Resident Evil 5, in a few hours!

Just a few more hours and I’ll be getting Resident Evil 5 for the Playstation 3. Look forward to it, Kntheking. I’ll soon send you, your copy of the game.

Anime: Tales of The Abyss

This anime is based on Bandai Namco’s game with the same name. Which is one great game, if  I do say so myself.. Without a doubt this is the best anime based on a Tales of game. Both the Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia animes, where to short. And a lot of material was scraped from them. Both ToP & ToS only had four episodes each to tell there story on. As you can guess, its not enough.
But it is said that ToS will get 4 additional episodes, that will show the Tethe’alla side of the story. And of course. They have an anime based on Tales of Eternia too. It has 12-13 episodes. At least its better than four episodes. But only 2-3 of those episode follow the games, after that it takes a turn for something new.
New story, new enemies and of course new allies. So I was a bit dissapointed.

And then we have Tales of the Abyss. Finally Bandai Namco did a whole lot of stuff right with this anime. One of the smartest thinsg they did with the anime was to keep the game’s intro song Karma, by Bump of Chicken.
The series is 26 episodes long. Which I see as the best part of all. And so far, the anime has followed the game very closely. No new characters, no extra comedy parts added, no trying to make the story better parts either. And I like that they aren’t changeing anything to the story of adding stuff. A bunch of videogames that turns into anime change a few things and I almost always hate that. For some this could be a pretty boring anime, since it follows the game very closely. Its the anime that has stayed most faithful to its videogame conuterpart. That I’ve seen at least.

I’m not going to go much deeper into ToTA anime, if you haven’t played the game but want to. Wait with the anime. If you don’t care about the game, but want to know what its about. Go ahead. And I think everyone who liked the game should watch the anime.
Sure it might not bring anything new to the table, but I’lm just glad I’m able to see Jade in action again. It has also been confirmed that the newest game Tales of Vesperia is getting an anime movie. I really hope I get to play the game before that one is released. I’m also hoping if Tales of The Abyss anime is ever released in the US, that they use the voiceactors from the game. If they do, I will buy this anime.

Anime to come

As I said in my last post, I’m thinking of starting to write about the animes I’ve seen. And I think I’ll be doing that. Starting with
Tales of Abyss. But it will come later. The texts won’t be long, just to give you a bit of a taste of what to expect. Here are also the following series, I’m going to watch in the future, check them out. They might intresst you. Or not! Who knows?

Fullmetal Alchemist – This is a restart from the old FMA anime.
This one is said to follow the manga more. If it turns out to be just as good and perhaps even better than the last FMA anime, then this will be one of the best animes I’ve ever seen. Premiers April 5th.

Tears to Tiara – An fantasy anime, based of a RPG for the Playstation 3.
The game features some hentai moments. But none of those will be in the anime.
At least that was the last I’ve heard. Premiers April 5th.

Valkyria Chronicles – A fictive fantasy twist on worldwar 1. Where a small country is attacked by the large empire to feel their own greedy needs. This anime is based on a SEGAs, Playstation 3 RPG with the same name. I’m really looking forward to see what this anime will bring to VC table. Premiers April 4th.

Well this is all for now. Hope some one out there will be a bit intressted in this at least. Also four days left now until Resident Evil 5 is released.
Hope it turns out good.

New FMA & Valkyria Chronicles anime in April

Yes, folk! Some of you might already know this. But in April, the new FullMetal Alchemist anime will air. I’m really looking forward to that. Hope it is as good as the first one.

And one of my favorite games Valkyria Chronicles will also have an anime.
All I know is that it will also premier in April. I am so gonna watch both these animes.
I have high hopes for them. I’m also thinking of starting to write about anime series I see. Just for the fun of it. To have something more to write about. =)

Version 2008 Version 2009

I have also changed my logo. Again. But for the first time it feels like a real upgrade.
Old first new second. What to you think? I really like the slimmer and more detailed new version.

Men sluta för helvete!

Sorry, Swedish only.

Alltså, jag blir så jävla trött. Jag är trött.
Varför? Så fort man sätter igång radion, tv eller vad fan som helst och det är nyheter. Vad får man höra? Nerskärningar, folk som blir avskedade, verksamheter som går i konkurs. Jag vet att ekonomin i världen är kass! Jag vet att allt går åt helvete. Men bara för en kort sekund, skulle jag vilja slippa höra det. Man kommer inte ifrån det.
Man förlorar helt enkelt all lust till allt, man blir deprimerad. Och får andra konstiga tankar.

Och för mig som jobb sökare är detta verkligen så otroligt kul att alltid bli påmind om.
Och så är arbetsförmedligen på och hackar och säger att man ska skaffa jobb.
Hur I helvete har de tänkt sig att det ska gå till!? Speciellt nu!!
Jag skyr alla medier nu, jag orkar inte höra mer. Jag är så trött.
Fruktansvärt trött på allt som har med det att göra. Ta några roliga nyheter snälla!
Har verkligen allt som är bra att tala om i världen försvunnit?
Är jag ensam om att känna så här? Är det fel av mig att känna så här?
Fel av mig att vilja “blunda” för detta? Fel att vilja tro det finns något bra kvar i världen?

I don’t feel like it, tonight honey

I hate it when you have to feel like this. You have absolutely zero intresst in gaming. It could be that I have finished everything I own and now I feel empty. Probably it. But i just can’t get in the mood to sit down and play something. The only positive side of this for me is that I finally go and watch some movies.
Still hate this feeling. I was feeling like this ever since my PS3 got broken last year. And finally started to feel better in January.
Well perhaps I can write something on my stories. If I get the insperation.

But what about you folks out there? Do you ever feel you want to do something but never have the energy to do it? Or you just loose intresst in it? Do you know why?
Do you usually do something to get over it? I’ve tried to play some games, but I just don’t get into the spirit of playing it. It doesn’t feel fun. And I really don’t want to force myself unto something like this, risk is that if might backfire. It did it once in my life when I completly tired of everything.

New month, new goals

And so we are in March now! Time really has gone fast.
Fixed a bit on the site as you might see. Thanks to my friend Evangela for the new banner. Hopefully I can get a little more cash this month. I really feel like I must get an Xbox 360 now. Star Ocean 4 will be released here next month and I don’t want to miss that game. And I’m eagerly awaiting Tales of Vesperia to be released in Europe too. I need to think about this hard and see If I have the money for this, probably not. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
And then I need to get Blue Dragon, Lost Oddessey and Infinite Undiscovery.

I know many people seem to hate Infinite Undiscovery, but I need to give it a try.
I think you can order it pretty cheap from some sites. Also something I need to check out more clearly, if it becomes reality. And I’m also getting Resident Evil 5 for me and my friend Kntheking. Thanks to Gamestops deal. But I will probably not play it right away. It all depends if I have other games to play, in other words. If I have a Xbox 360 and a few RPGs for it. I also think I’m gonna start with mini-reviews of the games I finish. I’m not 100% sure about that. Since I’m not very good to write down my feelings and thoughts.

And speaking of writing, I would really like to continue to write my fantasy stories.
But can’t seem to get the insperation for it. I need to take a day and just did down and start with some drafts. Even if no one wants to read them, I really need to do it. For myself. But I would be glad If people would read it and comment on what is good and bad.