Easter vacation

So nice to have some vacation now that it is easter. I’ve been working so hard and much lately I haven’t had time doing the stuff I love. Like gaming and such. Now at least I have until Monday to do stuff, the it’s back to work on Tuesday. Wish there was some more free time, but better then nothing. And I have really needed this time of, there has been so much to do at work lately. A bit too much at times, but just gotta keep it together a few more month and it’s vacation and then I can take it really easy.

Yesterday I rewatched National Treasure, you know that adventure movie staring
Nicholas Cage. A movie I like really much, I enjoy the sequel too. I hope they make a third one as long as it’s in the same vein if the two first movies. Well after seeing the movie again I really wanted to replay some of the Uncharted games, but that will have to wait until another time.
Instead I have managed to come over a copy of the new Tomb Raider game rather cheaply, so I am looking forward to see if that game is to my liking. I’ve heard mostly good about it, so we’ll see. Right now I am playing the latest Sly Cooper game. Liking it so far, feels and sounds like a Sly game. So I am pretty pleased. A shame what they’ve done to Carmelita though. For me her Sly 2 appearance and voice will be my favorite, so much better than then the rest IMO.

I’m very much looking forward to the next time my friend Elden comes over. We are going to watch the entire season 3 of The Walking Dead. Gonna be great, we did the same with both season 1 and 2. Gotta try Telltales game if the series sometime, I’ve only heard good things about that game. Maybe I’ll get it if it’s ever released on disc for PS3 here in Sweden/Europe.

3 responses on Easter vacation

  1. Det var sjukt skönt med påsklov, men jag behövde också mer ledighet. Som tur är har jag lite långhelger att se fram emot. Hoppas du hann göra det du ville under påsk. :)

  2. @ Lania:
    Jodå, fick en del gjort. Men inte riktigt allt jag ville, drog på mig lite sjukdom istället. Det är ju sådär lagom kul, tråkigt när man är borta från jobbet av den anledningen och så mister man pengar. Men men. =)

    Vad skönt du har lite mer långledigt längre fram, det är skönt och behövs verkligen ibland. Så man kan koppla av och samla ordentligt med energi. =)
    Just nu kopplar jag av lite med Okami HD till PS3, riktigt fint spel det. Önskar jag hade upptäckt det tidigare.

  3. @ Micke:
    Ah, jag skaffade ju HD-versionen också. Har det ju både till PS2 och Wii. Spelade nån timme på PS2, men kom inte långt, tyckte det skulle funka bra till Wii, men körde inte det heller. Men bra med HD, kanske borde ta upp det nån dag och spela lite. Hm.

    Jag har också varit sjuk en del i vår, både i februari och i mars. Det gör ju inga underverk för lönen, precis som du säger… Hoppas du mår bättre nu i alla fall. :)

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