Lite äldre, lite gladare!

Detta årets födelsedag har kommit och gått. Men det har varit trevligt faktiskt, fredagen var en trevlig dag. Jobbat ett par timmar, sedan sprang jag (nja, inte riktigt) till min lokala GameStop butik för att hämta ut Super Mario Odyssey!
Det är jävligt kul än så länge! Sist jag hade så här kul med ett Mario spel var nog med Super Mario 64.

“It’s-a-me! Mario! Woohoo!”

Det var också min egna födelsedagspresent till mig själv, så det känns ju riktigt bra. Fast det mesta känns bra faktiskt, även om jag för några dagar sedan höll på att falla ner i depression igen så lyckades jag någorlunda hålla mig kvar i det som är bra. Tre av mina bästa vänner drog även med mig ut igår för att äta middag för att fira mig, vilket blev en kul överraskning då det visade sig vi skulle spela bowling också! Vi har snackat om det ett bra tag i kompisgänget att gå ut och spela, men aldrig blivit något.

Det var kul som bara den att vara ute med kompisgänget och spela, riktigt trevligt så tack alla inblandade. Hade verkligen sjukt trevligt med bowlingen. Synd bara att den ena i gänget inte kunde komma, du saknades.

Det gick väl lite si och sådär med poängen, men det bryr jag mig inte om, det var kul! Plus man lyckades med det ovan så jag känner mig nöjd. ;)

Efter bowlingen blev det mat, fick välja ryggbiff och den var god som bara den! Mmm! Det var en riktigt trevlig kväll verkligen, en av de bästa jag haft på väldigt länge måste jag säga. Efter vi var klara med bowlingen så åkte vi hem till mig och såg Scott Pilgrim filmen.
Fasen vad jag gillar den alltså! Säg vad man vill om den, men den är fan sjukt nice.
Även om den har Michael Cera i huvudrollen, beh. Senare idag så blir det även då lite äventyr, vi ska nämligen gå och se Thor Ragnarök, den har man också sett fram emot ett tag nu. Längtar verkligen. Tack alla inblandade som gjort denna helgen riktigt bra, tack även pappa för att vi träffades och hade kul under tidigare delen av lördagen.

December is here!

Haha, I’ve been working and playing to much I had hardly noticed that we had entered December! I really haven’t been keeping up with the days and after the PlayStation 4 was released I didn’t have anything more to look forward to for a while. So I guess I just forgot about the days, shit happens right? =)

I’ve added a new section to the sidebar too the right, you now have direct links to all of the reviews I’ve written so far for And I’ll keep updating it with all the new ones I write, so now you can access those reviews fairly quick from my site. Don’t forget they are all written in Swedish, but please do comment on them if you can.
I have an upcoming review of Knack and that will be my first PS4 game review and currently I’m playing LEGO Marvel Super Heroes for the PS4. So that’ll end up as a review soon too. So I hope you’ll check those out too when they are up on the site.

I’ve also been playing a bit more on RESOGUN, it pretty easy to get hooked on that game. I just wish the game had more music to fill my taste, its good but not really my cup of tea I’m afraid. I prefer something more… Metal or rock, I think that could fit this game just as well.

Going to study a bit more next week, I’m soon going to have more more lectures at work and I need to make sure I’m not rusty. So this will keep me busy for a while, but its fun so I really enjoy doing this. But I like to be well prepared, so that’s why I have to brush up on my own knowledge a bit. I don’t want to teach people old stuff, it’s the new stuff they need and that’s why I need to be up to date. =)
I’m also going to the cinemas later today, finally going to watch Thor: The Dark World. Bet this is my last chance before they remove it from out cinema. Hopefully there won’t be a bunch of people there either, so I think we can relax and enjoy the movie without any bothersome people there.

Thor was seen in 3D…

So I saw Thor last night. In 3D I might add, the movie in itself was really great. I liked it a lot, and can’t wait to the the Captain America movie. The only downside In my opinion was the 3D. Sure it was cool in some scenes, but for most times it was just irritating and pretty hard to follow sometimes. It might have been our cinema that had some half crappy 3D stuff, but I’m not impressed. And it really hurt my eyes afterwards. So I won’t be watching anymore 3D movies in that cinema at least, I don’t want to have eye pain. I honestly didn’t feel well after that experience with 3D, I was feeling strange all night. The movie is based on the comic from Marvel about the god of thunder, Thor. I was not to familiar with the character, I’ve had some previous encounters with the character via Avengers: Eart’s Mightiest Heroes.

I’m not going to go into detail about the movie or characters. Thor is arrogant and ignores his fathers, Odin’s wishes. He thinks he knows best and gets into a whole lot of trouble, for that Odin exiles him from Asgard. He lands in our world “Middle Earth”. He has been striped of his powers and like us he is a mere mortal, this banishment torments Odin. Since he has hopped to make Thor the new king of Asgard. He is fatigued and collapse, he enters the Odin sleep, in which he rejuvenates his powers. This makes his brother Loki, the new king of Asgard.
And If you are familiar with some of the Nordic stories of the gods, you can probably guess where this is headed. As I said before the movie was great and they make a couple of hints at other Marvel characters, like Hulk and Iron Man. And I love stuff like that. The action was kick ass and the slower story parts very good. I think they build up Thor’s movie universe pretty good, I can’t wait to see all of the Avengers assembled in the Avengers movies.

Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster

I’m gonna go see Thor

Later today me and my buddies, Elden and ZX-Omega are going to watch Thor. It will be the first 3D movie i’ll be seeing. So that’s going to be a new experience, I just hope it is a good experience so I don’t feel sick because of it.
Come back later and i’ll probably will have written some of my thoughts on the movie.

As you might see, i’ve changed the sites design a bit again. I’m more satisfied with it this way. Still not finished with everything, I want a background picture and doing some color changes. The background will take time, since I am not very good at making those.