DS! Making school better since forever

I got it from a friend of the family. He had bought one, but he didn’t like it. I guess he thought it was a bit more powerfull than it was.
Meaning, I think he though it could do more. Like a PDA or something.
Well at least that’s what I think. I will get it for “free”. Or rather without paying, but I’m going to help him with other stuff.
Was something with his computer or of that kind, and for a DS I’ll glady help. =)
Well either way i don’t care, free is good. Just hope it isn’t anything sexuall.
Then he will need to pay up. At least I’ll be having something to do in “school”.
And to my surprise it was a DS lite silver! I thought it was an old DS phat. Shit, now I might have to do some sexuall things. ;D
(No images sorry, my sister has taken the camera with her.)

Yesterday me and Kntheking has a long(?) talk about friends. It seems we are in a similar position. And it was a very nice talk. I enjoyed it and actually needed it. I’m sorry for always blabing about my problems for you Kn. Well you seem to be the only one who listens, at least of all those
whom I talk about these things with. And I appriciate it man.

The Tales of the Abyss anime has started and I’m watching that. And I like it. It follows the game pretty closely. Well at least right now it does, but I don’t think it will go in another direction. And also watching the long awaited season 3 of Heroes. I just hope this will be the last, if not it will just continue to go downhill.
I don’t think season 3 is bad, but I just don’t want it to turn into an eternity series like Lost…

Just 17 more days untill I turn 25. urgh. Time flies.
My biggest wishes? To move to my own place and win the lottery, if anyone can fix that for me I’ll be very gratefull. ;)
(No, honsetly do it! T-T)

Getting a DS?

Oh my, oh my! I might be getting a DS. Its not final yet. But please keep your fingers crossed. I already know that my dear friend kntheking has lent me Final Fantasy IV, thank you mate!
I really appriciate it. And thanks for all the talk about friends. Nice to know someone understands me. Well at least regarding stuff like that.Well I’m going back to hoping. I’ll post later with mer info.

The headache from hell & the relief

Have you ever had a headache that doesn’t hurt that much, but makes you feel like shit? I had one of those yesterday. My head didn’t hurt much, but I got dizzy feelt like I was gonna throw up and just feeling like the end was near. One moment I was freezing, the other I was hot. It was a strange experience. But it was probably just some fever that that was leaving my body. Still it feelt so strange. So I went to bead real early yesterday, since I had no power left, but when I woke up I feelt like brand new. Wow, I don’t think I’ve feelt that good in a long time. I actually feelt like doing a bunch of stuff. Like starting to play The Legend of Dragon. But didn’t since I had to get up and go to school.

So I’ll probably get something played today. No changes with the PS3 sadly.
If all goes as I hope (and when do things ever go liked planned?)
December or January are the preliminary months for a new one. And it seems like I will be able to meet Kntheking this year! Which I didn’t think would be possible. If nothing changes, November sometime I’ll be going to visit. Looking forward to come out abit and see more than just plain old Kristianstad. =P

Well now I gotta get back so school. Get back on working my new logo that is. Haha, like there is anything else to do here. See ya all later. <3

A rare(?) jem + Xenosaga figurines!

Last week I went to my local EB Games/Gamestop as I usually do.
Checked out their collection of PS1 games. I usually do that too, in hope of finding some good games. And this time I actually got lucky!
I found The Legend of Dragoon for 79SEK (about 11.50$). So I was happy I’ve been wanting to play this game for a long time. I played it when it was new, but never finished it and I’ve always liked its battle system. So hopefully I’m going to start playing it today.
Good thing my little brother still had his PSOne or I would have been screwed. >.<
Too bad the controllers a bit… Fucked up… Anybody have a cheap Ps1 DS controller or a PS2 controller they want to sell cheap?
(Guess not. ^^)

Other than that I’ve just been watching anime, well not nearly as much as I did before. I’ve really lost the will to do anything, since my PS3 got destroyed. Slowly building up the money for a new one… Urg… If I’m really lucky (hahaha) I might be able to get a new one in November or December. I’m at least hoping for a new one by the end of the year… A shame that so many other things I wanted to do will suffer from this blow. Why can’t I just win the fucking lottery? Then all my problems would disappear in an instant. It would have been so wonderfull.

EDIT: Woho! Apparently the Xenosaga figurines I ordered from Play-Asia last week has arrived today! Can’t wait until I get home to check which figures I got. I just ordered 3, so I’m hoping KOS-MOS v3KOS-MOS v4 is in this pack. I just need them and KOS-MOS ep2 swimsuit and I have all of KOS-MOS versions. =D
Will update later with pictures!

EDIT 2: …. I got three MOMO figures. Not one fucking KOS-MOS figure! That has to be some record in something. I’m sad now. =(

Bad news

Hey! Sadly I have some bad news. Our internet conection if totally fucked up at home right now. I have no idéa what the problem is, but I can’t go online at home. =(
Hopefully it will be fixed soon, but since we have Telia I somehow doubt it… They are not the fastest of people to fix stuff.  So if any of my friends want to get in touch you have to call me. On the phone that is. ;)

I was going to update some stuff I’ve done over the last week, but its seems like I can’t use my USB stick in school. Yay! What great computers you have! So If I can get it to work I’ll post it up here.
And yes I have gotten Disgaea 3 now. =)

Fucking shit!

I’m poor, i’m bored. I’m stressed by the presure the school is setting on finding a job. Damn, assholes If there was full of jobs don’t you think I would have had one by know? People can be so damn stupid sometimes, especially people who won’t listen to reason. And to top all these delightful things of, there was no Disgaea 3 in the mail today! Now my whole weekend is ruined. And I don’t have any will to play anything else right now. Goddamit! I was really hoping on this. Fuck! >=(
Guess I’ll have to make the best of thing and just watch a whole bunch of movies this weekend, even if that is way below what I was expecting from this weekend.

What more can I say that I’m very dissapointed. Guess I’ll just have to try and get some work done on my Final Fantasy VII AMV. If you have any tips on good songs you could use pelase tell me.

Something fun to do?

Do you have any tips on things to do on the internet? Flash games or whatever.
I need something to do when I’m at school. ITs so damn boring just staring at the computer screen. And for those who might wonder, its not a normal school.
More like a kindergarten for people who are looking for work. So its suck so dman hard!

I’ve been thinking about starting to write my stories again, but you just can’t relax here or get any insperation. Plus I don’t like having people hanging over my shoulder watching what I’m writing. So then the only option left is to find some sort of flash game or an internet site that is fun.
Or at least offers something to do. I’m bored to death here and I’m pretty sure I could fall asleep.