Transformers and some time off

Hehe… Been some time since I last posted here. Well I’ve had about a week of from work now, the semester is about to start for all the regular workers. That’s also why I haven’t been online as much and I won’t be online as much either for the upcoming weeks. Thanks to regular workers starting their semester tomorrow, I’ll be having a place of my own to clean. Where I’ll be the boss. So I’m glad they trust me with this and its a great way to show initiative and how good I work. So I’m hoping it will lead to me getting hired by them. Since I’ve heard rumors that they are going to hire four people, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’m one of them.

I Wednesday me and Elden took a trip to Malmö.
It was fun to get away from home a bit and just, go to a place I’ve not visited often.
Even it its not that far away from where I live. I was trying to find the store “Grey’s American Eats” since I wanted to try some American soda and Candy. But damn it was expensive!
I got Boylan Cane Cola and Boylan Orange Cream. None of them tasted very good IMO, it wasn’t liked by none in my family actually. I also bought a pack of Milk Duds (yum!) and a Babe Ruth (haven’t tried it yet).

And thanks to Elden I got Saints Row 2. A very fun and neat game, with a whole lot of glitches. A shame they never patched the game to fix them. And after that we took the train back to Kristianstad, where I decided to pay my local Elgiganten a visit. I had preordered Transformers: War for Cybertron from them and was able to pick it up, one day before its release! Thank goodness I had a little cash left on my “presentkort” from Elgiganten or I wouldn’t have been able to get this. And that would have made me very sad, since this game rocks! Best Transformers game ever, not that it had any good competition for that title…
All in all it was a great and fun day, hope to do it again!

One pissed Spartan!

I’m finally playing God of War III, thanks to my friend Robert S.C. He let me borrow the game from him and I’m very thankful. Been dying to play the last part of the game and see what fate is in store for Kratos.
Played for about two hours today, sadly don’t have much more time. Stupid work, coming between my game time. I’m kidding of course, work is important I can play when I’m free. Well as I was saying I’ve played about two hours of the game and after the intro I’m sucked into the game.
Wish there where movies who where just as epic as GoW intros, they have always been good. But I must say GoW III intro is the best of them all. Again thanks for letting me borrow the game Robert, I’ll try to get it back to you as soon as possible.
And hopefully I’ll write a bunch more of the game when I’ve finished it.

Before I go I’ll leave you with to pictures. Have to show my gratitude right?
And the other picture is an empty wrapper from a cookie I had earlier today. Haha, yeah it doesn’t take much to amuse me.

God of War III som jag fått låna Fagottino, the cookie with that little extra...

Avatar & Xenosaga figures

Ahh!! Finally home after a weekend of fun and movies. Well two movies actually, as you can see in my previous post me and my friend ZX-Omega went to see
Iron Man 2. And I stayed at his place over the weekend, fist time in while I’ve actually had the time and energy to do something fun. I’ve been so tired after working, so it was fun to spend some time with friends. But its pretty nice to chill back home also.

We watched Avatar yesterday, ya know the movie about those blue thingamajigs.
I wasn’t to interested in this movie, never was. But now that I have seen it I think it was a pretty okay movie, much better than I thought it would be. But I still can’t see why some people hype this as the best thing that has ever been made.
Really, I can’t see why, but hey… I guess that’s just me. An enjoyable movie nonetheless, but no masterpiece for me at least. Pandora was at least a very beautiful planet and the environments where incredible good.

Tomorrow its back to work, can’t say I’m looking forward to it all that much. I would have needed one more day to rest up. I fell yesterday when we where, going to the cinema. I fell in the stairs and landed on my left shoulder, that I already had a bit of a pain in… So it didn’t make things better, hope it gets better otherwise I’ll have to contact a doctor. And speaking of doctors, on Tuesday I’m finally going to the skin-clinic and hope I get some help with my “psoriasis“.
You can a picture of it here, you are warned it ain’t pretty. You have been warned.

Oh and Thanks ZX-Omega who got me this figures for a very cheap price! My Xenosaga Collection keeps growing. These are the Xenosaga Motion Revive figures of T-elos and KOS-MOS. Will probably never be removed from their boxes!

Sometimes you can be lucky

Yeah, sometimes you can get lucky. Like I did today. I met with an old friend who gave me his old Xbox 360. Well, I gave him 100SEK for it, but that was mostly so he didn’t give it away totally free. Love that friend! Its an older machine but with an HDMI-port and he never played anymore. So better it comes to some use, just hoping it wont die on me… Well now I’m finally going to play Tales of Vesperia!!
I was going to play it all day today, but got interrupted by two friends, Elden and Stingdragon that came and visit me. That was a nice surprise. They brought gifts! Well some cookies but still, it was very nice. Don’t get visitors all that often.

And I don’t have to work tomorrow! I’m going in for an educational purpose, they are going to check what we know and what we can. Will do this on Friday too, so it will be a pretty good relaxing end to the week. And they’ll treat us to breakfast and lunch! Amazing, didn’t think they would ever do that. Now give me a paying job instead…
Well have a meeting my my contact at “Arbetsförmedlingen” on Tuesday, so I wonder is she has anymore info for me. Hopefully I can at least work there and earn money under the summer, I could at least pay of some debts…

Yum, yum cookies from friends New Xbox 360

Kul med hjälpsamma människor…

No English this time folks. I want to write in Swedish sometimes too. :P
Det är alltid så kul med folk som är hjälpsamma, verkligen. Idag råkade vi ut för en “olycka” när vi körde, ingen skadad eller så, men vi körde i diket. Bara för en annan bil kom i lite för högfart och skulle ha hela vägen för sig själv och brydde sig inte om att andra körde där, så körde åt sidan och hamnade på en is-fläck och fick sladd…

Snow fucking fun... Snow fucking fun... Snow fucking fun...

Efter vad var det? Fem, sex bilar passerade innan någon stannade och frågade om vi behövde hjälp. Nädå! Vi sitter hårdpackat i snö som räckte mig upp till knäna, nädå vi behöver ingen hjälp! Vi hade inte ringt någon bärgare än för vi försökte få loss bilden själva, med att gräva och ha oss. Men det var lönlöst. Sedan kom ett vänligt äldre par, som var vänligt att säga till en de kände som ägde en grävmaskin så han kom och hjälpte oss. Tackar så mycket, även om ni inte lär läsa detta.

Snow fucking fun... Snow fucking fun... Snow fucking fun...

Men varför ignorerar alltid människor andra folk som sitter fast eller behöver hjälp? Tycker det är för djävligt och inte under på att jag hatar de flesta människor. Ja, jag gillar inte folk och detta gör ju inte att jag känner mig mycket bättre inför de heller. Finns för få som hjälper sina medmänniskor. Nu var ju detta inget allvarligt och ingen blev skadad, men om det nu hade varit jävligt illa? Hade de bara kört förbi ändå? Skulle inte förvåna mig det minsta…

White Knight Chronicles + Weekend

First I’ll start off with that I won’t be online on msn this entire weekend, perhaps by the end of Sunday. I’m having my friend ZX-Omega over and he’ll be staying the entire weekend. So that’s gonna be really fun, we will probably be playing a bunch of games and watch some movies. Ether way I’m looking forward to it.

My copy of White Knight Chronicles came today! So me and ZX-Omega are going to play that later, or rather he will watch me play it. I’ll post my thought and impressions of the game later, might take a quick break and post something here. I’m not sure yet, but sometime over the coming weekend I’ll post some impressions at least.
I’m really glad I was able to get my HDTV, before all the RPG games started dropping in. That was my biggest wish for about 1½ years and I’m so happy it came true.

A day with my HDTV

So I’ve had my new TV, over a day now. And damn! I’m in love, I really honestly do love my TV. It really beats the crap out of my old SDTV. Well if it didn’t I would have been very sad. So some impressions perhaps?

I’ll start with my only complaint about the TV. This is not something that makes the TV worse or anything, but I wish it would start a little faster. If you’ve turned it of and then turn it on again it takes about what? 10-15 seconds. Not to complain about that time, but it does feel like its too long, since my SDTV took about what? 3-4 seconds. This is the only thing I can complain about and that something totally worthless to complain about. Still just wanted to get that off my chest.

The image is very nice and sharp, its like day and night comparing to an SDTV. I’ve tried almost every game I own and they all look excellent! And the fact that I can see stuff in the games I couldn’t with my old TV is just awesome. Mostly its just text, but also details on characters clothes or other minor stuff. Details I really enjoy seeing.
The sound from it is really good also, it sounds more natural. Well compared to the old TV anyway. I haven’t tried hooking it up to my computer yet, I’m gonna try that over the weekend. Just for the fun of it and see how it is. Overall its a great TV and I love it and that it would turn out to be a Full-HD tv it seems, is just awesome. That was a surprise even for me. Especially since nowhere on the box does it say its a Full-HD tv, but after some googling and checking a few things out on wikipedia. That seems to be the case. I’m not complaining. ^^

In other news I have completed everything in Darksiders now. I got the platinum trophy for it too. That’s my seventh platinum. I’m not a trophy hunter, I mostly seek out an gather trophies when I don’t have anything else to play. And now I only had to finish Darksiders on the hardest difficulty, so I replayed it now on my HDTV. Will probably trade it in for Final Fantasy XIII, have to get a new copy of Darksiders later when the economy is better. Well now I’m just awaiting the release of
White Knight Chronicles, which I hope will come next week.