XSEED Games has just announced that they are releasing the PSP remake of Lunar Silver Star Story in the US! This is the most awesome news I’ve heard in awhile! Honestly I’m super hyped. Lunar Silver Star Story Complete for Playstation 1 was the game that made me love RPGs. So of course it holds a special place in my heart.
I love that game, I truly do. And I’m getting this remake ASAP. I must have it.

Cross Edge shipped!

Woho! My copy + my friend Ezakiel’s copy of Cross Edge has now been shipped from Videogamesplaus. Too bad they didn’t get it yesterday, I might have gotten the game before the weekend then. Guess I’ll have to wait untill monday now.


So I just came back from Gamestop with a copy of inFamous! I got the second last Special Edition version copy. So that felt good. So right now just checking the mail and stuff. Oh… And Cross Edge will probably not get here before the weekend. Since VideoGamesPlus seems to get shipping copies today, not yesterday. -.-

Final Fantasy XIII demo

Thanks to Crying Scum member at loading. I was able to try the
Final Fantasy XIII demo. It was really nice! And can’t wait for the full version of the game now. I’m more hyped for the game now. And tomorrow I’ll be collecting inFamous from my local Gamestop. And hopefully Cross Edge will arrive on friday.
I really hope Videogamesplus will be shipping the game today…
Will update with that later!

The new TV!

Hello! As I said a few posts back. I got a new TV. Sadly its not a HDTV. But since I didn’t pay for it and it was a widescreen TV, I’m not complaining one bit. Its already made my gaming a lot easier. I’ve noticed that the Playstation 3 gives out a better picture quality in widesceen mode.
So now I won’t have to think about a new TV for a while, sure I still want an HDTV, who doesn’t? But its pretty hard to buy stuff like that when you are almost, always broke. Well sometime in the future I’ll get one. What a beautiful day it will be…


The old TV is in the left picture and the new one is on the right! And a picture of
Mana Khemia pack! And next week its time for Cross Edge to be released!
Can’t wait! :D

Wolverine has been tamed

Just got finished with The X-Men Orgins: Wolverine game. The ending credits just passed by. A pretty good game. But I’m sorta glad I didn’t buy it, as I said its good and all but it has its flaws. Sometimes the damn camera its so stupid. Its like it got a fucking life of its own. You can almost never have the camera the way you want. It always seems to get in the way. Both Logan/Wolverine and Victor/Sabertooth look great in the game, but Kayla (Logan’s girlfriend in the movie) looks like shit! And the same goes to every other character that’s not a “main character” so to say. The exception being Raven Darkholme. Other than that the game is pretty good, the action is good. Its bloody, the part I like most about the game.
The cinematic movies in the game are wicked awesome! This is without the thing that has gotten the most attention of the game. Some of the movieclips that feature Logan look so real. That I sometime have a hard time knowing it its really CG or not.
Don’t know what more to say. The game all in all was fun to play. I will probably play it again if my friend Elden will lend it to me again.

Well at least I’ve got my hands free to be able to play Mana Khemia now without any disturbance from other games. So that’s how I’ll spend the rest of my tuesday and probably all the day untill Cross Edge arrives.
Now its time for bed! Goodnight you all!

Game and TV

I got a new TV today. No not a HDTV. But I got an old widescreen tv, and it works a hell of a lot better than my old one! Since it was free from a friend to my family,  so I’m pretty happy. And why not? As I said was free! FREE!!
And I also after some months of waiting I got my copy of Mana Khemia
for the Playstation 2. God, what the fuck do you have against me discshop? Seriously.
Yes, there is more too this than they just sipping out a game “late” for me. I think the details if people are intressted can be found on the site, if not, oh well. Well glad I can put that shit behind me both the game and ever shopping from discshop again.

I think I’m nearing the end of Wolverine game too. And after that it will jump right over and start playing Mana Khemia. Really looking forward to that game. Especially since all the good stuff my friend KNtheking has said about the game. I would take a picture of the beautiful game packade if I could, but sadly we don’t have a camera anymore.
Its dead. So if anyone could tip me on where I can get a new digital camera cheap, I would appriciate if you could please tell me.