Shockwave’s got the touch

For those of you who don’t know, if you preorder Transformers War for Cybertron at GameStop (US). You’ll get Shockwave as a downlodable character. I wonder if the same will be offered in Sweden? If you are an old Transformers fan, I think you’ll enjoy this. If you aren’t then you’ll probably not see anything particular in this trailer. Either way, I just needed to post this. God I’m looking forward to this game.

Transformers: Prime

Some people out there might know there is a new Transformers “cartoon” in the making. The last one made was Transformers Animated. And it was a pretty good show, better than the onces before it at least. Well, that’s what I think. This new series that will air this year(?), seems to be called Transformers: Prime. And there is next to no info on the series. Nothing more than Jeffery Combs who seems to have landed the roll of Ratchet. According to the picture that has been released the show seem to go more in the movie style, than in the style of the upcoming game,
Transformers: War for Cybertron. Which is a bit of a shame if proven true, but going with a movie style design on the Transformers would be awesome too.

Hope we can get some more info on this show soon, I’m very excited to hear more about this series. I want to know voice actors and other goodies. 2010 seems to be a good year for Transformers fans. A new series and a videogame that for once looks like it will be really good. I’m eagerly awaiting both show and game.

Transformers: War for Cybertron

Holy fuck! I’m excisted now! There will be a new Transformers game coming out 2010, its called Transformers: War for Cybertron. It won’t be based on any of the old story’s, which for my part is something good. then they can’t screw up old stuff at least. The art-style seems to be a mix of G1 & War Within which I love!

Transformers: War For Cybertron, A six page exclusive review. PG 48″

Sad part is it’s not tied to any continuity. As the name suggests it’s pretty much War Within but the Video Games on telling it seems. It’s taking cues from Gears of war as a 3rd Person over the shoulder shooter. Will have a Autobot and Decepticon Campaign. They keeping quiet on Multiplayer but it will have some sort of Online modes. Like the Armada game you will be able to choose which bot you want for a mission but the other bots not chosen will be your teams AI. Enemies will drop weapons which is interchangeable. And like the movie games we won’t be confined to land vehicles only. And transforming plays a good deal into gameplay.

All in all it looks pretty sweet. Release is for 2010 for 360, PS3, and PC
Source and original source

But I know it might be stupid to expect to much from this, but I haven’t been this hyped on a Transformers game since I played Transformers Armada for the PS2.
But at least they are going the right way with the art-style IMO, can’t wait to get my hands on this I’m buying this even if it turns out to be shit!
Well okay, maybe not. But I’m getting it at least! And I sure hope it will be good…

Megatron Optimus Prime Soundwave
Optimus VS Megatron Cybertron

Dagen T är här!

Ikväll är det äntligen dags för Transformers Revenge of The Fallen!
Som jag har längtat! Kommer se den med två goda vänner. Börja känna sig så där små ivrig nu. Bara ett par timmar kvar. Bäst att göra sig i ordning nu. Håller tummarna för att denna blir kickass.

Trött och uttråkad!

Jag är både trött och fruktansvärt uttråkad. Händer fan aldrig något.
Och man har aldrig pengar att åka någonstans. Är så jävla drygt. =/
Midsommar var väl rätt trevligt, men känner inget speciellt för denna dagen. Skönt man slipper folk som dricker i alla fall. Och så är det ju snart dags för Transformers Revenge of The Fallen, det är det som håller humöret uppe just nu. Bara några få dagar till… Längtar tills man kan få en ny dator och en HDTV.
Är det jag vill ha mest av allt nu. Har önskat mig en HDTV i födelsedagspresent/julklapp så man får väl se om tomten kommer tidigt i år. Blir att försöka spara småskramlet annars och hoppas det blir något ut av det. Eller vinna på lotto, det hade varit mysigt.

Min rygg! Aj!

Satan vad jag har ont i ryggen. Gick en massa under slutet av förra veckan, det har väl satt sig i ryggen nu. Och inte nog med det, har sovit i en hård bäddsoffa i fyra dagar… Har haft lite problem med ryggen sedan tidigare, så jag får se till att åka in och kolla det under veckan. Så det inte är något farligare…
Och en god vän gav mig nog lite av hans förkylning. Så just nu känner jag att jag mår dåligt, små feber och så. Schysst! Så det blir att lägga sig och enbart se vidare på Avatar – The Last Airbender hela dagen. Tror inte jag orkar så mycket annat. BTW! Snart en vecka kvar till Transformers ROTF!! Fan jag längtar, hoppas man är bättre i ryggen tills dess.

Hittade för övrigt reserv-fodral till Playstation 1 spel idag. Det var trevligt, kunde jag äntligen fixa det jag hade som var i lite sämre skick.

Good news, turned bad

So I had some news to post today. I was hoping to post good news, but sadly there is none. I was looking at an apartment I was hoping to get. And things looked good. But in the end things didn’t turn out as I wanted them to. A shame. There was a person before me in the line to get it, and he wanted it so… That’s how it is. =/
Not much can be done, just have to keep searching.

Well the good thing about this, is that its almost time for
Transformers Revenge of The Fallen to have its premier! Really looking forward to that. More now than before…