Tales of Xillia is great!

So far I’m in love with Tales of Xillia! It’s everything I had hoped for and right now I don’t have any complaints. So as I thought, for me its a good candidate for Game Of The Year for me. Too be honest I’ve spent around 33hours in the game and most of them I’ve been doing sidequests and stuff. And playing around with attachments. As you can see in the picture here beside I have given Milla glasses and elf ears, they really suit her.

I also love it that you can get different hair styles in the game, in past Tales of games characters would only change their hair if they got a new costume to wear. Well not anymore! Sure if you get (buy) new costumes you get a new hair styles, but you can change back to the characters regular hair. So you can mix and match! I bought Millas swimsuit to get her hair in a ponytail and because it was a swimsuit. Shut up!
This is something I really like and appreciate in games, I can spend hours with stuff like this to try and mix and match. As soon as I can afford I’ll get more of the DLC stuff. Damn you Namco!
A bit pissed that I’ll probably never get Cress and Stahn DLC, for those who don’t know it’s the main characters of the first two Tales of games.

The combat is great and I do like the Link-system. Music is pretty great too, I just about like everything about the game. If I must complain about something, the only thing right now I can think of is the lack of a world map. Sure the way its made in Tales of Xillia is good, you walk cross “corridors” so to speak. But after a while you can teleport to the places you want to go, just like in Tales of Graces f. I’m already looking forward to Tales of Xillia 2 next year and of course
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. And I do really hope that in new entries in the Tales of series, will continue to use and expand upon Tales of Xillia’s attachment’s because as I said I sure do like that!

A fanboy or not?

Some could say I am a Sony fanboy. I’ve enjoyed their consoles from the start, I’ve had most fun with the games on their consoles. Well just about as fun as I had with the old Nintendo games. It was on Sony’s consoles I experienced JRPG for the first time, as a lot of people know that is my favorite genre. And now my dream about writing about games have come true since i joined PSSverige, again a very Sony specific site. And I guess it will be hard to convince people what I am not a fanboy. But I am going to admit that I really do like Sony, but that’s because their consoles had had the games I’ve wanted.
When I was younger I only had Nintendo consoles and their games where amazing! The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past still remains one of my childhood and adulthoods most favorite games. No one can take that from the game.

But yes, I guess I could be considered a fanboy. But not of consoles, instead of game series. I got an Xbox 360 almost entirely for Tales of Vesperia since I really needed to play that game. And then I played Blue Dragon too and I loved them and they where games that made me get a whole other console. But seriously I bought a whole new console that had just a few games that interested me, just to be able to play those games.
If the Xenosaga series would be revived as an Xbox One exclusive, well then I’m getting an Xbox One. Simple as that and right now, something like that is needed if I should consider buying their console. I still feel betrayed by Microsoft with all this DRM and all the restrictions they had. Yes, had. But I can’t trust them now.
And this reasoning is also why I’ll buy a new Wii U as soon as Nintendo releases X, so far together with the new Smash Bros. it’s the only games I want from Nintendo, but I guess that’ll change as soon as they show the new Zelda game.

The point I am trying to make is that I’ll get what ever console that will have the games I want, whether it be a Playstation, a Xbox or Wii U. But since I’ve been had a good run with Sony I’m going to jump at the chance and get a Playstation 4 at the release. The last console I got on a release was the GameCube and I love that machine, a shame a lot of other people didn’t.
I really don’t care if I get called fanboy or sometimes take a particular side in the “console war” if I do I often have good reasons too do so.
If I am a fanboy of anything it will be the Tales of-series and other JRPGs.

A bit down, but I have a trophy…

Yeah, I’m not feeling to well right now. Guess it was time for another depression to visit. Huh. I just want to get rid of this whole feeling that is covering me, I don’t like it. I loose all energy and will to do anything, what’s the use.
Hopefully I’ll start feeling better tomorrow when it time to work again, I always seem to steer clear of the dark thoughts when I am working. But we’ll see…

Well in better news at least, tomorrow is the start of E3 and I bet that’ll get me feeling much better. It is exciting this year, can’t wait to see what they’ll be announced. Looking forward to the Playstation 4. I’ll do my usual E3 posts later.

And last but not least. I managed to get the platinum trophy in Tales of Graces f, I never thought I’d go for that. So now there is nothing more for me in that game, a bit sad. But still a nice feeling when you know you’ve done everything in the game. All special bosses and stuff like that.

Tales of Xillia official trailer released

Gamespot has put up a new trailer of Tales of Xillia, so I wanted to share it with people here. God I am so hyped for this game! Just two months away until I can play this game, I am getting really hyped now! So much that I started playing Tales of Graces f again and took a few more trophies in it. Hehe, might go for the platinum trophy. ;)

Tales of Symphonia HD is true!!

A while ago, I reported about a rumor that there perhaps was a Tales of Symphonia HD Collection coming. And that it would include Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia Dawn of The New World and today this pack was announced to be true!! This collection will be called Tales of Symphonia Unisonant Pack and will be released October 10th. This was all announced just right now in an event in Japan called Tales of Festival.

Right now I am so very hyped! I actually cried a little bit when I saw this announcement, guess that just proves to me how much I really liked Symphonia. Well it was my first Tales of game and it sure was love at first sight. The opening song too Tales of Symphonia “Starry Heavens” will be getting a new version, a 2013 remix if you will. Same with ToS2 opening song.

And to top it of, as I was writing this we got confirmation that this collection will be released in Europe and America early 2014!! My god! This has been the best day of this entire week for me I am so goddamn happy right now. Long live the Tales of series!!
It seems the collection will go under the name
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles in Europe and America, a name I think is a bit better than Unisonant Pack or just HD Collection that some developers just call their HD versions.

A few Tales of games rumor

Today I heard a rumor I really hope is true… and that is that there will be a Tales of Symphonia HD Collection. It would include both Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World. It is rumored that it will be released.on Playstation 3.

I would like to play ToS2 with a real controller instead of the Wii-mote. For me it really brought down the game for me, I had a  hard time enjoying the fighting in the game because of it. Others say the game is crap either way, but I enjoyed what I played of  it. Everything but the controller.

In the same rumor it is also said that Tales of Xillia 2 will be translated too. So I really hope those rumors are true. They come from a Spanish site, where they’ve had an interview with Hideo Baba where he has hinted about these things.

Tales of Xillia EU release date!

Namco Bandai has today revealed the release date for the European version of Tales of Xillia. It will be released on August 9th. Only three days after the US release, that’s great! Europe will be treated with a Day One Edition this time around too, just like we where with Tales of Graces f. We’ll get a CD soundtrack and an artbook, plus the first edition print of the game.
I can hardly wait until I get my hands on this game, I’m looking forward to it so damn much!

I think that just about everyone should preorder this game, even if you like it or not!
The Tales of games, need more support! Show them your love, show Namco Bandai that you care and want more Tales of games released in the West.