The one game I really want…

I should be pretty excited about all the upcoming games and I am. But there is actually one game besides all of the upcoming ones I want even more. I realized that tonight when me and my buddy Kntheking where talking. What could this game be that has me more excited than both White Knight Chronicles & Final Fantasy XIII? The answer to that is Tales of Vesperia. I am a very big fan of the Tales of series and has been since i played Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube.
I’ve been dying to try this game for so long now, but without an Xbox 360, is more or less impossible. And there are no funds in the nearest of months (or even under 2010) to buy anything like that. And as time passes it seems less likely that the Playstation 3 version will be released outside of Japan.

But why am I this hyped for the game? Honestly I can’t answer that, I just have a very strong feeling inside my whole body when I think of this game. It may sound cheesy or strange, but that’s the only way I can put it. The Tales of games have always made me feel better when I’m playing them, there is something there that I just love. With the exception of Tales of Legendia, which I do not like at all.
So just knowing its out there and waiting it actually kinda hurtful… The way and the longing I feel for Tales of Vesperia is something I haven’t felt in a long time.

I won’t put any hope in the PS3 version coming out here, I don’t have the heart to hope for something like that. I’ll just get depressed then. I’m just hoping I’ll be able to get a hold of an X360 version of the game later, so I can play it. They seem to be getting pretty rare… I really do think its amazing you can feel like this over a game, but I can’t help the way I feel. I hope I’ll get to play the game soon and that it will be just as great as I think it is.

January the crappy month

And so a month of 2010 has passed. All in all January was a terrible month, especially economically. January did have its fair of good days, but they where to few…
Like I got in contact with an old friend I had thought I’ve lost and getting my HDTV. Beside those two things, there was not much else to weight up the month. And both those good things, happened in the end week of January. I’m really hoping February will be much better… I think I’m gonna start working soon, I’m going to be at a place called ***** and do some cleaning. Like cleaning in schools I think. Hopefully I won’t have to clean up, other peoples shit and I really mean it literally! This is just a job test from “Arbetsförmedlingen“, I’m pretty sure I can’t get a job at *****, but at least I can get experience and search for jobs like it.

And tomorrow hopefully White Knight Chronicles, will be shipped out. So I’m really rooting for it to arrive on Friday the 5th. Come on, come on! Well that’s just about the only thing I’m looking forward to this month, I’m hoping it won’t be a boring month and it will be better economically. Well in March is time for Final Fantasy XIII, seems like I will be getting it thanks to a trade-in deal with Gamestop.

I also thought I was pretty active here on the site last month, with 16 whole posts. Its the largest number of posts in a month for quite some time.
Okay, sure it was 14posts in December. But still! It’s been fun writing. Hoping there will be many fun things to write about this year and not only the bad stuff.

A day with my HDTV

So I’ve had my new TV, over a day now. And damn! I’m in love, I really honestly do love my TV. It really beats the crap out of my old SDTV. Well if it didn’t I would have been very sad. So some impressions perhaps?

I’ll start with my only complaint about the TV. This is not something that makes the TV worse or anything, but I wish it would start a little faster. If you’ve turned it of and then turn it on again it takes about what? 10-15 seconds. Not to complain about that time, but it does feel like its too long, since my SDTV took about what? 3-4 seconds. This is the only thing I can complain about and that something totally worthless to complain about. Still just wanted to get that off my chest.

The image is very nice and sharp, its like day and night comparing to an SDTV. I’ve tried almost every game I own and they all look excellent! And the fact that I can see stuff in the games I couldn’t with my old TV is just awesome. Mostly its just text, but also details on characters clothes or other minor stuff. Details I really enjoy seeing.
The sound from it is really good also, it sounds more natural. Well compared to the old TV anyway. I haven’t tried hooking it up to my computer yet, I’m gonna try that over the weekend. Just for the fun of it and see how it is. Overall its a great TV and I love it and that it would turn out to be a Full-HD tv it seems, is just awesome. That was a surprise even for me. Especially since nowhere on the box does it say its a Full-HD tv, but after some googling and checking a few things out on wikipedia. That seems to be the case. I’m not complaining. ^^

In other news I have completed everything in Darksiders now. I got the platinum trophy for it too. That’s my seventh platinum. I’m not a trophy hunter, I mostly seek out an gather trophies when I don’t have anything else to play. And now I only had to finish Darksiders on the hardest difficulty, so I replayed it now on my HDTV. Will probably trade it in for Final Fantasy XIII, have to get a new copy of Darksiders later when the economy is better. Well now I’m just awaiting the release of
White Knight Chronicles, which I hope will come next week.

The big surprise… HDTV get!

So this was my big surprise! As a lot of people already should have guessed. Still didn’t want to say it straight out yesterday. I thought this day would never come, how I have waited. So what all this about?! Well, I finally got my Christmas present from my family+grandpa. A bit late I know, but there has been other things in the way. But I’m so incredible happy right now.
I’m reaching hyper state. Woo! It was some time ago I really felt like this and if feels wonderful! Now I can finally enjoy games on a HDTV and that I shall! I’ll let the pictures say the rest! There is even a rare one with me in it!!

How my love for JRPGs started

I like a verity of different genres. Actions, stealth, & platform genres was always a big interest for me. But there was always something genres that I hated. I’ve never liked FPS, sport or driving games and one of the genres I hated the most where RPGs.I tried a bunch of different sorts of RPG’s but none of them where good. Then some friends and just about everyone else started going nuts over the newly released
Final Fantasy VII
. So I tried it and of course… I did not enjoy it one bit and with that I decided to give the genre a rest, I was done! I just hated it.Now we are in the middle of 1999 and I hadn’t touched an RPG, but I had grown a bigger interest in anime. And had gotten the chance to see the anime series

Magic Knights Rayearth. It was a show that was very influenced by RPG and fantasy. So I started to watch it and grew to like the series more and more. I also felt a stronger urge to try some RPGs again and I got the chance later when I got a friend to lend me Lunar Silver Star Story Complete for the Playstation 1.

Darksiders! First game of the year finished!

And now I finished watching the end credits to Darksiders! Damn, what a great game. It really turned out better than would have dared to hope. It really is like a Darkish Zelda game with a big of God of War‘s combat system.
War is a pretty cool character and I want to see more of his quest for revenge. I’m not sure what more I am to say about the game. Go out and buy it! If you’ve been looking for a good adventure game in Zelda style, this is perfect for you.

I’m going to continue to get some stuff I missed in the game. Like life-shards & wrath cores. Think of them as Hearts and Magic containers. Then I’m going after some of the trophies I’ve missed in the game, when I’m done with that I’m going to put this game to rest for a bit. I will be replaying it on the hardest difficulty too, to get that trophy. But that will come when I have an HDTV. Well probably. Perhaps I’ll go trough it again before that, that all depends on what I feel like doing.

I really hope the rest of the year will be filled with games just as good as this one. This is the first time (that I can remember) a year has started of with a really good game. With games as White Knight Chronicles and Final Fantasy XIII on my own list. I sure hope they will live up to my expectations

War is coming

Darksiders is finally here! Picked up my preordered game from Gamestops.
How I love there trade ins. Trade in Two games and pay 1SEK. Only thanks to that I’ve been able to get new games the past year. Now I’m of to do my daily stuff, then I’m gonna play the shit out of this game. =)