What are you searching for? #2

In 2012 I made a post about what visitors are searching for on my site. I thought that it was time to do another one and some of the stuff I’ve seen you people search for on my page is hilarious. And a bit weird, very weird. But mostly its funny and I get a good laugh at it and at other times I’d like to post something related to the stuff you are searching for, so we’ll see in the future. =)

Here are some of the top searches, they have appeared more than five times in the search history. You are all a bit perverted. I like it! Keep it up folks, I love ya! :D

knack hentai, knack the game hentia, i don’t feel like watching tv tonight, sgt frog big boob, miiverse admins, gunpla, ninokuni hentai pics, ps3 controller hentai, watch hentai ps4, keroro fuck natsumi, disgaea d2 hentai pics, gay games online, zelda and link hentai, zelda hentai, link and zelda make love, imagenes anime zelda ss link x fay, link and zelda love.

Try-force of Woody

I’ve got a Woody

Hahaha! I’m so damn happy! Finally!! I have wanted to get the Revoltech, Toy Story figure of Woody for quite some time. Most likely since I saw if the first time. For those of you who know the of the figure, you probably know why I wanted it. XD
You really should visit TheOneCam to see a bunch of funny pictures with this figure.
Oh, god I’ve laughed so much at just about everyone with Woody in them. Pretty much all photos feature Woody in some way. As soon as I get the time, I’m gonna do my own “naughty” photos with Woody. Perhaps a few when the Link figure from Figma arrives. Oh, yes. You better scream Link. ;)

Wait a minute, I just lit a rocket… Rockets explode! If you know what I mean, deputy.