Batman finished!

And so I’ve cleared Batman Arkham Asylum. Good game. Much better than I expected or had ever hoped it to be. Still it got pretty repetitive sometimes. But I love being able to sneak up on enemies and silently take them out.
There is still a lot of things to find in the game, but I’ll save that for some other time. Then I know I’ll always have something to do, even if I don’t have new games.
I’ll give Batman Arkham Asylum 5/7. Its a good game, but its hardly perfect. I wished there would have been more boss fights, actually I was expecting it. Still one of the best best hero games I’ve played. I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow (later today) I’m gonna start playing Mini Ninjas and see if that’s a good game. Looking forward to it. Hope it turns out go0d too.
More on that later now its time for bed!

Min PS3 är här!!

Woho! Efter 2 månader plus, har min Playstation3  kommer tillbaka ifrån reparationen. Så nu är jag glad som bara den. Nu har jag både Batman Arkham Asylum och Mini Ninjas att spela. Som jag har längtat. <3

Lite frukost som gäller, kolla de dagliga sidorna. Sedan stänga ner datorn och spela hela dagen! Så underbart!

What I’ve been doing

Firstly I’ll start of with saying I’ve written two Swedish ones for RPGaiden. I would appreciate it if people could check them out. And perhaps drop a comment them on the site. The games I’ve reviewed are Cross Edge and Folklore.
And that’s not all! We’ve also opened our own forum! So head over there. ;)

For the last couple of days I’ve just been watching a bunch of movies. There has absolutely been nothing else to do. Which I hate! Things probably feel worse than before since I’m eagerly awaiting Monday. The day when I get my Playstation 3 back from repairs. Also same day I’ll pick up my preordered copy of Mini Ninjas.
First I’ll start of with playing Batman Arkham Asylum and then proceed with
Mini Ninjas, I’ll probably write a mini-review for both of them.

So until Monday, I’ll probably watch some more movies. I’ve seen District 9 and it was pretty good, I didn’t know much about the movie, just it was something with aliens. It turned out enjoyable, It could have been worse. I also saw G.I Joe some time ago. Don’t know what to say about it, it was a pretty okay action movie. I couldn’t help liking it. Even if there where some more things I was hoping for from it.
Like more screen time for Snake Eyes (the ninja in black). Are there anymore superhero like movies that I should watch?

New month and nothing happening

Sadly not much has happened, its been pretty dead on all forms.
Been working a bit with RPGaiden, but other than that its been dead-boring.
Can’t wait until I get my Playstation 3 back, so I can play Batman Arkham Asylum.
It should be arrive sometime next week I hope. And soon before I know it, all the preordered games will start dropping in. Brütal Legend, Uncharted 2,
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time.

Well since its been pretty dead, I’ve had some chance to catch up watching some old stuff that has been lying around. Like Loonatics Unleashed, which turned out to be pretty okay. Soon finished with season one and I’ll start with season 2.
I also finished watching the anime Happy Seven. It was okay, didn’t expect anything from it. So I can’t really say it was bad. But I’ve seen better. Seems like really good fantasy anime is hard to find. So if you got any tips I’ll gladly take them.

And as you might see (if you are an old visitor) I’ve hanged the design a bit. I feel this better suits my site. It doesn’t need any fancy stuff. Well take care! See ya!

God of War collection for PS3!

Sony announced today that they will be releasing God of War & God of War II on the Playstation 3. It seems like the price will be 39,99 USD (That’s about 285 SEK).
Since I have played a game in the God of War series, I’m gonna get this collection. There are no more excuses now. As I told my friend KNtheking/Keshendi last week, if GoW I & II ever came to the PS3 I would buy it.

“We are excited to announce the God of War Collection for this Holiday Season.
Now fans and newcomers to the series can experience the epic journey of
God of War and God of War II in 720p HD form.
Both titles have been remastered with anti-aliased graphics, running at 60 frames per second for a smooth gameplay experience, only on the PS3 system. Additionally, the Blu-ray Disc compilation will bring the PlayStation Network (PSN) trophy support to the franchise for the very first time.”
Source: Playstation Blog

Some of the functions in PS3 firmware 3.0

Someone has seemed to hade given out some more info on the upcoming Playstation 3 firmware update 3.0. There are a bunch of new stuff that seems pretty great. I’m very intressted to see what dynamic themes we’ll be getting.

– The right analogue stick functionality during video playback looks like it will be pretty powerful. When you push the stick in any direction, the video will pause You can then rotate the stick for speeds ranging between slow motion and four times. Rotate clockwise, and you’ll advance the video. Counterclockwise will backtrack. The speed can be adjusted at a precision of 0.01 times. Let go of the stick, and the playback will continue at normal speed.

– The web browser’s print screen functionality can output to a printer connected via USB and over LAN. Only certain printers are compatible though.

– This is something you might have not noticed before (I certainly never gave much thought to it). Currently, when you start up your PS3, the XMB interface begins by pointing at the games section. Starting with firmware 3.0, the interface will default to pointing at the newly added What’s New section of the network column. This is true even if you have a disc in the system. You can go into the settings menu to switch back to the original behavior if you like.

– The analogue clock display in the upper right side corner of the screen has been switched to a busy indicator. When the system is working, you’ll see the clock spinning.

– The font size and icon size for the main interface have become a bit bigger. This was implemented in order to better show what area is in focus.

– From version 3.0, all versions of the PS3 — old and new — will have a change to their startup sequences. When booting up the system for the firts time, PlayStation family logo, PS3 logo, and PlayStation 3 logo will all display simultaneously. When you start up a game, the PS3 logo will no longer be shown, giving a slight boost in speed to startup time. Note that this does not apply to original PlayStation games, as they run on an emulator.

– Version 3.0 adds support for more dynamic themes using videos and other elements. The system’s base “wave” theme has also been changed to a display of fine particles. Backgrounds for such themes are created by the same SDK that’s used to make games. There’s a slight bit of interaction with the particle effects. If you’re scrolling down, the particles will flow down. If you’re scrolling left, the particles will flow left.

– I’m certain some people have figured this out already, but the slimline PS3 does not ship with System 3.0. This was due to circumstances during manufacturing. Slim buyers will have to update like the rest of us.

Here is the source.

VGP säljer PS3 slim billigt!

VideoGamesPlus, säljer Playstation 3 slim för ca. 1960kr.  Mycket billigare än så blir det inte, dessvärre tillkommer ju frakt på den summan så i slutet hamnar man strax under 2700kr. Men det är fortfarande det billigaste man tycks kunna få nya Ps3 modellen för. Så känner du får att importera är det bara att slå till.
Här kan ni hitta PS3 slim hos VGP

Sidan iFixit har även bekräftat att nya PS3 modellen inte behöver en strömkonverter för att funka i de olika länderna. Den klarar själv att ta ström från 100v till 240v. Så allt man behöver göra är att skaffa en sådan här kabel. Samma kabel de första PS2 modellerna hade.

För övrigt har jag varit fri i från Cola Cola och annan läsk i 5 dagar nu. Ja, det är väldigt många dagar för en som drack varje dag. Tidigare i år slutade jag också dricka läsk det varade i 37 dagar, innan jag av någon dum anledning trillade tillbaka. Men denna gången får det fan vara nog, det är bättre att lägga undan de pengarna och kanske faktiskt göra något skoj för det man sparar.
Vill tacka min polare Ezakiel för övrigt som hjälpte mig med min läsk abstinens igår. Hade nog köp om han inte varit i närheten. Det är vidrigt att känna sig beroende av det, som om det är en äcklig drog.
Jag rökar inte, snusar inte, dricker inte alkohol och det är jag jävligt glad för. Gillar inte något av de grejerna, men själv ska man fastna för något sketet som läsk. Men jag har motivation och vet att ialla fall en polare verkligen har hejat på mig och stöttar mig. Det känns jävligt skönt att få det visat.
Bara godis skiten som ska bort sedan också, så kommer jag bli väldigt glad.

EDIT: 2009-10-30: Till alla som verkar tro att “coca cola” är kod för något annat, har ni ju så jävla fel. Tror ni att det är kod för något är ni knäppa. Coca Cola är Coca Cola. Läsken, den man dricker som är full av socker. Inget annat. Fattar inte hur man kan få det till annat eller vad det skulle vara. Jag är fet, äter/åt mycket godis och läsk! Det är något som måste slutas med om jag vill gå ner i vikt.