Deadpool 2 a fantastic movie!

This week has been trying to say the least, I’ve been stressed out and have been in a very foul mood. So much that it’s affected people around me, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve felt like this. Felt full of rage and just felt pissy, I wasn’t the best person to be with yesterday. Not only that I was exhausted but physically and mentally, so I was really afraid that I would fall asleep while watching the movie.
Now that would have felt extra good, paying for expensive movie tickets and falling asleep, man I would have been in an even shittier mood.

But Deadpool 2 was just the thing I needed! What a fantastic movie it was! I loved it from start to finish. And not only that, I got to have so many good laughs that I felt really rejuvenated after coming out of the cinema. It was just the thing I needed to fix my terrible mood. As always Ryan Reynolds is fantastic. I might be a bit gay for him, but then again who isn’t? I’ll just think you are lying if you say you aren’t. ;)
There is so much stuff I’d like to say about the movie, but that would give some of the surprises away. And I’m not going to spoil anyone.

Both Cable and Domino where fantastic additions to the movie, but then again
Josh Brolin is a really great actor, whom I’ve come to respect more and more.
I haven’t read that many comics with Cable, so I’m not sure how the character usually is. But this version of him at least was awesome and such a damn badass.
It was also super fun to see a character with the power of luck on the big screen, so much disaster around Domino and she just walks by like it’s nothing. I loved it.
Oh and of course, how could I forget Peter. Awesome new character. Haha.

While I do really enjoy Avengers: Infinity War, I must say that Deadpool 2 so far has been my favorite superhero movie of 2018. And I don’t think it will be topped for me.
Deadpool 2 is one of the best cinematic experiences I’ve had. Besides the movie making me feel better and getting some really good laughs, the other thing that made this so great was that the audience that was also watching the movie all had a good time. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced so much laughter and people having a good time at a movie before. It was amazing, not only was the movie awesome but the whole experience around it. This is without a doubt my favorite moment at a cinema and I think this movie has become my favorite comicbook movie.

Deadpool 2 måste jag se!

Jag fullkomligt älskade Deadpool filmen, den var väl mer eller mindre vad jag hoppades på och Ryan Reynolds gjorde rollen perfekt i mitt tyckte. Troligen var Deadpool min favorit film under hela 2016 och då var det en massa bra filmer jag såg. Jag gillar film, men jag köper i princip aldrig en film. Kan nog ganska lätt räkna upp vilka filmer jag köpt de 5 senaste åren, rätt lätt då det rör sig om två filmer. Transformers The Movie 30th Anniversary (tecknade) och naturligtvis då Deadpool.

Vill jag se film har jag en kompis som är film tokig och köper allt, så jag behöver bara knalla över till honom och låna något. Men hur som helst, Deadpool fick mig att köpa filmen och för mig är det stort, det visar verkligen hur mycket jag älskar och uppskattar filmen. Sedan har ju just Ryan Reynolds gjort ett fenomenalt jobb med att promota filmen på sin Twitter eller varför inte bara se följande klipp?

Men man får ju inte glömm Avengers: Inifinty War som också har premiär i år, den längtar man ju också något otroligt efter. Troligen är det också dessa två filmer som kommer vara mina favoriter för hela året och två filmer jag verkligen måste se på bio. Så som sagt får jag bara se två filmer på bio i år blir det Deadpool 2 och Avengers, sedan kan jag känna mig väldigt nöjd. Knappt så man kan bärga sig, men den som väntar på något gott…

Så här var mitt 2015

Året är nästan slut och det är dags att titta tillbaka på hur det varit. Det har om något varit ett relativt lugnt år, men det har ju hänt lite åtminstone. Både på gott och ont, det känns som det är en del som hänt. Men så börjar man tänka efter och inser att det är inte så mycket som hänt. En av de “större” grejerna som hänt nu de senaste månaderna är att jag börjat skriva på svenska istället för engelska.
Det känns rätt skönt att skriva på svenska, lite lättare att hitta orden och lite roligare. Förr skrev jag på engelska då jag gjorde mycket AMVs, men inget jag gör längre. Tyvärr. I framtiden kanske jag kan börja igen, men hur som helst. Ytterligare en anledning till att jag valt att börja skriva på svenska är att nästa år firar jag 10år med min blogg! :D

I januari så åkte för första gången flygplan, då gick jag ur min lilla skyddsbubbla och åkte till Stockholm. Var där på utbildning för jobbet, det var väl rätt kul att se. Dock blev det en överladdning i mitt system att säga, tog nästan 2 månader innan jag var mig själv igen. Det blir lätt sådär när man är folkskygg och utsätter sig för något sådant, sedan har det lite att göra med att jag blev lite utbränd också. Men det blev bra igen, sedan har jag tagit det lite lugnare.
Har hållit en del utbildningar med jobbet, det har varit roligt. Gör ju mycket det för att komma över min skygghet för folk och lättare kunna prata med personer.

Dags att åka flygplan för första gången…

Sedan fick jag en konstig smärta i magen eller i sidan av magen. Som först misstänktes kunna vara njursten, håller på att undersöka vad det kan vara nu. En annan läkare trodde det kunde vara magkatarr, så vi får väl se. Hoppas nog på njursten om något som spökat. Hoppas hur som helst det blir en lösning och får besked på vad det är som spökar i kroppen.
På tal om kroppen, så har jag även gjort en liten operation/ingrepp. Det är egentligen inget jag vill gå in närmare på, men något som kändes bra att få fixat. Ingen GBP operation i alla fall, men en sak som kan förbättra ens levnadssituation.

Fick äntligen mina tänder fixade, något som jag velat ha gjort ett bra tag. Men inte kunnat på grund av ekonomiska själ. Det är också en sådan sak som påverkat att man inte alltid velat åka ut och göra saker med folk eller visa sig bland folk till och med. Men nu känns det okej och rätt skönt, dessa problemen skapades av en infektion jag fick i munnen 2007 tillsammans med en del läsk drickande. I skrivande stund har jag dock inte rört läsk på snart 4 månader och det känns skönt!
Tar itu med godis nästa år (efter jul) och så ska jag försöka komma i bättre form än jag är, väntar ju bara på svar om skiten med magen. Men det ska nog bli bra.

Det är så härligt att kunna le igen!

Jag har ju spelat en del spel i år. Klarat av 31st (kan bli fler) så det är 7 mer än jag klarade förra året, så det känns ju kul. Får göra ett separat inlägg sedan när jag har bestämt vilka som var mina favorit spel för året, det tar ju lite tid att gå igenom. Men en sak jag gillar som jag gjort i år, var att jag var med och backade en Kickstarter på Bloodstained. Det är en spel ifrån Koji Igarashi, mannen som var med och skapade Castlevania Symphony of The Night, så kunde inte låta bli.

Det var väl vad jag kom på just nu. Det som är kvar av året är att se nya Star Wars nästa fredag, sedan blir det väl något med några polare på nyår. Det är väl det som ligger på kartan just nu. Nästa år väntar som sagt flytten, det blir väl i stort sätt det första jag börja med. Eller ja, jag har tillgång till lägenheten i februari. Sedan blir det bio med Deadpool i februari också, det ser jag fram emot. Hoppas vi får Tales of Berseria i väst nästa år också, det hade varit grymt! Vi får väl veta vad Nintendos nästa konsol är för något. Så det ser ut att kunna bli ett spännande år.

Vi är några vänner som snackar om att försöka åka till Kolmårdens djurpark nästa år, det hade varit riktigt kul. Hoppas det kan bli av, men jag är försiktigt optimistiskt.
Vi får helt enkelt se vad som sker. Hoppas 2016 blir ett mer händelserikt år, om inget annat så ska jag i alla fall flytta så det blir ju skönt. Ska äntligen ifrån min lilla ettan till en tvåa, det ska bli riktigt skönt att få ett sovrum! Ett kök att kunna sitta och äta i, mycket som man kanske tar för givet ibland. Så det ska bli otroligt kul att få inreda den lägenheten, i de två tidigare jag har bott i har jag inte gjort något speciellt.
Men nu ska det upp tavlor och annat, det ska synas att det är någon som bor där. Så har ni tips och idéer på inredning får ni gärna komma med det, alla tips är välkomna!

Some game stuff

Some videogame news have dropped today. Nothing major IMO, but some fun stuff, for me at least. And Tokyo Game Show is this month too, so I hope we’ll hear about some great new Japanese games. Hopefully get a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III would be sweet, some info on Dragon Quest Heroes II and Star Ocean 5.
And I do hope we do get some awesome surprises and hopefully what they announce, will also get an western release.

Deadpool Remaster
It seems Activision is trying to cash in on the Deadpool hype for the movie, by releasing the old Deadpool game on the newer consoles. It will probably cheap and a dirty port, but sadly I think I’ll buy it, when it’s cheaper. I liked the Deadpool game and I want it in my collection.

Resident Evil Origins Collection
After the announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake, I got some new interest in the series. So I was thinking about getting back into it and today Capcom announced Resident Evil Origins Collection. Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 remake on one disc, I do prefer my physical games. And they showed a new mode in RE0 called “Wesker Mode”. Capcom is slowly winning me back.

And today I finally got my copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I was a bit disappointed when it was shipped last Thursday, but still didn’t arrive until today. But hey, at lest it got here on release.

Played about 3 hours so far and it is nice! Really looking forward to this adventure with Big Boss. He is my favorite of the “Snakes”.

One more week to go!

AHH!!! Just one more week to work and them I have a three week vacation! How I look forward to that! I’m starting to feel really tired and to get a chance to recharge my batteries would be great. I’m just going to take it easy and just relax, not going to think about work once.
And then into my second vacation week, I finally get to put my hands on Tales of Xillia! I am eagerly awaiting that game! I want it and I want it now! I might even get the Collectors Edition of the game, that is if where I’m getting it from will get any in stock. If not it’s just the regular version for me then.

For the last couple of days I’ve seem to have hurt my neck while sleeping, It’s been aching like hell and I could hardly turn my head. Thank god it’s getting better now, it still aches a bit but it is getting better. So it wasn’t anything serious, thankfully. Other than that I am actually feeling pretty good, it has been some time since I’ve felt this good. So I am really hoping it will continue like this.

Last time I posted I told y’all that I had finished The Last of Us (great game!) after that I started playing Deadpool. I needed something funnier to get rid of the somewhat heavy feeling from TLOU, and Deadpool really delivered in the funny department. I am a big fan of Deadpool, I’ve have read most of the comics and enjoyed them very much. And I think High Moon Studios capture the funny stuff really well. I’m not all that sure about gameplay, I wasn’t too fond of that actually. But the game is definitely worth a try if you can borrow it. Deadpool is also the 86th Playstation 3 game that I have finished, gotta get a hundred at least! But that won’t be a problem. =)

Where to find some spare time?

I have been so busy this month I haven’t had time or energy to do something fun. Well in a way it is fun to be occupied since you always have stuff to do, the downer is that you become to tired to actually want to do anything later.
In the somewhat brief periods of time I’ve had, I have been playing Okami HD. And I enjoyed it very much, much more than I thought I would. It felt like a Zelda game at times and that it not all too shabby. But thanks to the atmosphere, the music and the time period of the game it made me really want to replay Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. The N64 game is one of my favorite games of all time, so fun and such great music. Ahhh…

Next weekend me and my buddy Elden are starting a new gaming marathon. We will be playing through all of the Mega Man X games! Probably not MMX Command Mission though. Looking forward to that, I have had an MMX itch for some time now and it’s time give that itch a scratch. Itches love scratches. Yeah… That was bad.

But speaking of Zelda, I was thrilled to hear that Nintendo is going to release a new Zelda game set in the same world/universe as A Link to The Past. It got me a bit hyped, since ALTTP is still my favorite Zelda game. We have also gotten a date for the upcoming Deadpool game. It will be released on June 28, so that is one game I gotta have. Then Tales of Xillia on August 9th and then in October I’ll be getting Batman: Arkham Origin. And this year we’ll enter a new console generation, that’s always exciting.

Games I’m looking forward to in 2013

And so it’s time for my games I’m looking forward to list again! This time its for the known games of 2012 that I’ll be writing about. But of course, it the world now ends in a few days who cares about stuff like this!?! Well there are quite a few games next year that I am looking forward to and these are only games that are confirmed to be released next year. I’m sure I could expand this list otherwise, but for now some of my most anticipated games for 2013 will have to do. The games are in no special order, I wrote them down in the order I remembered them. But of course some games are more anticipated than others.

Tales of Xillia
– Well, since I’ve made a couple of threads about this game before. I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say. Now give me the game!! =)

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch:
– Hehe, guess I’ve talked a bit about this title too. Really looking forward to see how Level 5’s game will play, I will not touch the demo that releases on the US PSN later tonight or the EU demo who releases tomorrow. I want a whole fresh experience.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
– I am not a Metal Gear fan, not in the slightest. I have enjoyed some of the games, but not so much as I could call myself a fan. Well, not anymore at least! But I’m interested in Rising mainly because of what I’ve seen so far looks kickass and fun to play. And then again it’s made by Platinum Games and even if you don’t like their games, they do know how to make ass kicking games! I will try the demo that comes out later this month on PSN and from that we’ll see if this game still interests me.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
– While I was disappointed by the original game, I still loved the story. And the game in itself had potential, that’s why I am looking forward to LoS2. I hope this game will have more environments that gives me the feel of a Castlevania game. Either way, there are a bunch of reasons too why I am looking forward to this game. It might change after I see a gameplay trailer, who knows?
But for know, I want this game. I really hope it turns out great, or at least good.

– BANG! BANG! BANG! PEW! PEW! I just love Deadpool, I read up on some of the comic a while back. And I am very hyped for this game, made by the people who gave us Transformers War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Which in my opinion are pretty okay games. So I can’t wait to see how they will treat old Deadpool here. Hopefully it will be awesome and full of fourth wall breaking jokes.

Tomb Raider
– I’m not a fan of the Tomb Raider series, not that they are bad or whatnot. It’s just that I’ve never fallen for them, but this whole new reboot is really speaking too me. Everything I’ve seen so far looks really nice! And I just love Lara’s new design, she looks really good. The game looks like it will follow more in Uncharted’s style, which might be a bit ironic since Uncharted might have been influenced by Tomb Raider from the beginning. Ah, well. Full circle an all that. Either way, this game is on my radar. Sooner or later I will play it. I really like the dark gritty feeling this game has and it feels a bit scary at time.

The Last of Us
– Holy shit! I was about to forget this title! How the hell could I!?! Since Uncharted 3 was a disappointment to me and I loved Uncharted 2 a whole lot, I’m very interested in what the Uncharted 2 team has been working on. A different kind of zombie/survival horror game, that seems like it really can creep up to ya! I try to keep away from all new info on the game, since I want to know as little as possible about this game.

Those are all the games, I can come up with right now. But those are probably some of my most anticipated games for 2013. So I hope they’ll turn out good.