I long for some retro gaming

For some time now I haven’t been that much into my games, I just don’t feel like playing. Well that’s not entirely true, I do want to game. But I miss the time of the NES and SNES, I’m really craving some retro gaming. And just not gaming, I want to collect games. I want to get a hold of an old NES and SNES and then start to collect all the games I love. Don’t get me wrong I love the new games that are coming out and we are getting a ton of good games.

But I think I’ve grown a bit tired of all the modern games. I want more of the fun games I played in the past, the ones with couch co-op. I miss playing Turtles in Time with my best buddy, the fun we had in Mario Kart. Sure Mario Kart is still alive and kicking. But there is something special about the original version for me. I miss old school gaming, I have so many fond memories of it. I guess that’s what’s happening now, I’m remembering those happy times and I really, really want to play the good old games.
We’ll see If I can start collecting a bit of retro stuff later, if you have any tips where to start and what cheap please drop me a line.

E3 2014 in a few weeks!

Oh, my aching body! Man I’m beat. My muscles hurt everywhere! Well at least I’m still going to the gym, won’t quit that easily. But man, it sure hurts. But it’s like they say; Pain is weakness, leaving the body. Got to keep fighting, but I enjoy it. Yeah, I’m going to stop nagging about the gym now.

Soon the event of the year for me is here! Well, this is mostly true. Watching E3 live has become a tradition for me, I’ve been doing it a couple of years now and I’ll continue to do so. It will begin on June 9th, 18:00 in Swedish time. As I’ve mentioned in past posts, I can’t remember AM or PM. You’ll have to find the time for your country on your own, sorry.
I’m really looking forward to this years E3 for various reasons, I’m hoping Microsoft is brining something great! At least it will be more enjoyable without Don Mattrick, I really couldn’t stand that guy. He has this creepy face and looks like he has zero confidence. Phil Spencer seems like he is on the right track and hopefully will bring a bunch of good stuff. Hopefully it will be better than last year, which in my opinion was just terrible.

Sony is doing good with the PlayStation 4 right now and I’m very excited to see what they’ll reveal. I’d love to get some JRPG’s announced. Perhaps we’ll have to wait for Tokyo Game Show for that, but I’m still hoping. Absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming. I hope they won’t grow arrogant, like they have been in the past. I like this new Sony and I hope they keep delivering. Sadly we won’t be seeing Jack Tretton on the Sony stage this year, since he has left the company. I really enjoyed hearing him speak, so its going to be interesting to see who will replace him.

But I’m most looking forward to Nintendo, I want to see what they bring to the table. I really want them to take revenge and get back in the top. Don’t get me wrong, they make great games! But it would be nice if more people made games for the Wii U and I sure hope they can turn it around and be more successful. I want to see more of “X” and perhaps they’ll reveal the real name of the game, will probably be “Xeno” something. Hopefully we can get a first glimpse at The Legend of Zelda U and other great Nintendo games.
I enjoy it that Nintendo is starting to take a more humors approach to themselves, like you can see in Tomodachi Life Direct and the new Mega64 video. Reggie is a pretty fun guy after all! ;) Look them up, you’ll probably not regret it.

It is finally happening

That’s right! It is finally happening! What’s happening you might or might not wonder, well I have started going to the gym! I’m finally on the way to get my health on track and get rid of all my overweight. I’m really happy about that and it feels great! I’ve been there two times already and its pretty fun actually and I enjoy it, I’ve cleared all the other hurdles that has been thrown at me at life. When I have lost weight and keep on building myself up, I’m finally free of the past, I started eating because of all the bullying at school and through out my life. It became sort of a comfort when things got hard to just eat and so it continue for many many years. But I’m finally putting and end to that, I haven’t had any kinds of soda for over a month, I’ve cut down on all sugar intakes. While I do still eat some candy, but only on Saturdays now. Or at certain occasions, but definitely not every day like it used to be.

I’m also slowly changing my diet, eating a little less and adding more vegetables. Changing from white bread to a dark healthier bread, changing to a healthier butter. But I don’t eat all that much bread anymore, but it good to change either way. I’m going to start eating foods with more full grain, even if I’m not overly fond of that, but I have to or rather I want to make these changes, I really want to lose weight and slim down. As soon as I know I’ve made progress and I have been able to weigh myself properly I won’t be posting any pictures or say my weight. Mostly because I’m not 100% sure that I weigh as much as I did last time I check myself, could be more could be less. And I want to post picture later, when you can see a difference. Looking forward too that day indeed. And I want too give a big thanks to my MP3-player, thank you for letting me ignore other people and for being an awesome partner at the gym.

I’m writing about games again

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a good time, I’ve had a splendid time! And its probably going to get even better hopefully. After a break from writing about games and not thinking much about them, nut just playing them. I’ve now then offered the chance to write about them again and I was happy too do so. But this time its for another site, this time I’m writing for PlayerSelect.se. As you might have guess, it will all be in Swedish. So if you are from Sweden and interested in videogames, come on over! You’ll find us on our homepage, Facebook and Twitter. All support it greatly appreciated.
You can read my first review on the site right now, its for Tales of Symphonia Chronicles.


Finally some time off!

Ah! It feels great that its finally easter! That means some time off for most of us in Sweden, and boy it feels good to have some time off. Was even able to sleep a bit longer today, hurray! Waking up at 04:00 at the morning everyday takes some of the energy out of you eventually. So I could sleep to 07:00, Life is good, yes sir!
I wake up so early because work starts at 05:15, and if you are wondering why I’m not using AM and PM is because I can never remember which is what and I prefer a 24-hour clock. In case anyone was wondering, which you probably weren’t.

So with this time off, I am going to do a bunch of stuff I like. Or rather do stuff I haven’t had the energy to do when I’ve come home from work, like catching up on a few movies. Continue to play Tales of Symphonia HD and just enjoy myself, been so looking forward to some me time. I love my work but the past weeks have been tiering, so its really nice to do exactly what I want to do. Often when I get home from work, there are a lot of other stuff that needs to be done, like cocking and whatnot. When all stuff is finished, I never feel like I have the time to sit down and game a few hours, mostly because I go to bed early just to get a decent amount of sleep
So there will be a lot of movie and gaming being done, hopefully in these five days I have free.

I’m currently looking for a bigger apartment and I hope I can find one soon, I really need some more space and having a separate bedroom from the living room and a real (bigger) kitchen would be great. The only downside to moving is that its expensive, all the costs for changing address and stuff like that, not looking forward to those parts, but I’ll gladly do it if I can find a better place. Since I’m single (hello, ladies) I don’t need such a big apartment, I just need a separate bedroom from the living room as I said and I’m pretty pleased. Sure If I can get a place where I can have a washing machine in my apartment that would be great.

Working, living, gaming.

It’s been some time since I last made an update. I’ve been busy as usual nothing new there and I’ve been playing games. So I’ve been working, living’ and gaming. Been having it good and actually been feeling pretty good these past two weeks too.
I’ve had more courses at work, where I have thought people what we do. I really liked the group I had this time, they had some many questions, they where “hungry” for knowledge and I had to think and work a bit more this time too. It was highly enjoyable. I’m not saying the first group I had was bad, because they weren’t, they just didn’t have this groups enthusiasm.
Next week I’m only working three days, then I have five whole days off! I’m looking forward to doing nothing at all for five days! Hehe, no but seriously it’s going to be really nice to have a few days off.

So with a few days to myself, I’m hoping to play some more games. I love games, it’s my hobby and an important part of my life. So far I’ve finished inFAMOUS: Second Son entirely. I’ve even taken the platinum trophy in the game, it was pretty fun and Delsin such a crap character as many seems to imply. I had fun and it felt fun playing, but I still think the first and second inFAMOUS games are better and I personally like Cole as a main character a lot more. Plus I love electrical powers. Still if you have a PlayStation 4, I highly recommend you take a closer look at inFAMOUS: Second Son.

I finished Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes also. It was… Short… Very short, but was somewhat enjoyable. I’m not so sure what I think about Keifer Sutherland as Big Boss, it feels weird hearing someone else than David Hayter doing a young Big Boss voice. Sure he isn’t young, young. But still not so old. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t bad not by a long shot. It just feels weird that a character suddenly gets a voice change. Looking forward to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I really want to see where they are taking the series and how the transform the characters.

So know I’m thinking about going back to Tales of Symphonia, but at the same time I want to start playing Final Fantasy X HD. And I don’t want to shift between two JRPGs. Oh, the hard decisions! Hehe. Well, no matter which I pick they are both great games that I like.

Last week was busy…

I’m so glad last week is behind us, man that was one though and busy week. I worked over some days and I had people to meet after work, so it was full of stuff. Sure some of it was fun, but damn… I hardly got any rest or gaming done and then I worked on the weekend too. Well not Sunday and today I am free! So that’s nice!
Hopefully this week will be a bit better, firstly I only work four days and I will not do any overtime this week. So yeah, I am thinking this will be a pretty good week. After work on Friday I’ll make my way to Elden and we’ll watch the second half of The Walking Dead season 4. Looking forward to see what happens.

And soon its time for easter, not that I care about it that much. But we’ll get a couple of days of from work, so I can do whatever I please! Looking forward to some time of to do other stuff I love. No, I haven’t gotten tried of my work, I just want some more free time that’s all. And very long after easter it time for vacation time! We’ll see what I’ll be doing, if I can get away from home or I’ll just stay home. All depends on if I can be out with other people or if I’ll start feeling unwell and nervous, I really don’t like to be out where there are lots of people right now. I don’t know why, I just can’t handle them. I had hoped my phobia of people would get a bit better, but this year it seems to have reverted back a bit to what it was like before. Like I don’t go out if I really don’t need to, I try to avoid shops and stuff where lots of people gather. Its hard to find a balance. =/

As I said, last week was full of stuff so I had hardly anytime trying inFAMOUS: Second Son for the PlayStation 4. But that will change this week, I’ve already played a few hours and I like it! Not that I had much doubt that I would to be honest. Though one thing pissed me of, not about the game but my controller. My DualShock 4‘s touchpad stopped working when I was about to start I:SS, fucking great! So I’ve returned it and I am waiting for it to get fixed and sent back to me. Hopefully this doesn’t take a month. But then again you never know. Thankfully ZX-Omega was kind to lend me his DS4 so I can play. Thank you! So now I can play though all of inFAMOUS and then go to Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.

This are the games I got in March. Loving inFAMOUS so far, looking forward to try MGSV: GZ even if its short. And Watch_Dogs pack is just a preorder pack! Some costumes and multiplayer stuff, but it came in case when I made the preorder. So that’s nice! Hopefully the game is good too!

The games I got in March

I managed to finish of some anime shows like Kill La Kill, which was really good. Not as good as Gurren Lagann but still very enjoyable. So I can recommend that if you haven’t seen it. Hmm, what more did I watch? I finished watching No-rin, Mahou Sensou and a few others. Just check out my MAL and see what I’ve gone through if you are interested. =)
Right now I’m watching Beet The Vandal Buster, so far a pretty decent fantasy anime. More in the sort that I am looking for. Well, gotta back back to inFAMOUS and other stuff. Bye all!