Mer gottis till Smash Bros Ultimate

Idag vid 16.00 tiden var det en ny Nintendo Direct, denna fokuserade helt på det kommande Super Smash Bros Ultimate till Nintendo Switch.
Två nya karaktärer plus tre nya Echo fighters (kloner) visades idag.
Det är Simon Belmont från Castlevania & King.K Rool från Donkey Kong Country som är nya fighters. Echo fighters är Richter Belmont också från Castlevania,
Dark Samus från Metroid Prime och Chrom från Fire Emblem. I och med att vi får två
Castlevania-karaktärer här, så tycker jag det är på högtid att Konami gör ett nytt Castlevania-spel, man blir ju lite sugen nu!

Nintendo avslöjar också hur många banor som finns med i spelet och just nu lär det 103 spelbara banor! Skulle inte förvåna mig om det blir fler innan spelet släpps eller det tillkommer fler som DLC vid ett senare tillfälle. Det är så sjukt mycket innehåll i detta spelet att det är svårt att tro, men man börjar ju längta tills man får prova spelet.

Här kan ni se Simon Belmonts presentations film.

Här är hela Smash Bros Directen. Med alla godbitar.

Limited Edition versionen visades inte i Directen, men avslöjades på Nintendos Twitter, den ser riktigt trevlig ut! Den innehåller följande saker (som även syns på bilden),
Själva spelet, GameCube kontroll Super Smash Bros. ver & en GameCube kontroll adapter.

Limited Edition. Ser inte alls pjåkig ut! Ska man skaffa eller ej?…

Får ta mig en ordentlig funderare på om det är värt att investera extra pengarna för de grejerna. Kommer säkert kosta 2000kr här i Sverige misstänker jag.

Allt som allt verkar Super Smash Bros Ultimate bli just den ultimata versionen av spelet, det blir svårt att göra en uppföljare på detta. Men jag hoppas vi kan få någon mer Xenoblade-representant, vill ha med någon mer!

Metal Gear Solid V has taken my time

Since the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I’ve spent a lot of time with it. I think I’m closer to 50 hours or so now. And I’m still not at the end, all the side-ops in the game has really taken my time. It’s easy to get lost there and just roam around and collect and Fulton stuff.

So that must means I really dig the game, right? Well not necessarily. I’m not sure what I think of the game right now to be honest. I’ve had some enjoyable moments in the game, but I wish there was more story, more cutscenes. You know like a regular Metal Gear Solid game and I would have loved to have some iconic bosses. Seemed like those died together with Metal Gear Solid 3, a damn shame!
Sure the game is good, just not as good as I hoped so far. I’m not a fan of the mission style, it works but I don’t like it for the story mode, I guess that’s why I never got into Peace Walker either. I’ll see what I think about the game, when I have finished it. That’s when my final verdict for a game is formed. If the ending is totally crap it can ruin a game for me, then it becomes more along the lines of “What am I fighting for!?“. The ending is my reward, it has to feel fulfilling, sure if the game has been fun and is good I won’t dis it just because of the ending.
I’ll write more about MGSV later, both what I liked and what I hated and I’ll try to make it spoiler free.

In other news it has been a slow month, but that’s okay. Looking forward to next month with three games I’m very excited for. Transformers: Devastation, Dragon Quest Heroes and of course Tales of Zestiria. Fun times are ahead for me at least.
And today I picked up my 20th anniversary controller, I just love this thing to death. So much nostalgia for me, just because of the PlayStation grey color. Now Nintendo should release a Pro controller that is NES or SNES inspired. I would have to get them, because of reasons.

I must clairyfy that the touchpad does not look like this when you buy it! I bought an sticker to go over the touchpad to protect it from fingerprints and I wanted to have the 20th anniversary logos on there. Just so you know and I put caps on my sticks to protect them too, I don’t want to risk the sticks falling apart.

Spelen jag ser fram emot under 2015

Folk som har läst denna bloggen innan eller känner mig, vet att jag älskar spel. Det är en sak som alltid funnit i mitt liv och det är viktigt för mig. Även om det har blivit lite mindre spelande än jag hoppats, för att man jobbar en del. Men tack vare det kan man köpa fler spel och även under 2015 kommer det ett par spel jag gärna vill ha. Här är en liten lista på de jag kommer på just nu som jag verkligen vill ha och måste ha! Nu kan ju oturen vara framme och något av dem försenas, men det får vi hoppas inte sker.

Tales of Zestiria

Jag älskar Tales of-serien. Det är väl den enda JRPG-serie just nu som jag verkligen älskar så otroligt mycket, naturligtvis finns det många bra. Men Tales of-serien ligger mig lite närmare hjärtat. Så när Bandai Namco släpper ett nytt Tales of-spel i väst köper jag det, så länge det inte är till mobil vill säga. Tales of Zestiria ser ut att bli minst lika fartfyllt i fighterna som de senaste i serien, så längtan är stor att få besöka denna världen. <3

Dragon Quest Heroes

När man fick se DQH för första gången blev jag otroligt sugen på spelet. Gjort av Omega Force som är kända för sina “Dynasty Warriors” spel. Dragon Quest Heroes har element ifrån Dynasty Warriors serierna, men ska tydligen vara mer action-rpg. Gillar verkligen hur bra Akira Toriyamas stil passar i 3D och så ser jag fram emot att få spela med klassiska Dragon Quest hjältar. Hoppas detta släpps till sommaren eller så i väst.

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman! Alltid denna Batman! Du gör alla förbrytare tokiga! Så vad gör vi? Det är simpelt! Vi dödar Batman! Vi hjälps alla åt! Lite så kommer det nog vara i Batman Arkam Knight. Det sägs också vara det sista spelet i Rocksteadys trilogi, Arkham Origins gjordes inte av dom. Kommer Batman att dö? Kommer Gotham bli skurkarnas paradis? I juni vet vi svaret på de frågorna.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Som den Xenosaga-fan jag är, så måste jag köpa allt som Monolith Software gör. Jag älskar deras spel, Xenoblade var trevligt även om jag inte klarat det än. Ja, jag skäms över det. Men det tar vi itu med sedan. XBX ser otroligt ut och verkar enormt! Ska bli intressant att få skapa sin egna karaktär och utforska världen.

The Legend of Zelda Wii U

Allt vi har fått se av detta spelet än så länge har gjort mig otroligt hajpad. Allt från de enorma landskapen till att hoppa från hästrygg och skjuter pilar på monster. Zelda spelen levererar alltid på ett eller annat sätt, så jag ser fram emot detta något otroligt. Själv hoppas jag nästan lite att Link fortsätter bära sina blåa kläder vi sett honom bära i de få bilder och trailers vi sett. Var lite uppfriskande att inte se honom i sin tunika, inte för att det är första gången han är utan dem. Hoppas på klädes byte annars. ;)

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Efter MGS4 ville jag i stort sätt inte ha något med serien att göra. För mig var det en besvikelse, somliga delar var naturligtvis bra. Men det slutar på ett otroligt dålig sätt i min mening. Men nog om det nu, MGS5 ser i att bli ett riktigt grymt spel och vi får än en gång bekanta oss med Big Boss. Ska vi äntligen få se honom bli “ond”? Personligen hoppas jag verkligen det och kanske skulle vi kunna få se en ung Solid Snake. Hoppas kan man alltid.

Working, living, gaming.

It’s been some time since I last made an update. I’ve been busy as usual nothing new there and I’ve been playing games. So I’ve been working, living’ and gaming. Been having it good and actually been feeling pretty good these past two weeks too.
I’ve had more courses at work, where I have thought people what we do. I really liked the group I had this time, they had some many questions, they where “hungry” for knowledge and I had to think and work a bit more this time too. It was highly enjoyable. I’m not saying the first group I had was bad, because they weren’t, they just didn’t have this groups enthusiasm.
Next week I’m only working three days, then I have five whole days off! I’m looking forward to doing nothing at all for five days! Hehe, no but seriously it’s going to be really nice to have a few days off.

So with a few days to myself, I’m hoping to play some more games. I love games, it’s my hobby and an important part of my life. So far I’ve finished inFAMOUS: Second Son entirely. I’ve even taken the platinum trophy in the game, it was pretty fun and Delsin such a crap character as many seems to imply. I had fun and it felt fun playing, but I still think the first and second inFAMOUS games are better and I personally like Cole as a main character a lot more. Plus I love electrical powers. Still if you have a PlayStation 4, I highly recommend you take a closer look at inFAMOUS: Second Son.

I finished Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes also. It was… Short… Very short, but was somewhat enjoyable. I’m not so sure what I think about Keifer Sutherland as Big Boss, it feels weird hearing someone else than David Hayter doing a young Big Boss voice. Sure he isn’t young, young. But still not so old. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t bad not by a long shot. It just feels weird that a character suddenly gets a voice change. Looking forward to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I really want to see where they are taking the series and how the transform the characters.

So know I’m thinking about going back to Tales of Symphonia, but at the same time I want to start playing Final Fantasy X HD. And I don’t want to shift between two JRPGs. Oh, the hard decisions! Hehe. Well, no matter which I pick they are both great games that I like.

Years later, Metal Gear Solid 3

I’ll be speaking pretty openly about this game and other games in the MGS series, have you not played them don’t read. Because you will get some things spoiled in this text.
It’s been about seven years since I first and last played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, damn time sure flies… I say that a lot, but sometimes I feel like I have no track of time at all. At that time this was one of my favorite games, and absolutely my favorite of all the Metal Gear games. So how do I feel about it the game now after so many years?

I did not like the game as much as I once did, I didn’t find it as fun to play either. It looked great playing the HD version of the game, but for some reason I didn’t enjoy the game nearly as much as I did in the past. And my memory of the game was not very accurate at all. I can’t explain that really well, but its like I remembered a much more bigger and more epic game. Could be that I had other influences or whatever back then, or even now. Or Metal Gear Solid 4 that killed my interest in the franchise for me. I was so disappointed with that game, I was expecting so much and hopefully get some good answerers to some of the big stuff in the series…

Hey, hey! Where are you going!? Get back here! While those are some pretty negative stuff and thoughts from me, I didn’t say the game was bad. It’s just not as good as I remembered it.
I like the characters and bosses, they have a lot of character and the story is nice.
And I for one am a fan of Big Boss, or rather Naked Snake that he is known as in this game. I don’t know what I can say right now to show I don’t hate this game, but I don’t hate it. I’ve actually become more eager to play Peace Walker now, I want to see what happens there and hopefully see some of the events there that will lead Big Boss to becoming the major villain throughout the MGS series. But I’ll will take a break from the MGS games again, so it will be some time before I’ll play Peace Walker.

So all in all, I’m not a fan of the MGS series and MGS3 didn’t live up to my feelings I’ve had to the game in the past. It is by no means a bad game, I still like it a lot. And will play it again sometime in the future. And I’ll be getting Metal Gear Rising when that comes out, since it looks like a lot of fun to play. I am also hoping to get the energy to actually replay MGS4 someday, I want to see if my feeling have changed for that game. I might appreciate it more now than when it was new? Who knows, someday I’ll give it a second try.

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

Earlier today Konami revealed the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. This collection will feature reworked games such as, MGS2 Sons of Liberty, MGS3 Snake Eater and MGS Peace Walker. A shame the first one isn’t included, but me getting HD version of MGS3 is more than enough.

All the games in this collection will have trophies/achievements. And this collection will be released in November this year. Remember, “Take care of the box and the box will take care of you.”