PSN is back again!

Thank god! After what has seemed like an eternity, I finally received my password for my Playstation Network account. And I can finally log into it again! Happy days are here again!
So the first thing I’m gonna go when I get home from work today is start playing Ar Tonelico Qoga again.

Just look how happily Miyamae Kanako from Maria†Holic is dancing! You go girl! I am just as happy as you are right now! (Wish I was a chibi anime character too)
So now I’m gonna get ready for work, let the trophies sync which I hope will be done before I have to leave. If not I’ll just finish later. But goddamn it feels good as hell that I can access my PSN account again.
Yesterday was a very crappy day, I wish I had never gone out of bed. But today, yes today will be a really good day. I feel it in my entire body!

Some Playstation 3 games I want

2011 seems to be a good year for games, a lot of big squeals are coming out. And of course being a Playstation 3 owner that I am, I have a few treats to look forward to. Games like Infamous 2, Uncharted 3 and Batman Arkham City (also on PC & X360). I’m a bit sad to say that I’ve only kept eyes on the Playstation 3 games, well since its the only console I have right now. I think that’s pretty understandable, I just wanted to make it clear to people I’m in no way a fanboy. I like all consoles they each have something to bring to the table, but right now I’m mainly focused on Playstation 3. So sadly, I have no idea what’s coming to the other consoles.
2011 in all seems to be a pretty big gaming year Nintendo 3DS has been released, the squeal to Nintendo DS. And Sony’s “NGP” (PSP2) might also see a release this year.
And then there are rumors about Nintendo showing their newest stationary console on this years E3, can’t wait to see all the goodness that will be shown this year. Well here is a little list of games I’m looking forward to this year. Well here is my list of some of the games I’m really looking forward to, they are in no particular oder. I wrote them down as I remembered them. So tell me, what games are you looking forward to?

Batman Arkham City
The sequel to one of the best games in 2009 is of course on this list! Anything else would be a goddamn shame! The world in the game seems to have expanded a whole lot. From being in Arkham Asylum in the first game, to run around in Gotham City. Or rather Arkham City that it has been renamed too. The whole city has become a prison, which Hugo Strange seems to govern with an iron fist. I want this game, I want this game now! I have complete faith in Rocksteady and can’t wait for them to give me my next Batman kick!

Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
The Disgaea series is about the only SRPG that I really like. Thanks to my friend Kntheking who introduced me too the series and since then, I’ve just keep on liking it more. The fourth game has new HD sprites, which looks really tasty. I’m hoping for the same kind of wonky humor I’ve come to love and expect from this series. It will be released sometime in September is nothing changes and I’m hoping it don’t. So in September its time for some crazy ass leveling again/grinding again!!

Infamous 2
I really liked the first one, it took some time for me to get into it. But once I was there I was caught. I loved running around in Empire City and frying people with my electrical powers! Whahaha! Sure, I helped people too. But it was a fun game and the sequel seems to be more of the same. But hopefully there is more variation, guess I’ll know next month. And boy! I’m having a hard time waiting!


Weird dreams and PS3

My old Playstation 3 had started acting weird, hard drive crashing at random. And nearing its end of warranty… Thankfully I had a bunch of old games I never played anymore, so I could trade those and the console in for a new Playstation 3 slim. So thanks to that I didn’t need to pay a single penny extra for the trade in. So now I have a brand new PS3 and 3 more years of warrant if anything happens. Now I can rest a bit easier about that at least.

And speaking of rest… For the last couple of days I’ve been sleeping very badly. I’ve been having weird dreams and nightmares, normally none of those things affect me or my sleep. But now for some reason they do, I would like to know why!? Since its pretty goddamn frustrating not to be able to sleep. And you can’t get that fucking dream out of your head. Mostly my nightmares are about people I love dying or getting hurt badly.
Another popular dream is that the ones I love are zombies, that’s actually pretty gruesome… Seeing your closest family and friends, with cracked skulls, guts hanging out and such. Its not very pleasant and those dreams are always so damn real. Nothing is out of the ordinary, environments and everything are 100% identical. The only difference is the zombies, but the rest is so real. So damn real…

And I sometimes dream about this girl, I have no idea who she is. But she is beautiful and we are a couple in my dreams. We have good times and are very happy together, but then I wake up. I’m left with a big feeling of emptiness, its so damn depressing. I’ve been having dreams about this for years.
The world is such a better place in these dreams, I wish I can meet this girl for real. Or someone like her, ugh… Yeah, now I’ve started to think about it all again…

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

I was interested in Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions for some time. It seemed to actually be a pretty decent game and it actually is. It has its problems but its one of the better Spider-Man game in years.
One thing I really do love about this game is the humor, I think they’ve successfully captured Spider-Man’s humor. And that they have reused some old Spider-Man voice actors to do the voices for the four Spider-Men in the game is a really nice touch.

Shattered Dimensions tells the story of four Spider-Men from different dimensions, I’ll be coming to that very shortly. The game starts with Mysterio breaking into a museum to get a hold of a mystic tablet. Let’s sell it on the black market he says and make a fortune!
But good old Spidey comes in to save the day. But he accidentally shatters the tablet, sending its pieces into three other dimensions. And this whole scene has been narrated by the man himself, Stan Lee. Don’t know who he is? Shame on you, go google him right away.


First out we have the dimension where is all begins. The Amazing dimension, with the classic lovable Spider-Man we all know. Amazing S-M is voiced by Neil Patrick Harris. This dimension is also more cell-shaded than the others, to give of that cartoony feeling. Then we have the Noir dimensions which is a dark and a bit more mature, its also almost always in black and white. To give that feeling of being an old movie. The 2099 dimension is a futuristic hightech take on Spider-Man, something I didn’t look forward to. But ended up liking really well. And last but not least, my favorite dimension Ultimate Spider-Man. The Spider-Man here is a bit younger and its also a bit more serious at times and sometimes funnier. And it has Deadpool in it, instant win.

The controls are okay, but could use some more work. One thing I do hate is that the Spider-Men have all the same attacks and never feel really special to use. They have a special attack that is unique to them, but its more of a variation between the attack the others have. The game is not free-roaming as the last games featuring Spider-Man has been, they gone for a more level design of it all. Some levels are big and give of a bit of a free-roaming feel, I think if the developers but down more time on an squeal they could make a real good Spidey game. The potential is there, but it really doesn’t come to surface because of the four Spider-Men. It would have been better to concentrate on one Spider-Man and making that game awesome.

All in all Shattered Dimensions is a pretty decent game, it has its problems. Problems that I’m hoping will be fixed, its a fun game. And I think I haven’t enjoyed a Spider-Man game like this since Spider-Man 2 on the GameCube. I’m looking forward to a new Spider-Man game and I hope they don’t do a dimension game again, focus on one Spider-Man that is more than enough. Flesh out that Spider-Man‘s story and level. I think everyone will benefit from this, play the game, borrow it or rent it. I think you’ll enjoy it if you like Spider-Man.

Tales of Xillia

Namco Bandai has announced is newest Tales of series game, this one will be called
Tales of Xillia. I bet this is another one of those games, that they won’t bother to localize.
But I’m hoping they will surprise us this time, who knows? Miracles can happen, so let’s pray.

Saints Row 2, Ice cream and propeller boobs

Saints Row 2 is a fun and pretty nice game, sure its filled with bugs that can be so damn annoying. But the bugs and glitches are so strange and weird sometimes, but you take the good with the bad. In this game you create your own character, the character creator is pretty decent. I’m hoping it will get expanded a whole lot in Saints Row 3.

This is what my character looks like, nothing special but then again I like how he turned out. And of course I gave him the British voice, the one doing the British voice is Charles Shaughnessy.
The guy who played Maxwell Sheffield in The Nanny, he has such a great voice. I really like it and to hear the lines from the game in his voice, is awesome. You can choose from two other male voices and three female voices. But none of them sounds as good as Charles voice. Hope to hear him in more games, he does Eldore’s voice in White Knight Chronicles too.

The game reminds me very much of the Grand Theft Auto series, but has a bit more of a dark humor to it. While GTA series, tries to be serious. Saints Row 2 can take is a bit more easy and just be a bit more fun. I love the humor in the games, like the sign and name for an ice cream place in the game… “Two Scoops, one cup” or the sign for “Turbulence” which is just weird… Its damn fun to play this game online with a friend, I’m really glad I got the game. Hope Saints Row 3 will come out soon.

Ready to crash some castles!

My friend Ezakiel gave me a gift today. He gave me a game! He gave me, Castle Crashers for Playstation 3! So now I can finally have some online multiplayer fun!
Come on KNtheking! Come and play with us, we both want to play this game with you. But of course, you and I will play it too. You and I! Thanks again, Ezakiel. This is awesome.