Golden Knight Garo!

Time passes fast when you do nothing but work. A bit sad, but hey! That’s how things are. Some weeks ago, I finally got my GARO figure. A big thanks to my good mate ZX-Omega who got me this figure, my main man to go for all my plastic figure needs. And hopefully next month of in early march I will also have my new KOS-MOS figure.

Its fully passable and is pretty detailed for such a small figure. Its about 10-12cm in height, which is my only complaint. Sure I really do like the figure and that’s its passable, but I was hoping it would be a bit bigger. (That’s what she said.) This figure is based of the main character Garo from the Japanese live action show, Golden Knight Garo. One of my favorite shows of all time I might add. Sure its cheesy and such, but it really talks to my inner child and he loves it! The action, the monster (Horrors) I think its very cool. I’m hoping to have the time to be able to rewatch the show and make a review of it.
I’m also gonna take a few more pictures of this figure in the coming days and will be sharing them here, if anyone wants to see. Will be back later with other updates too.

Garo, the golden knight. He is one of my favorite characters from a Japanese show ever. And has one of the coolest suits/armours I’ve seen. I just love it.

A decade nearing its end

We are soon entering the last month of the year, month number twelve. So this year is almost over, it gone by fast and a lot of things has happened this year. Both good and bad, but for once the good outweighs the bad stuff. But it feels good, really good even.
Well, the past week I fell into a depression. Its not uncommon this time of year for me to feel really depressed, I even feel abandoned. It was a hard and heavy feeling to bear and while I know my friends are there, its hard to get rid of those thought you get. They dig deep into your mind and just grow…

Hopefully next year will bring more money, both November and December are going to be killer months. Hopefully I’ll survive on the all the goddamn pasta. As soon as I can afford it, I’m going out to eat something so good it will make regular food seem like crap!
Ah, hopefully I can travel more next year too. There is so much that I hope for, really crossing my fingers that I will get hired and earn some money. And not live with this piece of crap called an economy that I have now, I wanna do stuff!

As some might know, Leslie Nielsen passed away on November 28th. It really saddened me, since I liked his form of comedy and humor very much. He stars in one of my favorite movies of all time, Dracula: Dead and Loving it. You’ll be missed, R.I.P.
I also want to say happy birthday to my little brother Markus, that turns 20 today. Ugh, to think its seven years since I was twenty. Haha, time really does fly. Before I go to bed and try to get some sleep so I can be up and alert at work tomorrow, I leave you with this tasty treat! Gingerbread and milk! Gotta love that combo!

Yummy, yummy! I love milk and gingerbread cookies

As Good as it looks

Yeah, this is probably a bit childish. But I really can’t stop laughing when I see this in stores here in Sweden. My friend Ezakiel took a photo like this some years ago, but since he never sent it to me I had to take one myself! As I said, its a bit childish. But that’s just how I roll.

Saints Row 2, Ice cream and propeller boobs

Saints Row 2 is a fun and pretty nice game, sure its filled with bugs that can be so damn annoying. But the bugs and glitches are so strange and weird sometimes, but you take the good with the bad. In this game you create your own character, the character creator is pretty decent. I’m hoping it will get expanded a whole lot in Saints Row 3.

This is what my character looks like, nothing special but then again I like how he turned out. And of course I gave him the British voice, the one doing the British voice is Charles Shaughnessy.
The guy who played Maxwell Sheffield in The Nanny, he has such a great voice. I really like it and to hear the lines from the game in his voice, is awesome. You can choose from two other male voices and three female voices. But none of them sounds as good as Charles voice. Hope to hear him in more games, he does Eldore’s voice in White Knight Chronicles too.

The game reminds me very much of the Grand Theft Auto series, but has a bit more of a dark humor to it. While GTA series, tries to be serious. Saints Row 2 can take is a bit more easy and just be a bit more fun. I love the humor in the games, like the sign and name for an ice cream place in the game… “Two Scoops, one cup” or the sign for “Turbulence” which is just weird… Its damn fun to play this game online with a friend, I’m really glad I got the game. Hope Saints Row 3 will come out soon.

Ready to crash some castles!

My friend Ezakiel gave me a gift today. He gave me a game! He gave me, Castle Crashers for Playstation 3! So now I can finally have some online multiplayer fun!
Come on KNtheking! Come and play with us, we both want to play this game with you. But of course, you and I will play it too. You and I! Thanks again, Ezakiel. This is awesome.

Hero of the day. Nay! Month!

Stuff from HubbeMy friend Hubbe came to visit me today and be brought gifts, his brother is moving and he was getting rid of some old furniture.
So I thought I could maybe buy them cheap, but he was just going to throw them away so I got them. I really appreciate it man.
Sure I gotta admit the couch is not very attractive, but its actually pretty comfy. And I really can’t complain since it was a nice gesture and as I said I’m very thankful..
You can read the rest of the post, but its mostly just stuff that happened in the week.

I’ve been playing a whole lot of Trinity Universe for the Playstation 3 in the past week, it was pretty fun. But it got to repetitive in the end for me. Slow and with a battle system that could use some adjustments. Other than that, it was a good game. I’ll hopefully have the energy to finish it one day. So instead I chose to play Infamous, a game I started playing long ago but never finished. I’ll probably write more about that another time, but I really liked the game!

The end of last week just wasn’t my day, I was sick and I managed to get hurt two times on the same day. Firstly I tried to make something to eat while I was sick, not good. My concentration was not there, so I burned a bit of my hand. Nothing serious, but still hurt like hell! And finally when the hurt from the burn started to fade, a goddamn bee stung me on my finger. Of course on the same hand I had burned… Ouch, the bee sting actually hurt more. And I don’t see to be allergic to bee stings anyway, so it wasn’t all that wasteful of an experience. That and I’ll keep my flyswatter even closer to me from now on.

My own home

So I’ve finally finished moving the few stuff I had into the apartment and, I’ve finished cleaning the kitchen also. Wow, it feels great to have to do all these things by yourself. It feels great to finally have my own home. I promised I’d take some photos and I have, but its not much to see. I will take new ones once I have more furniture and I’ve decided how to decorate the living room. But for now these will do, oh just look at that stain on picture #4. Nice little gift from the previous resident…

Pizza and milk Look at all that space for activities!

Went with milk and a kebab pizza as moving in food, it was so delicious. Tasted extra good eating it in my own home. And then you see my living room, haven’t done much there. At least I can play games again. Need a couch… Computer table will come later.

My very simple bed in my very simple bedroom. God its nice to sleep in a bed again… The nice stain the previous folk living here left in the kitchen, it’s the only thing that sucks in the kitchen. And my two man kitchen table. Perfect for me.