Week of depression

Ugh… I’ve been unable to shake my depression for over a whole week, I really hope it’s run its course soon. It’s getting really hard to get things done, when you are feeling this down. And I still don’t want to use as much medication just too feel good, but as I said i hope it will go away soon and my spirit and energy will return. It’s most likely my winter depression kicking in, as some know I don’t like Christmas all that much… I still miss the magic feeling it had when I was a kid, I’ll probably never feel like that again about Christmas.

I have started a second playthrough of Tales of Graces f for Playstation 3, it just about the only thing I’ve had some interest in. I think I am nearing 60hours now and I’m about to enter Ghardia Shaft. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s the last dungeon in the main game. But I’m not going to face the last boss just yet, I’m going to do some power leveling there. And then I am going to kick the last boss so damn hard, he will feel it into next month! I really want to try to beat the boss in 60seconds or less, so I can get the trophy for it. Just to know i have finished it. Even if there are harder trophies to get…

I hope it gets better soon. It probably will, just have to run its course. Glad that I’ll soon have five whole days that I can spend on what I want, it is going to be really nice! Since it’s Christmas break from work (best thing about X-mas right now). Looking forward to that and hopefully my batteries will be fully charged again after that.

2 responses on Week of depression

  1. Tråkigt att höra att du mår så dåligt, hoppas verkligen det blir bättre snart. Det är starkt av dig att inte vilja ta så mycket mediciner, men det är förstås jobbigt när det är motigt. Hoppas du har snö hos dig och att du får fem fina dagar med massor av spelande och annat kul! :D *kram*

  2. @ Lania:
    Jo, man får hoppas det. Är väl lite bättre idag, men det skiftar upp och ner som en jojo. Nä, har ätit mediciner vad jag ska. Eller vad jag tycker att jag ska, så man får hoppas man slipper det.
    Samtidigt är det skönt att ha jobbet och något att göra, hade varit värre om jag varit arbetslös. Då hade jag aldrig kommit ut från lägenheten.
    Tusen tack, önskar dig detsamma. :D

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