Figma KOS-MOS is here!!

Yay! Hurray! After much wait I finally have my KOS-MOS figma figure! Happy day! I’m gonna take some better photos of this baby later and post here! For now this one will have to do!

You want me to do what!?!

Well, I found these cookies while I was out in Fridays… The cookies… They tell me to do what!? Yeah, I’m as childish as ever. Well this is my kind of humor! Deal with it! :D

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Weird dreams and PS3

My old Playstation 3 had started acting weird, hard drive crashing at random. And nearing its end of warranty… Thankfully I had a bunch of old games I never played anymore, so I could trade those and the console in for a new Playstation 3 slim. So thanks to that I didn’t need to pay a single penny extra for the trade in. So now I have a brand new PS3 and 3 more years of warrant if anything happens. Now I can rest a bit easier about that at least.

And speaking of rest… For the last couple of days I’ve been sleeping very badly. I’ve been having weird dreams and nightmares, normally none of those things affect me or my sleep. But now for some reason they do, I would like to know why!? Since its pretty goddamn frustrating not to be able to sleep. And you can’t get that fucking dream out of your head. Mostly my nightmares are about people I love dying or getting hurt badly.
Another popular dream is that the ones I love are zombies, that’s actually pretty gruesome… Seeing your closest family and friends, with cracked skulls, guts hanging out and such. Its not very pleasant and those dreams are always so damn real. Nothing is out of the ordinary, environments and everything are 100% identical. The only difference is the zombies, but the rest is so real. So damn real…

And I sometimes dream about this girl, I have no idea who she is. But she is beautiful and we are a couple in my dreams. We have good times and are very happy together, but then I wake up. I’m left with a big feeling of emptiness, its so damn depressing. I’ve been having dreams about this for years.
The world is such a better place in these dreams, I wish I can meet this girl for real. Or someone like her, ugh… Yeah, now I’ve started to think about it all again…

The Sci-Fi Convention in Malmö

Ahh! I feel all energized again! Was good to get some sleep last night. It was very fun and interesting at the Sci-Fi Convention in Malmö, I guess I was expecting a bit more. But still, it was very nice and I had a blast! I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw a girl had come dressed as Alicia from Valkyria Chronicles. It was awesome to see, the not so standard cosplaying.

So here a bunch of pictures I took, all in all I took about 164 photos. Of course I won’t upload them all here, but I took some of them I liked the most and wanted to share them with you. Anyone else from Loading who was at the convention?
Or from Kristianstad maybe? Drop me a line!! I had an awesome time with both Elden and
ZX-Omega, can hardly wait for the convention next year! We’ll all be going again then hopefully!

The guy with the Grim Reaper mask was awesome, he made mask himself. Not the Grim Reaper one thou! He was very fun to talk with and he has such passion and enthusiasm when he spoke. It really sounded like he loved his job. My friend Elden bought a Grim Reaper mask from him. And the last picture is of me with Freddy Kruger’s classic glove. Heh, updated my Facebook with a modified version of the pic. Same as I added to my “About Me” section on the site.

On the way to the convention we passed by a game developers building! I thought that was pretty neat. Then I got the chance to take a photo of Boba Fett. A lifesize(?) figure of Darth Maul that you could bid on. Warp speed, Mr.Zulu! Symphony of the Night really is expensive! And in crappy condition.
The head pieces where so damn detailed! The Iron Man figure was awesome as well! But my favorite has to be of the Terminator from Terminator Salvation seen below. Love it.

The real Lightsaber Mark Hamill used in Return of The Jedi. A friendly Stormtrooper posing for us as soon as he saw I had my camera ready. And a cosplayer dressed as Darth Maul came later! Some Star Trek stuff below, Darth Vader marching with his crew. More cool mask from the Grim Reaper mask guy! Again, so damn awesome!

We also managed to capture V on photo. This whole day was awesome and one big nerdgasm, I’m looking forward to doing this again next year!

Yes! I’m still alive!

Its been some time since I last made a post here or was online on MSN or Skype. Well, I haven’t been feeling all to well. And last weekend it finally exploded, I was struck with both fever and a cold from hell. Lost my voice a few days, cough so much that my ribs started to hurt. Was awesome. NOT! But at least I’m starting to feel better now. Thankfully. When I’ve had the energy to do stuff, I’ve mostly watched some TV, or been playing Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions. Will probably post a mini-review of that game later. So if you are interested in what I have to say about the game, check back later.

And finally thanks to my job I’m able to pay of my old debts, it feels great. Even if I’ll be poor for some upcoming months, but I’ve waited so long for this. To finally be able to pay back what I’ve loaned, it really feels good for the soul. And I’m really hoping I’ll be able to attend the Sci-Fi convention that is going to take place in Malmö in April. I’m going there with a few friends on April 2nd. Pictures will of course be posted from this event, perhaps even movies. We’ll see about the last one, but pictures is a guarantee!

I’m also glad that I’ve finally been able to score a real couch. It took some time, but finally I can sit really comfortably too! I’m thankful for the couch my friend Hubbe gave me, but this one is so much better, bigger and much better looking. Now just about everyone who comes over can have a place to sit at. Except Ezakiel, he just breaks couches.

Picking up Tales of Vesperia again!

Its time to continue where I stopped playing Tales of Vesperia. I haven’t been able to play the game since April 25th 2010, that’s quite some time… But I’ll be playing it as much as I can now! Played about an hour or so today, I’m hoping I’ll be able to put a bit more time into it tomorrow. If not I’ll have to wait until Friday. I can’t wait to do a review for this game…

Time to kick evil in the face and eat lemon gels... And I'm all out of gels.

Give me cheese for my whine!!

Yesterday was a pretty awful day. Work was pretty okay, but then my colleague that I work with got sick and headed home. Leaving me with a bunch of work. And driving our big cleaner machine, which I’ve only have received little training for. It went okay, but still… That was a bit to much to take in all on one day, but it had to be done and I was pretty stressed out.
Well after this hard day, I managed to get home a bit earlier. Needed to do some shopping since my fridge was empty as fuck, yay out into the wild! People everywhere for some reason, more people than it usually is. And me having “torg skräck” I get very stressful around lot’s of people and got a minor panic attack.
After a few hours I’m finally done, I have about 3 hours before I should go to bed and try to get some sleep. So I think, hey Micke. You work hard today, buy something good. So I order some kebab from my usually place, but this could possibly have been the worst meal I’ve had in ages. It cost 84SEK and the fries where tasteless, the kebab unfinished. URGH!
There quality have been dropping much lately and this was the last straw for me, I’m not eating there anymore.

Yes! Give me cheese dood!