was a bit boring too, I think they had the best E3. Since Reggie is very charismatic and he even made the “My body is ready” joke. Gotta give him that! But I’ll wait a bit and see what Nintendo will offer in their Nintendo 3DS conference .

E3 2012: Sony

And now Sony‘s show is over too. Just like Microsoft it was a disappointment, ugh. It wasn’t as boring as Microsoft, but nothing new was really shown. Okay they showed Beyond from Quantic Dream and it looks pretty great. But the whole Wonderbook thing for Playstation Move? Not interested at all. No price cuts for the PS Vita that many was expecting, nothing really new announced for Vita either…

So far this E3 has been rather disappointing. A shame really, since I usually enjoy Sony’s shows. The Last of Us looks great too, but honestly I was expecting more. A few secret games or a game announcement that would make you go completely gaga. Yeah, perhaps it’s just me expecting too much… My hope now entirely lies at Nintendo‘s mercy! I’m really hoping they’ll bring a few bombs tomorrow/later today. But since they are on E3 with a whole new console, I think I’m going to get what I want. Something new, something unannounced.

E3 2012: Microsoft

Now Microsofts E3 press conference is over and I can only say, thank god. That was one boring as show. Seriously, it was just about as bad as their conference they had last year. And the “boss” Dan or what his name was, he looks so lost on stage. Like he doesn’t know how to move or speak, and he feels so awkward…
I was really hoping they would have shown something from their new console. The best things in their conference was Splinter Cell that looked really awesome and that comes from someone who doesn’t like the series very much. But I can definitely see myself playing the new one.

And the other stuff I really enjoyed was Tomb Raider, it looks great. And of course it was fun to see the creators of South Park there and making fun of Kinect and Smartglass. Just to be clear, I do not hate Microsoft in anyway. It was just a boring show they put on. With a performance from Usher who proved to me that he couldn’t sing. If you like Halo and Call of Duty I hope you could get something out of this. I’m hoping Sony and Nintendo will deliver something that speaks to me more.

Goodbye Näsby! For good now!

Now I can leave my old apartment and Näsby behind me forever! Had the cleaning inspection today and it passed without any hitched, everything was great according to them. So that feels really good to hear, thanks all my friends who helped there. Otherwise I would have had to spend my entire weekend cleaning all by myself. We’ll I’ve given them the keys to the apartment, so I am officially free from it now. It feels like I’m free from the stuff that has tormented me for sometime, not everything. But I’m getting there, this is a great big start and the last post I’ll make about this whole Näsby crap and moving too. So no more bitching about it! Yay! =)

Now I’m gonna get back to my gaming! I’m thinking about starting Dante’s Inferno or continuing with Mass Effect 2, not sure what I want to do. Or I’ll just continue with ME2 and play Rune Factory Oceans when it arrives, hopefully by the end of the week. Either way I gotta play something until then.

I’ve seen a few movies too since last time. I saw Dark Shadows on cinema with my friends Hans, Anders and Marija. I liked that movie very much, both funny and good amount of seriousness. It was also my first Tim Burton movie I’ve watched in a cinema. And the next cinema visit will be when we see Prometheus in little more than a week, really looking forward to that one too.
I’ll post more stuff later, now I’m gonna enjoy this day since it I am free from work. So I’ll have to make the best of it and then back to work tomorrow. See ya all!

Do climbing sheep dream of Catherine?

I had my eyes set on Catherine for some time, it seemed to be a fairly interesting game. While I wasn’t very interested in the puzzle aspect of the game, I decided to give it a whirl. The game had gotten a bunch of praises from people who had played it, so I started dreaming and started climbing.

What can you call this game? A puzzle, climbing horror game? No idea, but that’s about the gist of it. I wanted to play the game for the story. It start with Vincent a regular Joe, with a regular job. His girlfriend since way back, Katherine (yeah, with a K) wants to move on. She wants to get married, but Vincent thinks are fine the way they are. And he becomes a bit pressured and stressed about the future. He doesn’t want things to change and that is where he meets Catherine. He “accidentally” cheats on his girlfriend and from there on it’s just a road of lies and trouble ahead. This is also the part where I started to hate Vincent.
Either way, he starts having nightmares where he has to climb blocks to reach a goal. If you die in this dream, you die for real.

It pretty fun and a bit disgusting to see how Vincent tries to handle the mess he got him into. I really enjoyed the story, I won’t go into it anymore. I don’t want to spoil anything for people who want to play it. As I said I played it for the story and got a sweet game! I’m not to fond of the puzzles or should I say game play. Some where fun others not, hard to say something other about it. It was a nice experience, I’m glad I played it.

Catherine to the left and Katherine, Vincent’s girlfriend to the right. Who would you pick? Katherine all the way for me!