I’m taking a break

I’ve decided to take a break from the iternet for a while. Its become to much, I’m online everyday, its just been to much.
I’m starting to feel more and more depressed and pissed about it, so Its time to take a break. Don’t know how long I will be gone, but untill I feel better about the whole thing. I will probably play some retro-games while I’m not online watch some movies.
Maybe even get back to my writing, which is the thing I hope the most. Well just wanted to let some people know that I’m not dead, just taking a break.
So hopefully I’m coming back with new energy, till then. Take care.

Haven’t played…

Its been about 4 days since I last played Star Ocean The Last Hope. While I like the game, things have just stopped. I’ve been busy with other stuff that has taken all the time from gaming. And then I’ve been with frien and that’s a good reason to not play games. Just need to get back into if and fight.
I’ve stopped at the Phantom Soldiers, if you’ve played the game you know this can be a frustrating fight. I really need to level up if I want to stand a chans against them all. So later today, I’m gonna sit down and go for a real power level trip.
And material collection so I can make some new armors and weapons.

Good thing you can play your own music while playing games on the Xbox 360. I’m notgoing to stand to listen to the fighting song if I’m going to spend a great deal of time leveling up and doing other quests. So guess I’ll watch some anime now and then go to bed, so I can wake up somewhat early and start playing the game.

Sett nya Harry Potter

Postade ett inlägg om detta tidigare idag, men av någon händelse försvann inlägget. Troligen har jag väl råkat radera det. Har arbetat en del med sidan idag, så har väl råkat göra det mitt i alla röra. Nåja, ingen större skada skedd.

Har idag sett den nya Harry Potter filmen. Hade inga större förväntingar på den, men den visade sig vara riktigt okej. Möjligen för att jag inte läst boken filmen är baserad på denna gången, vilket jag är glad över. Har istället kunnat fokusera på filmen istället för grejer som saknas. Skulle inte förvåna mig om det är en del.
Gillar verkligen det mörkare temat i filmen, blev dock lite besviken att en karaktär inte var med. Eller med var han ju, men inte riktigt så som jag ville. Säger inte mer om det, då jag vill inte spoila något. Ska se till att låna boken så jag kan läsa den också och även läsa sista boken, blev riktigt sugen på det efter att ha sett filmen. Jag är ingen Harry Potter fantast, men jag tycker böckerna är rätt bra. Bland det bästa jag läst i alla fall och jag gillar verkligen tredje boken.

Allt som allt var det som jag tidigare sa en rätt okej film, blev bjöden på den så jag har inte lagt några egna pengar. Mitt ändå klagomål är att ibland kändes det som inget hände alls i filmen. Troligen känner jag det så, för att filmen var så lång. Men det är nog det enda jag personligen kan klaga på, blir kanske ett nytt inlägg om det hela efter att ha läst boken.

A test

Currently I’m trying out some new stuff. Like using WordPress.
So I’m hoping this will turn out good. Feels a bit different from what I’m used to. But I guess it will turn out pretty okay.

After 8 years we meet!

Today after about 7-8years I finally got to meet my very good buddy, Kntheking. And I’m really glad we where able to meet, this has been one of the best days I’ve had in all the year. We’ve got to know each other on the former Swedish gaming forum, GON. (Good Times).
And have been friends since then. And in the past there has always been something getting in the way or us meeting. Lack of money, to bad timings and other various stuff. So I’m really glad it went of without a hitch this time.
So thanks again my friend for a real fun day, and hope we don’t have to wait another 7-8 years before we meet again. =)

And BTW, I’ve been playing Star Ocean 4 like mad. I’m really enjoying this game. Much more than I ever enjoyed Star Ocean 3. One of the best RPGs I’ve played this year and in a very long time. Hope Tales of Vesperia will turn out to be just as good for me.

It just had to happen…

So my Playstation 3 broke down last night. It stopped reading discs. -.-
Great, fucking perfect! This shit always has to happen me, I have bad luck when it comes to electronic stuff. Its a curse. Truly it is or fucking bad karma. Well one good thing came out of this, my family took a bit of pity for me, so they gave me an Xbox 360 as a early birthday/x-mas gift. So at least I won’t have to go without games. Just gonna do a few things here at home, then I’ll be sitting down in my sofa and playing Star Ocean.

Uploading my archive

I’m starting to upload my old posts on this blog. Posts that I had written on Livejournal. So in the next few days, I hope to have all my old posts up here.
So I’m pretty happy about that. Being able to watch my old stuff I’ve written and have it all on the same page. So it feels really good that I won’t have to return to Livejournal just to read them, or if others are interested in reading it now they can.

Well take care everyone!