Spel jag klarat 2015: Del 3

Här är en liten lista på de spel jag har klarat under året, jag skriver bara en liten text under titeln på spelet. Förklarar lite snabbt vad jag gillade eller ogillade med spelet. Det kan hända att jag skriver något längre om ett specifikt spel längre fram eller om något i kommentarerna vill veta mer så kan jag skriva mer. Datumen efter namnen på spelet är när spelet klarades.

21: Suikoden [ 2015-08-22 ]
Ett kul JRPG av den klassiska sorten, som var bland de första jag spelade.
Men då jag inte var så bra på JRPG på den tiden när spelet var nytt, så klarade jag det aldrig. Detta behövde naturligtvis rättas till. Ett bra spel, men jag förstår inte riktigt hajpen med det.

22: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition [ 2015-08-24 ]
Aye caramba! Ett ganska kul Metroidvania inspirerat spel, med ett mexikanskt tema.
Från början gillade jag inte detta alls, men jag blev fäst vid det efter någon timme eller två.
Helt klart värt att kolla upp om man söker ett Metroidvania liknande spel.

23: Mega Man [ 2015-08-30 ]
Ett av de mest klassiska spelen från min barndom, det var riktigt kul att spela om. Roligt nog så kändes det betydligt svårare nu på äldre dar än det gjorde när jag var barn. Fortfarande kul dock. =)

24: Mega Man 2 [ 2015-08-30 ]
Mitt favorit bland klassiska Mega Man spelen! Musiken, robotarna! Gillar det mesta till tusan, var i princip hur jag mindes det. Det har åldrats bra, dock kändes det på tok för enkelt. Får köra på svårare svårighetsgraden nästa gång.

25: Mega Man 3 [ 2015-08-30 ]
Detta var lite av en besvikelse, fortfarande bra, men inte så bra som jag mindes det. Var lite utmanande här och där, men det kändes inte så kul. Gillade detta betydligt mer när jag var barn.

26: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [ 2015-09-18 ]
Troligen den största besvikelsen i år för min del, knappt någon story, inga minnesvärda bossar eller boss fighter alls. Allt kändes så otroligt “meh” för min del. Gameplayet är hur bra som helst och spelet hade stor potential. Men utan allt det där klassiska Metal Gear, föll det väldigt platt för min del.

27: Transformers Devastation [ 2015-10-13 ]
Transforms and roll out! Ja! Bland det roligaste jag spelat i år, visst det är väl inte mycket annorlunda än många action spel. Men spelet har en tight kontroll, grymt rockigt soundtrack och man slåss som stora robotar. Vad mer kan man behöva!?
Det baseras på G1 och IDW serietidnings versioner av Transformers och är grymt som bara den! Gillar man Platinum Games och gillar man Transformers så borde man verkligen spela detta.

28: Tales of Zestiria [ 2015-11-06 ]
Mitt mest efterlängtade spel i år! Det levde absolut upp till mina förväntningar, men som många andra spel är det inte perfekt. Striderna är roliga som vanligt, men jag gillar inte Fusions och skill-systemet så mycket. Finns andra små saker som irriterade lite, men i det stora hela är jag väldigt nöjd med spelet och fick absolut valuta för mina pengar.

29: Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows [ 2015-11-15 ]
Visst är Plague of Shadows bara DLC material, men jag kände att det var så fullt med saker att jag räknar det som ett eget spel. Hur som helst var det bra som tusan! Det var kul och svårt att spela som Plague Knight, har du inte spelat Shovel Knight än så gör det! Det är bland det roligaste jag spelat i år, både original versionen och DLC.

30: Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush [ 2015-12-05 ]
Kirby blev spel 30 att avklaras i år, det var ett trevligt och söt äventyr. Blev dock besviken att man enbart spelade med stylusen, hade hoppats på en mer klassisk styrning. Men allt som allt, helt klart ett trevligt spel.

2år med PlayStation 4

Tiden går verkligen fort, lite för fort ibland. Man hinner knappt blinka så har man missat en månad eller det är så det kan kännas ibland. Idag är det två år sedan jag blev ägare till min PlayStation 4 konsol, det var första gången sedan GameCube släpptes jag fick en chans att skaffa en konsol på releasen.
Ni kan ju se min original post här: “29/11 2013: Some impression of the PlayStation 4

Det har varit två härliga år tillsammans med PS4:an och jag känner mig nöjd. Även om det blivit en del remasters och äldre spel man spelat på den också, så känner jag mig väldigt nöjd med hårdvaran i sig. Kontrollen var ju en grym förbättring från DualShock 3 på alla fronter utan just batteriet, som jag personligen tycker är på tok för klent. Hade varit trevligt med ett batteri som varar längre, men det är väl också det enda jag tycker är riktigt negativt.
Har fått ut många underbara speltimmar på konsolen, man sitter och hålla tummarna för att fler och fler JRPG ska finna sin väg till maskinen och även släppas i väst.

I och med PS4an också så testade jag lite nya genrer eller nya och nya. Men nya för en som i stort sett enbart bara spelat JRPG. Jag har kört igenom två stycken FPS, nämligen Wolfenstein spelen och gillade dem riktigt mycket måste jag säga. Har även Killzone att köra igenom vid något tillfälle, så får man se om man gillade det. Har testat på Assassin’s Creed IV, som iofs var små trevligt, men inget för mig.
Det ska bli intressant att se vad 2016 kommer erbjuda i spelväg, det kommer troligen bli ett riktigt bra år.

Tales of Zestiria finished

Yesterday I beat the last boss of Tales of Zestiria and so the story comes to an end. I’ve spent about 45 hours with the game, in that time I’ve also done some sidequests. In my opinion it was time well spent and I had fun with the game. I have some sidequests left to do and I have to play Alisha’s story DLC, but for now I’m going to take a break from the game.

All in all it was an enjoyable game with a great gameplay, my biggest gripe with the game is the camera when you are in battle. Sometimes it has a life of it’s own and can sometimes the be the reason you loose a fight because it is so damn stupid. So I really hope they put some more time into the camera into the upcoming Tales of Berseria.
I wish we had gotten more back story on some of the characters, they set them up to be very interesting but in the end, nothing happens with that. And it’s a damn shame! I want to know what Lailah’s oath means, I want to know more about her. And I feel like that about all the characters, but then again I feel like this with most characters I like.

I really enjoy the fights that take place as soon as you touch an enemy, no more going to a separate battlefield. I hope they keep this one in the upcoming Tales of games, it’s one of my favorite additions to the series so far. The music is great in the game I hope Go Shiina can make more music for the Tales of games. His music in the element trails are some of the best in the game, it’s so different from anything else in the game. All in all a good game and one of my favorite games of the year, at least it didn’t disappoint me like some other games did. (I’m looking at you MGS5).

Tales of Destiny PS1 vs PS2

So I’ve slowly started playing Tales of Destiny for the the PlayStation 1, I haven’t played it much before. So I was hoping I could play through it before Tales of Zestiria comes out, but that will probably not happen. Mostly because I will probably not have much time to play, but I’ll try to get at least one hour in there each day. Perhaps if I don’t wait until I can play the fan-translated PS2 version.

I’ve just played the intro bit of the game, got Dymlos, met Garr and that. And that’s when I decided to open my Japanese copy of Tales of Destiny for the PlayStation 2. Just to check out what’s different. A bit of me wish I didn’t, because I’m going to have a hard time returning to the original version now.
I played to the exact same spot in the PS2 version and it was like day and night. Not that the PS1 version is bad, it’s just the PS2 version is much approved on!
The battles are way better and they’ve skipped the usage of TP, instead they use the CC system like in Graces. And I’m a much bigger fan of that than being limited to a certain amount of TP. The game has skits, something the original sadly does not.
The battles system and what I could see was vastly improved upon, hard to say how much when I just played so little. But enough to really question me to continue with the PS1 version.

Tales of Destiny [PlayStation 1] Tales of Destiny [PlayStation 2]

After playing the PS2 version I got really sad that Bandai Namco never released them in west, but I sure hope they can release a collection with both Tales of Destiny games on it.
They don’t have to dub it (thought it would be nice), but just translate it and give it too us. Much like they did with Tales of Hearts R.
Now I’m just eagerly awaiting the fan-translation and hope it will be finished in the not to distant future. I really want to play the game and understand what’s going on.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but the original PlayStation game is still nice and I am going to play it. But after the PS2 version I’m just not as eager, I’d rather way a while and play the definitve version of the game and focus on other games right now.

Thoughts on Metal Gear Solid V

I finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain earlier today, it was a bit of a chore to get the “true” ending. Well okay, not really I was just more or less a bit tired of having to do a bunch of side-ops to get it to unlock. But now that I’m finished I’m going to share some of my thoughts on the game, I was going to make this spoiler free from the beginning, but to talk about what I want I can’t do that.

So if you don’t want anything spoiled don’t read past this.

Some game stuff

Some videogame news have dropped today. Nothing major IMO, but some fun stuff, for me at least. And Tokyo Game Show is this month too, so I hope we’ll hear about some great new Japanese games. Hopefully get a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III would be sweet, some info on Dragon Quest Heroes II and Star Ocean 5.
And I do hope we do get some awesome surprises and hopefully what they announce, will also get an western release.

Deadpool Remaster
It seems Activision is trying to cash in on the Deadpool hype for the movie, by releasing the old Deadpool game on the newer consoles. It will probably cheap and a dirty port, but sadly I think I’ll buy it, when it’s cheaper. I liked the Deadpool game and I want it in my collection.

Resident Evil Origins Collection
After the announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake, I got some new interest in the series. So I was thinking about getting back into it and today Capcom announced Resident Evil Origins Collection. Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 remake on one disc, I do prefer my physical games. And they showed a new mode in RE0 called “Wesker Mode”. Capcom is slowly winning me back.

And today I finally got my copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I was a bit disappointed when it was shipped last Thursday, but still didn’t arrive until today. But hey, at lest it got here on release.

Played about 3 hours so far and it is nice! Really looking forward to this adventure with Big Boss. He is my favorite of the “Snakes”.

Beaten games 2015: Part 2

So I thought I was going to make a little list of the games I’ve beaten so far this year and write a little something about them. I will list ten games on this list at a time, that way the list won’t be to long and I can perhaps write a little more about certain games, not sure I will though since this, will just reflect some simple thoughts about the games. If anyone wants to know more of what I think of a game, I can write in the comments. The dates by the name is the date I beat the game.

11: Final Fantasy Type 0 HD [ 2015-04-21 ]
I was really looking forward to play a more mature FF game, and I think I got what I wanted. It had a few surprises that I liked, but I think having 14 different characters to play from hurt the game a bit. There wasn’t any real characters focus, which I was a bit disappointed with. All in all an okay game.

12: Shovel Knight [ 2015-04-26 ]
I’ve waited a long time to play Shovel Knight and when I finally had the chance it was awesome! I was really smitten with the game and I still think it is my favorite game I’ve played so far this year. Yeah, I liked it that much.

13: The Order 1886 [ 2015-05-03 ]
It wasn’t a fantastic game, but it isn’t as bad as I kept hearing it was. It was enjoyable for what it was, as long as you don’t expect to be blown away. A bit short and perhaps to many cutscenes, and one of the best looking games I’ve played.

14: Hyrule Warriors [ 2015-05-12 ]
Now this is just god old fun. Even if the Dynasty Warriors concept can get a little bit boring, it was great fun. Really dig the designs for the characters in this game. Zelda is so lovely. You like hack n slash, you gotta try this.

15: Final Fantasy X HD [ 2015-06-16 ]
This is the second time in my life I’ve played FFX. I haven’t played it since it was released for the PS2, the game still holds up. But I’ve really grown tired of random encounters, there where way more in this game than I remembered. But as I said the game holds up and it was great revisiting Spira.

16: Batman: Arkham Knight [ 2015-07-01 ]
One of the games I was looking forward to most this year, it sort of lived up to what I had hoped. I like the game, but the batmobile takes way much space from everything else. I can’t go into more detail without spoiling, but those of you who played it know what I mean, hopefully. All in all it was a good game.

17: Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut [ 2015-07-07 ]
I had been craving a more classic platformer and Shantae came to the rescue. Short, but very enjoyable. I’m already looking forward to 1½ Genie Hero.

18: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood [ 2015-07-08 ]
Prequel to The New Order and I just had to play it since I liked the other one. Every bit as good as the TNO with a really nice twist in the game. I might start to enjoy FPS more after these games.

19: DmC: Devil May Cry – Definitive Edition [ 2015-07-12 ]
I played this game originally on the PS3 and I really liked this game, so I had to get the Definitive Edition. I’ve enjoyed this game very much, both times I’ve played it. Give it a chance if you can.

20: Onechanbara Z2: Chaos [ 2015-08-03 ]
The 20th game I’ve beaten this year. Not quite sure what I think of the game, I liked parts of it and it was a pretty okay action game, standard hack ‘n slash. I’ll have to think on this a bit to see what my final verdict on the game is. For now it was a nice game to play thought, but I’m not sure it was worth buying.