Games I’ve preordered 2018 – Part 1

Now to something a bit different but still a bit familiar. This time is not a list of games
I want, but games I’ve preordered. So this time around it’s not the games I’m looking forward to in 2018, but rather I’ll speak a bit of the the games I’ve preordered and are coming out this year. If nothing happens to delay them, something I can’t foresee when I’m writing this. I’m splinting this post up into parts of 5 games per post, so it doesn’t get to clotted.

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

Release: 2018 | Buying for: PlayStation 4 (Maybe Switch)

Firstly we’ll start with something that isn’t really a preorder? Or is it? Either way I’ve been waiting for Bloodstained ever since I donated to the Kickstarter and hopefully nothing happens and we’ll finally see a release this year. Well I’m really looking forward to getting a new “Igavania” like game, it could actually be one of the games I’m looking forward to most this year. I’m also thinking about buying a second copy of the game, since my Kickstarter copy is a PlayStation 4 version, I might buy a Switch version.

Donkey Kong County: Tropical Freeze [Switch]

Release: 2018-04-05 | Buying for: Nintendo Switch

I never was a fan of the Wii U, so I skipped a bunch of games on the console. But this time around with the Switch I’m going to buy as much of the games Nintendo put out.
I really want to support them. So I’m extra glad they are releasing Tropical Freeze, so I a Wii U deserter can have a chance to play this fun looking game.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Release: 2018-05-18 | Buying for: Nintendo Switch

Hyrule Warriors was one of the titles I actually played on Wii U, but got a bit pissed when the 3DS got a version with a whole lot of improvements. That Switch owners where locked out of, but they are finally fixing this little misstep (IMO).
With the Switch version is brings the best of both versions of the game.

Shining Resonance Refrain

Release: 2018-07-10 | Buying for: Nintendo Switch

I’m not sure how many Shining games we got outside of Japan, at least the none SRPG ones. Not so interested in those myself, but I’m very interested in this title.
Firstly I really like Tony Taka’s artstyle, especially how he draws elfs. Mmm…
But it looks like a fun JRPG, with battles in the vein of the Tales of games. And it’s based heavily around music and the characters weapons are also instruments and that is very intriguing to me.

Octopath Traveler

Release: 2018-07-13 | Buying for: Nintendo Switch

I wasn’t very into this game from the start, but the more I saw and saw of my friend trying the demo, it sold me on the game. It looks charming and at the same time I feel relaxed and happy when I see the sprites in this game. Time will tell if this preorder was a wise one, since I’m still a bit on the fence about this one.
Sure, Shining Resonance might not be a wise buy either. But I’m taking my chance with both and I hope they’ll be great.

Kommande Nintendo spel – DEL 1

Vi drar väl igång med en klassiker och kollar lite på vad vad det är för spel jag ser fram emot, men denna gången kommer jag dela upp det hela. Annars blir listorna för stora och för röriga känner jag. Därför börjar jag med Nintendo och lite av deras spel som jag ser fram emot, det är inte säkert att alla titlar har fått ett datum vid tiden detta inlägget görs.


Bayonetta 1 + Bayonetta 2

Release: 2018-02-16 | Format: Nintendo Switch

Jag har aldrig fått en möjlighet att spela Bayonetta 2, så nu när det äntligen kommer till Switch så ska jag ha dom! Dock är jag sjukt besviken på både Nintendo of America och Nintendo Europe, som har valt att enbart släppa Bayonetta 1 digitalt. Detta resulterade då i att jag bokat den japanska version av Bayonetta Nonstop Climax Edition. Som är den enda version som innehåller en fysisk utgåva av Bayonetta 1. Lite dyrare än jag hoppades på, men kommer ångra mig om jag inte får ha båda fysiskt. Ser fram emot att sparka röv med Bayonetta igen. Bayonetta 1 är ett av de mest underhållande action spelen jag spelat på senare år.

Kirby: Star Allies

Release: 2018-03-16 | Format: Nintendo Switch

The Rainbow Paintbrush var inget bra spel i min mening, gillade det inte alls. Men Star Allies ser ut att bli ett mer traditionell Kirby äventyr. Nu har jag i och för sig inte spelat så många Kirby spel i mitt liv, men detta ser ut att vara kul som tusan. Inte minst för att man kan spela 4spelare samtidigt, riktigt härligt med fler spel att spela tillsammans med vänner.
Sedan ser det ju sådär härligt charmigt ut, detta är fler spel i denna typen som jag kommer försöka skaffa i framtiden.

Donkey Kong County: Tropical Freeze

Release: 2018-05-04 | Format: Nintendo Switch

It’s time to funk like Funky Kong! Spelade aldrig detta spelet när det kom till Wii U, så det får man ju se till att fixa nu! Hört mycket gott om spelet, framför allt från min goda vän CrilleKross. Så det är ytterligare ett av dessa måste ha spelen. Vi får se om det blir på releasen dock, har ju ingen större betydelse när man köper det då Nintendos spel aldrig går ner i pris.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Release: 2018-??-?? | Format: Nintendo Switch

Vi har inget datum för spelet än, men det kommer släppas i Japan den 22e Mars, så det borde komma runt samma tid eller någon gång i april kan man ju hoppas. Har kört Wii U versionen av spelet sedan tidigare och ett av de Musou/Warriors spel jag verkligen gillar. Så jag blev rejält sur när 3Dsen fick en version med exklusivt innehåll, dock i Switch versionen kommer vi få allt. Därav “Definitive Edition”. Ser fram emot att få springa runt och slakta horder av fiender med Ganon och hans trogna treudd klädd i hans Wind Waker kläder.

The World Ends With You: Final Remix

Release: 2018-??-?? | Format: Nintendo Switch

Släpptes från början till Nintendo DS för 10år sedan, var inget jag var intresserad av då. Men nu är jag lite nyfiken, då jag hört mycket bra om spelet. Känner man får väl passa på att stödja så många JRPG man kan på Switch också, man vill ju gärna ha mer utav det.
Vet väldigt lite om detta spelet, känns även som detta är det spel jag har stört chans att inte fastna för av de som är med på denna listan. Så det får bli mitt chansning spel, när det väl kommer.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

Release: 201?-??-?? | Format: Nintendo Switch

Det första Dragon Quest Builders släpps nästa månad på Switch, men det kommer jag skippa. Däremot ser jag sjukt mycket fram emot tvåan! Jag hoppas detta kommer utannonseras att det kommer utanför Japan och att vi får Switch versionen också. Var tänkt att köpa det till PlayStation 4 från början, men med tanke på hur kär jag blivit i att spela Switch portabelt och co-op i DQB2 så blir det Switch versionen som gäller. Man kommer förlora sig i timmar med byggandet. Än så länge vet vi inte ens det japanska release datumet, men jag hoppas det kommer snart och att vi inte behöver vänta länge på att spelet kommer till väst heller.


Sedan finns det ju redan en del spel ute som jag vill ha som jag inte fått en chans att spela än. Ett som ligger högt upp där är Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, en Zelda klon som är i klassisk Zelda 2D stil. Det ser helt fantastiskt ut! Men jag är osäker på om jag ska köpa det nu eller invänta den hintade fysiska releasen…
Jag är också väldigt sugen på Axiom Verge, har hört mycket bra om det också. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle skulle jag också vilja testa, även om jag inte är helt såld på spelet. Fire Emblem Warriors var jag sugen på, men nu när Hyrule Warriors kommer så avvaktar jag.

Beaten games 2015: Part 2

So I thought I was going to make a little list of the games I’ve beaten so far this year and write a little something about them. I will list ten games on this list at a time, that way the list won’t be to long and I can perhaps write a little more about certain games, not sure I will though since this, will just reflect some simple thoughts about the games. If anyone wants to know more of what I think of a game, I can write in the comments. The dates by the name is the date I beat the game.

11: Final Fantasy Type 0 HD [ 2015-04-21 ]
I was really looking forward to play a more mature FF game, and I think I got what I wanted. It had a few surprises that I liked, but I think having 14 different characters to play from hurt the game a bit. There wasn’t any real characters focus, which I was a bit disappointed with. All in all an okay game.

12: Shovel Knight [ 2015-04-26 ]
I’ve waited a long time to play Shovel Knight and when I finally had the chance it was awesome! I was really smitten with the game and I still think it is my favorite game I’ve played so far this year. Yeah, I liked it that much.

13: The Order 1886 [ 2015-05-03 ]
It wasn’t a fantastic game, but it isn’t as bad as I kept hearing it was. It was enjoyable for what it was, as long as you don’t expect to be blown away. A bit short and perhaps to many cutscenes, and one of the best looking games I’ve played.

14: Hyrule Warriors [ 2015-05-12 ]
Now this is just god old fun. Even if the Dynasty Warriors concept can get a little bit boring, it was great fun. Really dig the designs for the characters in this game. Zelda is so lovely. You like hack n slash, you gotta try this.

15: Final Fantasy X HD [ 2015-06-16 ]
This is the second time in my life I’ve played FFX. I haven’t played it since it was released for the PS2, the game still holds up. But I’ve really grown tired of random encounters, there where way more in this game than I remembered. But as I said the game holds up and it was great revisiting Spira.

16: Batman: Arkham Knight [ 2015-07-01 ]
One of the games I was looking forward to most this year, it sort of lived up to what I had hoped. I like the game, but the batmobile takes way much space from everything else. I can’t go into more detail without spoiling, but those of you who played it know what I mean, hopefully. All in all it was a good game.

17: Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut [ 2015-07-07 ]
I had been craving a more classic platformer and Shantae came to the rescue. Short, but very enjoyable. I’m already looking forward to 1½ Genie Hero.

18: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood [ 2015-07-08 ]
Prequel to The New Order and I just had to play it since I liked the other one. Every bit as good as the TNO with a really nice twist in the game. I might start to enjoy FPS more after these games.

19: DmC: Devil May Cry – Definitive Edition [ 2015-07-12 ]
I played this game originally on the PS3 and I really liked this game, so I had to get the Definitive Edition. I’ve enjoyed this game very much, both times I’ve played it. Give it a chance if you can.

20: Onechanbara Z2: Chaos [ 2015-08-03 ]
The 20th game I’ve beaten this year. Not quite sure what I think of the game, I liked parts of it and it was a pretty okay action game, standard hack ‘n slash. I’ll have to think on this a bit to see what my final verdict on the game is. For now it was a nice game to play thought, but I’m not sure it was worth buying.

Games I want in 2014

We have already passed through half of 2014, man those six months really passed by in a flash didn’t they? There has already been some great games released this year, but I have to say that all the big ones that I was looking forward to had been delayed into 2015, both sad and good. It’s easier to focus s on what’s releasing this year. So what games do I want? Well there are still a few games releasing this year that I need to get my hands on. There are a few more, but these are the ones that I want asap!

Tales of Xillia 2
RELEASE: 2014-08-22 for PlayStation 3
As some of you might now I am a very big Tales of fan and of course I need Tales of Xillia 2! I really liked the first one and I am eagerly looking forward to this title as well. It will ease the wait for Tales of Hearts R and Tales of Zestiria. So much Tales of games for us in the west! Thank you Bandai Namco!

Hyrule Warriors
RELEASE: 2014-09-26 for Nintendo Wii U
While I’m not a really big fan of the Dynasty Warriors games, I’ve had some fun with the series. Especially the ones bases on other shows or games. And here we have Hyrule Warriors, you’ve guessed it! It’s based on The Legend of Zelda series and it looks fantastic! I think the game looks great and I love princess Zelda’s new design in this game, whom is also playable and kicking ass!

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX
RELEASE: 2014-12-05 for PlayStation 3
I never played much of Kingdom Hearts 2 and I have never played Birth By Sleep and I want to play them both! Well especially BBS, I’ve heard so many good things from that game. And it would be nice to get away from Sora and his gang for once. Not much more too say, but I want this now!

Bayonetta 2 (plus Bayonetta 1)
RELEASE: 2014-0?-?? for Nintendo Wii U
I’m not a big Bayonetta find mind you, but I had my fun with the first game. And getting both games in one packaged in Europe is great! With glorious 60fps, this game looks fantastic and the fights are so damn nice! LET’S DANCE BOYS!

E3 2014: Nintendo

Nintendo’s E3 digital direct is over and a shame it was a short one, I enjoyed some parts of it tremedosly. Like their beginning with Reggie and Iwata fighting it out in cool Smash Bros style! Nintendo who can joke and do stuff like this is best Nintendo, I got very excited. So now its time to save up more money and get a Nintendo Wii U. Here are some of the games I enjoyed mostly from Nintendo, in no specific order. But these are some of my favorites, I can’t post them all. But I can post them that spoke most too me.

Hyrule Warriors
I’ve enjoyed some of the Dynasty Warriors games and taking that game and fuse it with The Legend of Zelda really got me going. I like what I’ve seen and I’m mildly hyped for this title, can’t wait to play it! And two player mode is great!

Bayonetta 2 (+ Bayonetta)
Now this was a pleasant surprise! I enjoyed the original Bayonetta and was looking forward to number 2. They confirmed that you get the first game for free on Wii U when you buy the second one. And there where some new costumes and stuff for the first Bayonetta game.

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Those who know me and have followed me for a while, know that I really enjoy Monolith Softwares games. Like the Xenosaga series, still haven’t gotten the chance to play Xenoblade Chronicles. (Its coming!) But this trailer sold me! Goddamn I want this new game, it looks so damn amazing. Wow! I got goosebumps watching it.

The Legend of Zelda Wii U
Nintendo just showed us a little teaser for the new Legend of Zelda game. And it looks great! Just check out this teaser!