Resident Evil 5 cleared!

So I finished Resident Evil 5 a few days ago. Good game.
Better than I thought. But I still feel it was a bit dissapointing as a Resident Evil game. Its a really good action game, but if they had called it something else than Resident Evil I would have been more pleased. Why? Well its moslty some story releated things I don’t like how they turned out. I also feel like they “ruined” some characters.
Won’t go much more into that, since they it will be spoiler galore
The game has a really good co-op mode, I really enjoy playing this game with friends it makes it a whole lot better. There is a whole lot to do in the game so at least you can’t complain about you finishing it to fast, and that there is nothing else to do.
If you want everything in the game it will take a couple of hours to accomplish.

In other news, it seems like Tales of Vesperia will se the light of day in Europe in June! Same month as Star Ocean 4. Well that’s about fucking time! Now I just somehow need to get an Xbox 360 and try to get a hold of the game. Much much easier said than done. Its depressing. Really depressing. =(

Anime to come

As I said in my last post, I’m thinking of starting to write about the animes I’ve seen. And I think I’ll be doing that. Starting with
Tales of Abyss. But it will come later. The texts won’t be long, just to give you a bit of a taste of what to expect. Here are also the following series, I’m going to watch in the future, check them out. They might intresst you. Or not! Who knows?

Fullmetal Alchemist – This is a restart from the old FMA anime.
This one is said to follow the manga more. If it turns out to be just as good and perhaps even better than the last FMA anime, then this will be one of the best animes I’ve ever seen. Premiers April 5th.

Tears to Tiara – An fantasy anime, based of a RPG for the Playstation 3.
The game features some hentai moments. But none of those will be in the anime.
At least that was the last I’ve heard. Premiers April 5th.

Valkyria Chronicles – A fictive fantasy twist on worldwar 1. Where a small country is attacked by the large empire to feel their own greedy needs. This anime is based on a SEGAs, Playstation 3 RPG with the same name. I’m really looking forward to see what this anime will bring to VC table. Premiers April 4th.

Well this is all for now. Hope some one out there will be a bit intressted in this at least. Also four days left now until Resident Evil 5 is released.
Hope it turns out good.

The dream ended

And so I finished the Playstation 3 version of Eternal Sonata today. Actually I just finished watching the ending a few minutes ago. A good game. And I feel rather pleased with it. It did live up to my expectation. Which is good. The music was good, the story was good. I just wish you could have gotten to know the cast a bit better, I’m some characters seemed interesting but they never developed them enough. Which is a shame, but still a good game. And something I would recommend people try at least once.

Above is a picture of my killer bunny. A brutal killing monster as you might see! :O
I’ve also been playing a very lot of LittleBigPlanet, which I liked much more than I thought I would. Its really fun. And I love that you can create about anything in the create mode. Well if you know what you are doing and have a good imagination, you can do pretty awesome stuff. So if you ever want to play online with me contact me and I’ll add you to my PSN and we’ll play.

Ratchet & Clank QFB finished!

And so I’ve already completed a new game. As the title says its,
Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty. I’m a bit dissapointed in that game. I was expecting a bit more from it. I know it was made to be a short, PSN game but still. I would give it a 6/10. Its good, but there was nothing new in the game. Its just a “break game”, before the real adventure is on.

Well now I’m going to try my luck with Prince of Persia. The great game gift I got from my friend nordiclania , for christmas. (Thank you, thank you!) So I’m of to a fairytale world. And tomorrow I might take a dive into the world of Valkyria Chronicles.

WOHO! *Zelda item found sound*

So here we are. Our internet is fucked up. Don’t know what the problem is, but we can’t go online. Well… Not completely true. But we are using a mobile internet dongle, its slow as hell. Still better than nothing. So I’m hoping the internet issue will be solved soon. But right now I couldn’t care less about internet.

FINALLY!!!!!! Thank you everyone of you who have given me your support under my very long and harsh times. I really appreciate it folks.

Games! WOO!

So got some mail today. Yummy, delicious things. This is an early Christmas present from my family and relatives. So I’m happy. Don’t need to spend money on those later. Not sure I could had anyway…. Well all that I need now is a new Playstation 3 and I’m ready to go… Bah.

Valkyria Chronicles & Eternal Sonata

So its November now…

Yes,November. This year has gone by fast and not much good stuff has happened. But I’ve said all that before, so I won’t repeat myself again. :P
What are people doing? How are you doing?
Myself? Well I’m sadly not doing anything, just sitting by the computer and watching the days slowly and painfully pass.
I guess that happens when you have nothing to do. And how I’m doing? Right now not so well. I’ve had a headache since last night, not as bad but its still there. And I’m sitting here being bored with a headache in school. I wish I had stayed in bed. Ughh.

Well gotta do it for the money, so I can get me a new Playstation 3.
I really need a new one now, I’m more and more excited over
Valkyria Chronicles. God I’m hoping I can get a new one in Febuari.
Then I’m going to leave the internet for a while and do nothing but game! How I long for that. That’s all the complaining for now. Hope there can be some good news to post soon.