And so the weekend came to an end

As some might know, my good friend Kntheking was visiting me over the weekend. He arrived Friday the 13th (oh, noes!) and he went home today (Monday). It was fun to meet each other again. I’m a bit sad that we didn’t have a bunch of games to play, but we’ll take care of that later. It was just fun meeting again and talking. And that was awesome, indeed it was!
We also saw some tv-shows and movies. We saw Tucker & Dale VS Evil, and it was hilarious.
Especially if you like old slasher movies like Friday The 13th, Terror on Elm Street. But this one has a little twist, its a comedy. Watch it! If you like comedy and slashers, I think you’ll get something out of this.
And then we watched some Swedish “buskis” humor, I’m not sure what this is called in English.
But if you know who Stefan & Krister is, then that’s it! We saw the two newest movies, “Virus i Bataljonen” and “En Mor Till Salu!” They where both very good and I laughed more than I’ve done in a while, so if you are Swedish and like that kind of humor I recommend them.

We where out and walked much too, which I really enjoyed. It so damn boring to walk alone, so walking and talking with good friends is great. And speaking of great, it seems like PSN is finally starting to return!
Fucking finally! I’m still awaiting my new password so I can log into my Playstation 3, but hopefully I won’t have to wait that much longer. So hopefully I can soon resume my playthrough of Ar Tonelico Qoga. And after that I think I’ll give No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise a shot. If it has arrived that is.
I really should go to bed, but I’m not all that tired… But I guess I’ll be tired as hell at work tomorrow. But hopefully, when I return home I’ll be able to play some games. Take care ya all.

I’m longing for Friday 13th

I’ve been feeling I’ll for some time now, but its finally starting to feel better. And that’s good, since I must be better until Friday 13th next week. Since I’ll be getting a visitor then, its my good buddy KNtheking who will come down and visit me! I’m really looking forward to that, it is going to be nice! :D

I’m really hoping we’ll have a great time, but just being able to meet one of my oldest and dearest friends are enough. If you are reading this man hope you aren’t pissed about my lack of responses to your SMS.
I don’t have much money left on my phone and need to save that until Friday so we can keep in touch then. I think that’s more important.

I’m on season 5 on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series). Its really great, I like it a whole lot. Only two seasons left until it ends, I’m a bit sad by that. But oh, well.
This show is so much better than the old one, its more mature and darker. But it also has its goofier moments, but nowhere near as many or frequent at the original show. And then there is a new Turtles show in the making, I’m gonna watch that too as soon as it premiers.

Finally an update!

Now I’m finally back with an update! I’ve updated the design for my homepage! I thought it was about time I did something new, I’m pleased with how this one has turned out. Its pretty simple but very functional, but I’m not done with the design yet. Over the coming days/weeks I’m going to change and tweek stuff until they all are to my linking. So if you see something that looks a bit weird, please report it to me.

I’ve been busy with work and I’ve been to tired to do anything when I got home, so that’s why I’ve been inactive for those of you who has noticed. But hopefully I can catch up a bit on that again, at least I’ve had some time to play.
I’ve been playing Ar Tonelico Qoga and I’m about 15-16hours into the game, and I like it very much so far. Will probably post a review of it later on RPGbloggen, so if you’re Swedish check back there later!
Looking forward to next week, when we finally have some vacation thanks to it being easter. Four days of from work! Sure, both Saturday and Sunday are included in those days. But still! Its nice to get a few days, to do some stuff I’ve wanted. To be able to just take a trip into town and check what’s going on there, ya know the simple little stuff.

I’ve also had the chance to finish some older anime series and start watching some new ones.
I hope I have the time and motivation to do some posts on them, with my thoughts. So much you want to do, but so little time to do it. It’s a shame. But you’ll probably see a few more updates coming in the upcoming days, I’m going to post some of my favorite anime openings/intros. So there will be a few video posts. Well that’s all I have planned for now, that I can remember. See ya’ll then!

RPGbloggen, our new project

Been a while since I’ve made an update, so I thought it was about time now! I wanted to wait a little longer, since I’m awaiting a logo from my friend Elden and a banner from my friend Ezakiel. Hoping both will be finished soon, so we can add them to the site.
Well… Anyway! Me and Kntheking has taken up our interest for a new RPG site. New site but an old name, RPGbloggen. Its the name we used from the start when we together with Lania started an RPGblog. But we evolved from there and it became RPGaiden, but in the end we all wanted different stuff so we left RPGaiden and she continued to drive it herself. It was fun and a time I’ll cherish and now its time for us to move on.

RPGbloggen is a Swedish RPG gaming blog, which I somehow think you might have figures out. We are not trying to be a super serious site, we are writing about what we like.
And doing it in our own way, a bit hard for me to explain. But I guess you’ll get it. We have just started and we are trying to get all the stuff we want ready. But we are up and running, so visit us and see for yourself!

See ya!

Not funny. Not at all.

It just came to my attention that someone has created a new Livejournal account with my name and username. Gone by the name of micke_yazuka. I want to assure people that its not me, not even close. I’ve left LJ for good and I have no plans of ever returning there.
And I really hate the fact that someone is trying to be me, honestly I don’t like this one bit…
I don’t know who you are who did this or why. But as I said I don’t appreciate this one bit, If you have something you want to say or do there, please at least do it with your own stuff and don’t drag me into this shit. Please… I know this since I got contacted by one who had been added as a friend, I was on that friendlist when I had LJ.
So the person assumed it was I, but its not. I know a bunch of people is using the same username I am, but I still hate it when people pretend to be me. I don’t like it at all, as I said don’t drag me into whatever it is you want. Some might not take this as a big deal, but I do feel really upset over this.

Sites that I am on. 100% the real Micke “Yazuka” Johansson. I’m using either Yazuka or Yazuka83 on these sites, if its not on this list its not me.,, neogaf, Gamefaqs, youtube, deviantart, cheapassgamer, kotaku, IMDB, animenewsnetwork, gametrailers, siliconera, twitter, facebook,, shadowhaxor, Rangerboard,, Kawaii Art Zone, Mygamercard, ps3trophies,org, photobucket, myanimelist, tradera,

Goodbye 2010

2010 has been a pretty good year, its had its ups and downs. But its mostly been a really good year, not a very good gaming year. For me then, I’ve mostly had disappointments when it comes to games. A shame, but thankfully 2011 looks way better for me in terms of games. So I’m hoping 2011 will be a really will be a good gaming year and a good year all around.
I’ve also counted the views on my site since January 2010 and I counted the views last night to 11181. That’s a lot of views! But it feels really nice man. And with this post I’ve made 98 posts this year. I also have some other stuff planned for next year a new project I’m gonna give a go. I’m just hoping there will be time and energy to spend on it, but we’ll see.
Have a great last day of 2010 and happy new year to you all!

The games I list here doesn’t necessarily have been released this year, but are games I’ve played this year.

GOOD: Darksiders, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Infamous, Heavy Rain.
SURPRISE: Nier, Transformers War For Cybertron.
LETDOWN: Final Fantasy XIII, Atelier Rorona, Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

Some games I’m really looking forward to in 2011. And Hopefully I’ll get them all

Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City, Disgaea 3, Ar Tonelico Quga, Hyperdemenson Neptunia,
ICO/SOTC Collection, White Knight Chronicles 2.

Happy 27th birtday!

Yes, today is the day! The day when I turn 27, it feels just the same as It did yesterday!
Sadly. Except for this year I live at my own place and things have started moving forward for me. Its a bit weird, to I like it. Looking forward to Friday when I, Elden & ZX-Omega will go and watch Scott Pilgrim VS The World at the cinema.
And on Saturday, another friend Claim Solais and his girlfriend will join us for some Halloween movies and just have a good time. Really looking forward to this, its gonna be fun. Well, I hope it’ll be fun at least. Enjoying some snacks with good friends, while watching movies and having a mini-celebration for my birthday? Sounds awesome too me.

EDIT: Fucking crap! I just saw that the cinema where I live won’t be getting Scott Pilgrim VS The World. Great, fucking great. Now that plan is ruined. I hate it when they can’t show all movies everywhere, no wonder why some people download movies. Fuck.

I’ll leave you know with this video of Brentalfloss giving Castlevania II’s song Bloody Tears some lyrics. Not for everyone, but at least I enjoy his humor.