Time for ToS: Dawn of The New World!

After finishing Tales of Xillia 2 I was thinking of taking a break from JRPG’s, but then I started doing a bunch of extra sidequests and stuff. So I though I should play Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World instead of just grinding levels in a game I’ve already beaten. Sure I have more to do in it to get “everything”, but right now I’d much rather focus on games I haven’t played.

Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality

I have heard a lot of negative stuff about this game, but it won’t keep me from playing it and to form my own opinion of the game. I have played a few hours of it before on the Wii, but I wasn’t to fond of the controlls. It feelt a bit weird to me and since I am playing the PlayStation 3 version of the game I can play with a controller I like. Not saying it was bad, it just didn’t work for me.

I really like the graphical style, I almost wish the first Symphonia game was remade with these models. I like the more vibrant colors of the game, it is almost like a cartoon. I’m not a fan of monsters taking the place of real characters in the game. You have Emil, Martha, monsters and sometimes you get guest characters that are the old characters from the first game.

I had forgotten what a bunch of assholes the people of Luin are in this game. Emil’s parents was killed by “Lloyd” and he of course hates him for that and because he has an opinion different from all the others in Luin he is treated like shit. It almost makes my blood boil! Mostly because bullying like that sadly excists for real and it pains me. I myself have been treated like I wasn’t worth jack shit, so I really feel for Emil here. Thank god he has Martha at least and she is a breath of fresh air. I really like how open with how she feels about Emil. Not many characters are so open with whom they love in games, so I really like this. Tenebrae is also a great character and will probably get even better/funnier the more I progress through the game. I’m looking forward to see more of the characters.

I’m not sure what the game will give me or what lies ahead for me. Let’s see if I like the game or if I will become of those who dislike it. I don’t think I will though, from what I’ve played I lile it and I take it for what it is.

3 responses on Time for ToS: Dawn of The New World!

  1. Har suttit med Tales of Phantasia på PS1 emulator lite i helgen och måste säga att den versionen krossar både SNES och GBA spelen hur enkelt som helst, har du spelat det? riktigt bra utgåva må jag säga.

    ToS2 är väl okej, har också bara spelat på Wii förut och orkade väl 10 timmar ändå, men tyckte inte det var värt att fortsätta. Lycka till!

  2. @ Kristoffer:
    Har kört lite på det tidigare, men då datorn kraschade så förlorade jag min sparfil så orkade inte börja om då. Men jag ska ge mig an det någon gång. =)

    Då får vi hoppas jag fastnar mer för dig än vad du gjorde. Tackar! =)

  3. +1 på Phantasia!

    Jag tillhör nog en av de som inte alls gillade ToS2.
    Som du säger “riktiga” karaktärer är att föredra framför monster, kontrollen var sådär, Emil blir lite för “överspelad” och världen kändes relativt instängd i jmf med andra dela i serien.
    Nu har jag också bara spelat runt 10-15 timmar av det men ska kanske ge PS3-versionen en chans när alla Tales-releaser lugnat ner sig lite.

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