One more week…

Just one more week until I turn 30! Awesome or something. I plan to spend next Saturday (the day before my birthday) with a couple of friends. Getting treated to dinner and I never say no to a free dinner, no sir. Otherwise I am not going to celebrate this year, I don’t feel the need to. Sure, I’ll probably make a post about it here and such. But I won’t be inviting people over and all that, let the people who think that’s fun do that. I’d rather do something that makes me feel better, so hanging out with friends or playing videogames.

If you have missed it, my review for Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness is now up on PSSverige. So head over there and check it out! It was a good game, perhaps not all what I had hoped but still good. I hope I can pick up a bit of Kingdom Hearts 1HD again tomorrow, I haven’t played it for a while now. So I’ll see if I feel more like it tomorrow. I’d rather be playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep HD to be honest, I’ve been interested in that game for some time and I’m glad it will be getting an HD port.

And we are now 40 days away from the PlayStation 4 release here in Europe, I’m starting to feel a bit hyped now. Hopefully these days will go by fast and before I know it, I’ll be sitting there with my PS4. Sure there are still a bunch of games coming for PlayStation 3 that I am going to get, but I want to be out and among the first this time. I haven’t been able to get a console at launch since GameCube, I just want to be a part of that. And it’s going to be nice to be able to use the DualShock 4 controller on the PC, right out of the box. That’s something I really like, since I have been thinking of trying certain games on my PC. But I have lacked a controller I feel really comfortable with and I want to play some emulators too.

Well more chit chat at a later date, now I have to try to get some sleep if the coughing will let me sleep. I’m going back to work tomorrow, so we’ll see how that works. I just hope the coughing will end soon, feels like it’s killing me. Goddamn it.

My throat hurts, I’m cold! Get me a blanket!

So I’ve gone and caught a cold. My nose is runny, my throat hurts like hell and I loose my voice from time to time. But I’ll survive this too, even if it feels a bit like dying. Haha, naa not really. But I don’t have much energy and I hope the coughing can stop, it just hurts the throat even more.
Sadly I can’t spare any time being home, since I loose to much money on being home from work. So I’ll just have to tough it out until I get better.

I’ve posted my review on Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness now, so head over to PSSverige to check it out! Its in Swedish as always. Hoping I’ll be able to get Batman: Arkham Origins later this month. Thinking of getting it as a birthday gift to myself, my birthday is on the 27th October. Two days after Batman is released, so why not?
And for those wondering I am turning the big tree zero! Not that I really care or that it’ll change me. :)

But the biggest gift I am giving myself, both birthday and Christmas is the PlayStation 4. Its only about 46 days left until it is released here in Sweden. Really looking forward to it, I am getting Knack and probably Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for it. But I am very interested in the LEGO Marvel game, it looks like real fun in co-op mode.

We’ll now I am going to try and get some more rest and hopefully feel better tomorrow. Gotta get better for next week a bunch of stuff happening then, I’m going to Lund for two daya and extend my knowledge to teach people the work I do. Well more about that at a later time perhaps. G’nite all!

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I am taking a break

I have a lot of stuff to do at work and it seems like things will keep being busy there and sadly, my job comes first. Since I like to live in an apartment and eat food and even if it’s sometimes stressful I do enjoy my job very much. There will soon be a bit more stuff I’m going to do at work, so we’ll see exactly how that goes. I’m hoping I can get more to enjoy watching anime, playing games like I used to and hopefully work less weekends.

So I’ve decided to take a break from some stuff and try to really concentrate on the things that make me happy and feel good. So as soon as I have finished my review on Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness, I will take a break from writing for PSSverige. I love writing about games, but since I started writing I feel like I’ve enjoyed them a bit less. Probably since it feels more like work than my hobby, which is sad. And going around looking for gaming news also became work, so I sorta fell into a hole.

I just want to enjoy playing game like I used to and not thinking as a reviewer, I had a hard time balancing those thoughts and feelings. So thanks to that feeling like a job too, I grew tired pretty quick. Since I started to feel like I had no free time. It was thought and I’ve had to battle of a few depressions and other anxiety problems. Joel the chief has been nothing but understanding and supportive and I hope I can at least pop up one in a while with a review for the site. I just feel like I can’t be an active member, not right now. But I want to keep supporting the site and I think you should too. Joel is very passionate about PSSverige and I hope it will continue to grow.
So I will not be posting much news anymore either, but who knows in the future when things get better for me or things slow down a bit.
Still I want to give a big shout out to Joel who had given me a chance to do something I’ve dreamt of, thank you. Really man, honestly. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

And this coming weekend I will try to put a new hard drive in my PlayStation 3, so I hope the stuff that went wrong will fix itself. That I can send messages and add people to my friendlist once again. Hoping I’ll be fixing this Friday night or early Saturday. I really hope things will get better there too.

Finally time for Disgaea D2!

After quite some waiting, I’ve finally got my hands on my review copy of Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness. Really been looking forward to sink my fangs into this and revisit the Netherworld. I’ve missed Laharl, Etna and Flonne, I think they’ve been the best main cast so far in the Disgaea games. Even if Valvatores in Disgaea 4 is a really close runners up.

Laharl, Etna and Flonne are back!!

Ahh, hopefully I get more Prinnies that talk bad about Etna’s lacking parts and she then proceed to torture them in ways you can only torture a demon penguin. Well I sure hope the humor and funny parts are on par with the other games, you’ll find my reviews at always at PSSverige. I’ll post here and on twitter when my review is up. For now, something to eat. Then I’m taking a trip to the Netherworld again!

Mighty No.9 and Shantae ½ Genie Hero

I bet you guys and gals already have hear of these kickstarters, I’ve have been following them both since start but I never got around to post about them. Laziness from my side and now I’m going to shamelessly promote them, even if it’s a bit late.

Mighty No.9 is the spiritual successor to Mega Man and is/will be made by a bunch of people who have worked on various Mega Man games. So that’s very promising and I’m really looking forward to see how it turns out. Judging from the money they have acquired from Kickstarter or rather will get, there is still a huge interest in a Mega Man styled game. Why Capcom has sent Mega Man too die is anyones guess, I’m hoping Mighty No.9 does really well and is turned into a series. Check out their Kickstarter for more info and stuff. Mighty No.9 Kickstarter
Right now it’s confirmed for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. But if they get more cash, they will also release it on Vita, 3DS, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Keeping my fingers crossed for that PS4 version.

And the other game I want people to see is Shantae: ½ Genie Hero. It’s a game made by WayForward who most recently did DuckTales Remastered. They are also working with the guys who are making Mighty No.9 so they’ve got something in common.

From the trailer and the little I’ve tried of the GameBoy games, Shantae looks and feels like a fun old-school game. With beautiful hand drawn sprites just like DuckTales Remastered, I’m looking forward to this. I’ve posted a video below so watch that and see if it’s a game you could think of buying. Shantae ½ Genie Hero Kickstarter
They have reached 400K and it will be coming out to just about all formats out there, but give more! We get some awesome stuff in the higher levels.

Time for Kingdom Hearts in HD!

It’s finally time to revisit the world that is Kingdom Hearts, perhaps I more correctly should say worlds. Either way… It is time to dive into Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX! I have been looking forward to play the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts 1 for a while, so I’m pretty happy I can do that now. This is also an ultimate test for me, to see if Kingdom Hearts is still as enjoyable today as it was ten years ago. So I’ll probably get back to this later. =)

And I have also bought another game, I got it dirty cheap. Tales of Rebirth for PlayStation 2. A shame it never got an official English translation. But I want the game in my collection, hopefully I can sniff out the other Japan only Tales of games and get then in my collection. Sooner or later at least and I’ll probably only get the PlayStation 2 games.

Work, work and you’ve guessed it. Work!

Ugh. Yeah, just ugh. Right now we are swamped at work, we have so much too do and not enough people to help us. And no they can’t hire more right now, so that’s is not an option. While it can be hard an frustrated at times, I still enjoy we have stuff to do. The only downside is that I am so damn tired when I get home, thankfully I’ll get of work early tomorrow. And hopefully I’ll be able to try Diablo III for the PlayStation 3 tomorrow with a colleague on PSSverige, that is if he can tomorrow.

And continuing with work, I have to work this weekend too. That sucks a bit, I’d like to get some time and fix my site. Get a new design, maybe try a new theme. I just do something new, but there never is any time for stuff like that. When I have free time I try to spend it with friends or games, so other stuff gets pushed back. But I am going to try and make time this weekend and get something done on the site.

micke_anime I’d like to thank my friend “Elden Rucidor” for making the chibi version of myself, that I now have on my site. I think I am going to modify it a bit later, I’m really having a hard time with the pattern on the shirt. Works in real life but not so much in this picture I am afraid, it just messes with my eyes. Sorry man.
I guess I’ll have to change it to something with one color, it will be less stressful on my eyes that way. Again, thanks for making this man. I appreciate it and hopefully you actually see this post! (UPDATE: I have edit the colors now…) Thanks again Elden! =)

I’ll have to make some better posts in the upcoming weekend too, right now I’m not sure what I want to write about. Well that is not entirely true, but I’d rather sit down and write what I want when I have the time to do that. Will probably be mostly about games as always, but that’s just what I love! I love writing about games and discussing games, it’s one of the best things I know. So you won’t get away that easy! And speaking of games, I see a lot of people have been searching for “where you can get new hairstyles for Tales of Xillia.” The short easy answer to that question is you get them when you get new costumes. Either you get them from the few that are ingame or you will get new hairstyles when you buy costume DLC.