20years of gaming

Wow. Its really been that long since I started playing games. This year marks my 20th year as a gamer. Time really does fly. Well I’m glad to have this as a hobby and part of my life. So in celebration of this. I decided to make a list of all the games I’ve finished playing. Not every game i’ve ever played, just the ones I have finished. Get it?

I know I’ve missed some games on the list but I’ll keep updating it.
Right now I’ve finished 149 games. That’s pretty much. But is it really that much over the course of 20years? Well I guess that just shows I’ve actually had more of a life than just gaming. =)
Well here is for 20 more year at least! Hurray!

You can find the list here

The RPG’s I’ve finished!

I made a list last night of all the RPGs I’ve finished. It came to a total of 34games. I think thats a little low. But I can’t remember anymore RPG’s right now that I’ve finished. Brain freeze, heh. Well here they are in all their glory…
Hopefully I can remember if there are more games I’ve left out.
Or you might come with some tips. Why bother with this? Well I think its fun to show people what games you’ve finished and people can see what games I’ve finished so we could talk about them with out spoiling stuff.

Pokémon Blue, Pokémon Gold, Xenosaga I-II

Chrono Trigger, Magic Knights Rayearth, Tales of Symphonia

Tales of Eternia, Brave Story

Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete, Grandia,
Star Ocean 2, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Xenogears


Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Xenosaga I, Xenosaga II, Xenosaga III,
Suikoden III, Tales of Legendia, Tales of The Abyss, Grandia II,
Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Megaman X Command Mission,
Wild Arms 4, Atelier Iris 1, Ar Tonelico, Kingdom Hearts I, Kingdom Hearts II

Enchanted Arms

Anotherone bites the dust!

Wowo!! Finally! I’ve finally beaten Enchanted Arms for PS3.
I started playing this game when it was new for the Xbox 360, but thanks to a certain red light. (-.-) I could never finish it. Now what 2-3years later I’ve finally done it. It feels good to have it of my back. The game was… Okay. It had its moments but I’m pretty sure I’m never going to touch it again. And if I do its to complete other sidequests and other various things I might have missed.

Things I dont give a shit about in this game. I just wanted to finish it and I did.
Aha, so now I’m 100% free to just play Soul Calibur 4. Even if I think that game will be finished very fast, well at least I have something to play when people come over. ^^
And the next game on the list is Disgaea 3, so now I can get more hyped about that.
Well now I’m just going to wait for Valkyria Chronicles and Eternal Sonata for the PS3. Hopefully Eternal Sonata will come out soon. ^^

New design!

Hello, folks! This is some of the new design for my site. How do you like it so far?
I’m hoping to get a good looking background and a stylish looking background for the sidebar. But at least I’ve made some progress on the site. I just need to get better colors and make everything like a whole unit. You know, that part has one color, and another part has another color. I want more harmoni with everything.

Well, well see how it turns out. I’ve been working on this for a whole 8hours today, had to redo all my CSS. Well it was a good lesson, it feels like I understans it a bit more now. So it was not a waste of time. Plus I have a lot of free time on my days now anyways. Why not spend them on something I at least like! =) All tips or help are greatly welcome.

EDIT POSTED 3hours later: Aha! Now I’m pleased with the look. This is more of a style I’ve wanted to have on my site. Just a few things to fix and I’m done for now.

New logo!

Hey everyone! I’ve gotten a new logo.
Why? Well because I’ve decided I want to be myself on the internet, so instead of always hiding behind “Yazuka”, I now just want to be me. Micke Johansson. So I made this M-like logo. I like it myself. But there are some places that I will still be “Yazuka”. Like on Youtube, Deviantart, Gamefaqs, gametrailers. And other sites.
But I’ll be using this logo instead. So yeah, if you see it, its probably me. =)
Sadly the miniature doesn’t look as good as the big one IMO, but I have no idéa how to fix it. =/

So hopefully if I have the time, I’ll try to remake the whole site design, I’m trying to go for a more simple yet, clean design. And compared to what it was in the beginning I’m slowly getting there. So I’ll just keep fighting until I finally get a design I’m pleased with. And a question. Is there anything you would like to see on my site? I’m gotten some request from friends, to put up a friends page. Would that be okay, for you (yes, you know who you are) if I put up some minor info on you too? Or perhaps something else? I feel like I want to expand in some sort of way. I need to do something.

Eternal Sonata PS3 version!

Last night it was confirmed by Namco Bandai that the Playstation 3 version of Eternal Sonata, that was said to be a Japan release only. Will be coming to the US. Finally! I’m really glad to hear that Namco Bandai!
The PS3 really needs more RPG, so now you just have to confirm Tales of Vesperia for PS3 with a US release, I’ll love you all even more. <3

Well that’s about the best news I’ve had for a long time. Or a few weeks at least. 13days left untill Soul Calibur 4 will be released. So soon…
And next month its time for Disgaea 3. Don’t forget to get that folks! If you’re into the Disgaea series I mean.
Untill next update, take care everyone!

EDIT: Here is a videoclip of the PS3 version of the game in a fight.
As you can see its in english and with the Playstation controller buttons. So it really is true! ;)

Some sort of update…

I’ve been sick since wednesday. I’ve cought a cold. I hate it. I’ve blowing my damn nose every damn second, well at least it feels like that. And I’ve had fever and not poer what so ever. I hate being sick. And I’m still not feeling better. hope it will pass soon. Well there has been a lot of crap happening too, but I’m not going to write about that…

I’ve been trying to play some Super stardust HD. To beat my friend
kntheking‘s record. Hah… It hasn’t gone well. I’ll have to try when I feel better. Not many days until Soul Calibur 4 is released. Yes! looking forward to that. And on a side not I want to wish my friend nordiclania a very happy birthday! Sorry I couldn’t be there. So I’ll have to see you at another time. hopefully sometime in this year.

Water drops Grizzly Cats

Here are some random photos I’ve taken with my cellphone camera. Its crappy I know. But at least you can see what it is, and it works fine for me. Just about the only thin that tastes anything right now, water, milk and other drinks don’t taste anything. As I said before I hate being sick. -.-
and some pictures of our kittens. The one on the separate picture is the one we are going to keep, and then there is a picture of all of them.