A new project

I just wanted to let people know that I’ve started a new project with my friends  och  .
We now the the site RPG-bloggen. So check it out. We will be writing about RPG’s and VG music in the site. All in swedish.
At least for now. We might expand an change the site later as we gain more experiance with this type of stuff. So I hope we will meet there. =)

New month, new goals

And so we are in March now! Time really has gone fast.
Fixed a bit on the site as you might see. Thanks to my friend Evangela for the new banner. Hopefully I can get a little more cash this month. I really feel like I must get an Xbox 360 now. Star Ocean 4 will be released here next month and I don’t want to miss that game. And I’m eagerly awaiting Tales of Vesperia to be released in Europe too. I need to think about this hard and see If I have the money for this, probably not. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
And then I need to get Blue Dragon, Lost Oddessey and Infinite Undiscovery.

I know many people seem to hate Infinite Undiscovery, but I need to give it a try.
I think you can order it pretty cheap from some sites. Also something I need to check out more clearly, if it becomes reality. And I’m also getting Resident Evil 5 for me and my friend Kntheking. Thanks to Gamestops deal. But I will probably not play it right away. It all depends if I have other games to play, in other words. If I have a Xbox 360 and a few RPGs for it. I also think I’m gonna start with mini-reviews of the games I finish. I’m not 100% sure about that. Since I’m not very good to write down my feelings and thoughts.

And speaking of writing, I would really like to continue to write my fantasy stories.
But can’t seem to get the insperation for it. I need to take a day and just did down and start with some drafts. Even if no one wants to read them, I really need to do it. For myself. But I would be glad If people would read it and comment on what is good and bad.

Merry christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you’ve all had a great day. I don’t know if I can say the days was great, since it feels like any other day of the year. Yeah, I really don’t care for Christmas that much anymore. You could say I’m a bit like Scrooge. I just wish I had his money too. >_>

Well I got a new Playstation 2 from everyone in the family. Thank you all. And I also got a very nice gift from nordiclania. Prince of Persia for the PS3. Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it. I’m gonna take a picture and update the site with it later. So check back later for pics. Oh and I might be getting another present later in January. I’m saying might, so I don’t get my hope up to much, if by some chance something should screw up. Until then I’ll keep my mouth shut on that matter. =)

In other news, its good that this damn year soon is over. I’m hoping 2009 will bring better stuff. And not be as miserable as this year had turned out to be. Gonna have a meeting with Arbetsförmedlingen on the January 8th. Hoping they will have something good to say. Well I am fearing that they might put me in a school like place again. I got that impression when I where there and signed some papers a couple of days back… Hoping its not true. Well enough of that crap right now.

Merry Christmas everybody!

The Xenosaga figurine is an old gift, but it was a combined birthday and Christmas present from my friend ZX-Omega. So I’m posting it again.

Getting a DS?

Oh my, oh my! I might be getting a DS. Its not final yet. But please keep your fingers crossed. I already know that my dear friend kntheking has lent me Final Fantasy IV, thank you mate!
I really appriciate it. And thanks for all the talk about friends. Nice to know someone understands me. Well at least regarding stuff like that.Well I’m going back to hoping. I’ll post later with mer info.

Ass Creed

So I tried to play Assassins Creed. What can I say? Bah.
Nope didn’t like it sadly. I think the loading time before you can get to the main menu is a killer too. A shame since I was interested in this game, but in the end I’m not surprised I didn’t like it. Oh, well good thing about having friends with the same console as you is that you can borrow games, so I’m glad I never got around to buy this title. Might give it another shoot later. Just to really confirm I dislike it.
Who knows… I might change my mind. But I really should end up finishing Wild Arms 1 soon…

Ahh, soon this month will come to its end too. And we’ll be in September. Time really flies. It feels like I haven’t done much. Just still sitting there. I want to move to my own place. Without a doubt that is my biggest wish now. To more away from home, to my own place. I want to visit both kntheking and nordiclania.
Sadly it has to cost money. But sooner or later I will. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit kntheking atleast in the end of October.
And speaking of October I’ll turn 25 then. Ugh, 25 and I haven’t really done anything with my life. A thought that really depresses me. Hope it will change soon. It feels like I really haven’t lived….

Well in gaming news I’m looking forward to both Eternal Sonata & Valkyria Chronicles which will be relased on October 21 and November 11. So now people know what to get me. *wink, wink*
And I’m hoping VideoGamesPlus will send out my copy of Disagea 3 today. And that it will arrive by friday. And now enjoy the intro from the game. =)

Not so creative

I’ve been playing some Wild ARMS as I said I would! Not very much, but still something. Feels like I need to level up some more. But at least its a pretty good game. Other than that I’ve borrowed Devil May Cry 4 & Assassins Creed from my friend ZX-Omega. So I’m playing DMC4 right now, its pretty good.
Not to into that series but I though I would give it a try.
I’m mostly waiting for Disgaea 3 to be released and shipped.
Can’t wait to get my hands on it. And see if a certain thing that I think will happen with a certain friend does indeed happen…

Well other than that I’ve been watching a bunch of animes, since I’ve been sick.
I played more Soul Calibur 4, but then got rid of it. It was dissapointing. I might be getting it again when its cheap, but right now for full price, its not worth it IMO.
Well its thank to I got rid if SC4 that I can get Disgaea 3, which is a much more important game for me.
And I desperatly want to make a new video. I just don’t know of what! I’m thinking about making something new with Xenosaga, but then again with what song?! I hate when you want/feel that you are creative and you come up with nothing. Bah.

More playing!

So I’ve been playing a hell of a lot Folklore. I like it! I guess its the closest you can get to a game that will give you a little Tim Burton feeling.
Oh, yes. Said that in my last post, didn’t I? XD

Well all I can say right now that I’m happy. Since I got the PS3, I feel like a lot of stress I’ve had has disappeared. I feel happier, I AM HAPPIER! I can sleep like normal again. Something I haven’t done for about 6months. So I’m very happy about that also. And that I have gotten my lust for playing games back. I feel like I’m reborn and I really needed this.

I wasn’t very fond of GT5 prologue. So I traded it with Kntheking, and I got Uncharted. Which I’m enjoying very much! Well at least the little of it I’ve played. I’m trying to finish Folklore before settling down with Uncharted. But its beautiful! And I’ve also bought Castlevania SOTN and Super Stardust HD from the PlayStation store. This years, its 10 years since I played Castlevania SOTN for the first time. So on New Years Eve I’ll play it again to celebrate the exact 10year anniversary day. Next game on the shopping list is Metal Gear Solid 4 and after that its Soul Calibur 4. And if I have the cash, I’m going to try and get some of the older games I want. Like Ratchet and Clank.