I cried

I’ve been really depressed today. And I mean really down. I still am, I’m feeling down because of a lot of things. Despite all this, I just think its amazing what power some stuff has. Or what a friend can do. Just right now my friend Jesper, was at my place to give me a late birthday present its a also a early Christmas present. Even if this might be worthless to some, this really saved me today. And he saved me from perhaps doing something stupid….

He gave me one thing I’ve wanted of a very long time and something I thought would just be a dream. Something I would never own. Again, some of you might think its juts crap. But this really means a whole lot for me. And I’ll be thankful. So now I’m sitting here in my room, still feeling depressed, but much happier if that makes sense.

20 responses on I cried

  1. OMG, that is such a great gift! :O Reminds me that I still have to make your gift, that I still haven’t completed. >_<
    I am really, really sorry that you’ve been feeling so bad lately. :( It makes me really sad to hear it, and I feel terrible that I can’t do anything more then tell you this.
    Please don’t do anything stupid. *hugs lots and dries tears*

  2. Oh wow lucky you! *hugs*

    I can’t afford that kind of figurines, only the candy toy one ;A;

    I know how you feel also but I, too, am feeling bad up until the past week because of stress, pressure and peer pressure but I know you can overcome it. :)

  3. Yeah, that gift. Or just the visit from him made the day a lot better. I’ve gotten rid of some of the depression. The dangerous part.
    but the rest is still there and will be for a couple of days. As it usually is.
    I won’t do anything stupid I promise and thanks.

  4. I could never had afford this one either, so I’m really glad I got it as a gift.
    I also have a few of them candy toy ones. Need to take a full group picture later.

    Well in my case its not so much about stress, its the boredom that’s getting to me. And the fact that I don’t have any games to play. Or might have to wait longer to get a PS3. A lot of factors.
    but it will pass. And thank you. ^^

  5. För det första, damn vad snyggt du fått till färgerna och designen på “Micke Johansson” högst upp, riktigt proffsigt och stiligt.

    Sen säger jag som Lania, lova att du inte gör nåt dumt, vad som än kan tänkas ske. Vi bryr oss om dig, andra bryr sig om dig, därför oroar vi oss. Visst, saker kan gå åt helvete för det mesta men det är bara att pusha på och hoppas på det bättre.
    Hoppas så hårt på nyår.

    GRYM jävla figur och ta hand om dig, dood.

  6. Tackar. Har mest blivit sådana saker som jag gjiort idag. Håller fortfarande på att försöka få till det så det blir bra. Inte så lätt när Internet Explorer måste förstöra allt som ser bra ut i Firefox. Vill att det ska se bra ut i båda.

    Tack dood. Det värmer.

  7. Internet Exploder är bajs. >:( Synd att det måste förstöra så mycket för dig. Suck, hela världen borde gå över till Firefox. Det borde vara lag på det. :P
    *kramar igen*

  8. Oh, and as KN said, DAMN your name on top of your blog look GOOOOOOD!!!! And your logo as well! :D Damn man, you make my web design fingers itch! This place is looking fucking awesome! You’re so good. :)

  9. Japp, jag tycker också det.
    Egentligen hade jag inte brytt mig, men vill ju att sida ska se bra ut. Är ju fast med Explorer på skolans datorer och då vill jag gärna att det ska funka.
    Så pissigt att vi inte kan lägga in Firefox själva där. -.-

  10. Hehe, thank you.
    Well I wanted to try something new.
    Naww, I don’t think I’m that good. If I only could make some stuff better in photoshop I could probably get closer to the design I want. But one step at a time. ^^

  11. You will be able to make wicked stuff in Photoshop, you can be sure of that. :) I already think you are good at what you do, I can hardly open a new sheet in PS. ;P It’s too complicated. O_o

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