Some of the big stuff in May

May was a pretty boring month all in all. Sure there was the release of Watch_Dogs that was much bigger than I thought it would be. And I don’t think I was alone in being surprised with how well it sold, but congrats to Ubisoft for that. Still need to play some more of that game, good think I have a three day weekend this week!
Yeah, Drakengard 3 also got its release. I imported the US version, since I wanted a physical copy of the game. A shame Square Enix decided to do digital only in Europe. But I’m really looking forward to take on that game too, since I really enjoyed Nier I have some expectations from this game.

I also went to the cinema and watched X-men Days of Future Past. What a great movie! I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did or rather that it would be so liked by so many others! I’m a sucker for comicbook movies, but it doesn’t seem like a lot of people like them. Avengers doesn’t count! ;)
Wish I could have gone and seen Godzilla too, I need to have Godzilla 98 erased from my head, that was such a disappointing cinema visit for my 15year old self. They own me a good Godzilla movie in a cinema!

Above are the games I got in May. The Nintendo games where dirty cheap, since a place where I live was selling out a bunch of stuff since they where downsizing. The PlayStation 4 games I’ve payed next to nothing for, since I’ve used preorder deals and whatnot to get as cheap as possible. You need to be able to catch good deals, when you have a really tight budget. I think everything here cost me about 800SEK, so I’m pretty pleased with that. Sure I’ve payed some money for the games I traded in, but they had a good trade in value, that’s why I didn’t pay much more in the end. So yeah, pretty pleased with that haul.

Tales of Hearts R coming west!

While it could be a video that leaked out before time, Tales of-series producer Hideo Baba has confirmed that Tales of Hearts R will be released in the west!
Bandai Namco but up a video on their YouTube channel but marked it as private pretty fast, but thanks for the internet folks who are fast. We still have the video too watch.

About a week ago GameStop in the US, put up a preorder for this game. With it coming in winter 2014, so its great to get a confirmation of it really coming. I am really looking forward to this game, will have to get a hold of a new PlayStation Vita for this game. As soon as there is more info, I and other Tales of-fans will share it!

It’s Tales of time!

Now I finally have Tales of Symphonia Chronicles in my hands! YES! Been looking forward to replay Tales of Symphonia and finally try Tales of Symphonia Dawn of The New World. Enough chatting here! I gotta finish my food and then get a couple of hours played! OH! YEAH!!

Kingdom Hearts makes #30!!

Let me explain that a bit better for ya. Yesterday, I had finished 29 games under the entire 2013. My goal was to at least clear 30 games before this year was over and it was looking grim. But then yesterday I started playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix HD for PlayStation 3 and I’ve went through the entire game, not skipping any story stuff and finished it right now!
It feels so good that the goal of beating 30 games under 2013 could be reached, this doesn’t mean shit you probably. But I’m very happy that I was able to achieve it, the way I’ve been working this I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it.

Next year will be filled with great games, new as old. Ironically those games I’m looking forward to most are all remasters. There is Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, which contain both the first and second Tales of Symphonia game. Then there is Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD remaster, looking forward to playing those games with some improved visuals. Even if its not much, its still nice that the people who missed out on them can get a new chance to play them. Then there is Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX, which includes Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, really, really want to play BBS.
From the guys that brought us Nier (awesome game) there is Drakengard 3. All the games I’ve mentioned now are for PlayStstion 3, so its still going strong even in 2014. My most hyped PlayStation 4 game for next year is Infamous: Second Son, it looks fantastic!

Well I could go on forever talking about games, but now I’m just going to relax and enjoy the last half hour of 2013. Take care all visitors and I hope you’ll have a great start next year, happy new year everyone!! See you in 2014!

Getting some stuff back

In the past when I bought games, I usually sold them when I was done. I actually had to do that many times to be able to afford new games. It’s the sad, harsh truth. But things are a bit better now, still don’t have a lot of cash, but I’m not in the same situation as back then. So that’s why I am trying to rebuy and get some older games I’ve never had, the first game to be rebought is Tales of Legendia for the PlayStation 2. I wasn’t a big fan of the game, but I still wish I had never sold it like so many other games… But soon I will will be in my possession again, I need it for my Tales of game collection too. =)
Next game will be the PS2 version of Tales of The Abyss, I had it before and yeah had to sell. I do own the 3DS version of the game, but I want the PS2 version. I will never sell games again, unless they are bad! I really want the classics back, some of them are going to be expensive.. And then I just need to get a PS2 that can play imported games and I can get ready again.

I would like to get a hold of the PlayStation 1 versions of Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia (a.k.a Tales of Destiny II in the US).
Then I would like to get a hold of both of the Lunar games, they are both fantastic games. I would like to get my hands on Ar Tonelico 2, perhaps not the best of games. But I enjoyed the first one despite all of it’s innuendos, still probably better than Ar Tonelico Qoga.
There are a whole bunch of games that I want and I’ll try making a list one day, it will be good for me too so I know what to cross off. I think some of the most expensive games to get are Wild Arms 5, I’ve never seen that game for a decent price. As most might have guessed now I want a bunch of JRPGs, I miss some of the old ones and the new ones with the exception of the Tales of games have not been as good IMO. So if the new stuff don’t give me what I want, I’ll just have to take a dive into the past.

Finally time for Disgaea D2!

After quite some waiting, I’ve finally got my hands on my review copy of Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness. Really been looking forward to sink my fangs into this and revisit the Netherworld. I’ve missed Laharl, Etna and Flonne, I think they’ve been the best main cast so far in the Disgaea games. Even if Valvatores in Disgaea 4 is a really close runners up.

Laharl, Etna and Flonne are back!!

Ahh, hopefully I get more Prinnies that talk bad about Etna’s lacking parts and she then proceed to torture them in ways you can only torture a demon penguin. Well I sure hope the humor and funny parts are on par with the other games, you’ll find my reviews at always at PSSverige. I’ll post here and on twitter when my review is up. For now, something to eat. Then I’m taking a trip to the Netherworld again!

Time for Kingdom Hearts in HD!

It’s finally time to revisit the world that is Kingdom Hearts, perhaps I more correctly should say worlds. Either way… It is time to dive into Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMIX! I have been looking forward to play the Final Mix version of Kingdom Hearts 1 for a while, so I’m pretty happy I can do that now. This is also an ultimate test for me, to see if Kingdom Hearts is still as enjoyable today as it was ten years ago. So I’ll probably get back to this later. =)

And I have also bought another game, I got it dirty cheap. Tales of Rebirth for PlayStation 2. A shame it never got an official English translation. But I want the game in my collection, hopefully I can sniff out the other Japan only Tales of games and get then in my collection. Sooner or later at least and I’ll probably only get the PlayStation 2 games.