Living on my own for a year

A year goes by fast doesn’t it? Well its already been a year since I moved to my own apartment, man how time flies. But its been a fun year, full of stuff that has happened. And will continue to happen. Like at the end of this month good friend Kristoffer (KNtheking) will come visit me again. So that is going to be really nice and awesome, looking forward to it as hell. God I love living alone, it can be lonely sometimes.
But the freedom! Oh, yes! Sweet, sweet freedom!! :D

This what was my apartment looked like when I just moved in one year ago. Just posting the picture of my living room/gaming room. And the photo to the right is what the same room looks like now, a year later!

The past... The future... I like it more!

And in other none news I was happy to check my email and see that my copy of Disgaea 4 had been shipped! That was a nice surprise! Hope it will arrive on Monday next week from VideoGamesPlus.

VGP säljer PS3 slim billigt!

VideoGamesPlus, säljer Playstation 3 slim för ca. 1960kr.  Mycket billigare än så blir det inte, dessvärre tillkommer ju frakt på den summan så i slutet hamnar man strax under 2700kr. Men det är fortfarande det billigaste man tycks kunna få nya Ps3 modellen för. Så känner du får att importera är det bara att slå till.
Här kan ni hitta PS3 slim hos VGP

Sidan iFixit har även bekräftat att nya PS3 modellen inte behöver en strömkonverter för att funka i de olika länderna. Den klarar själv att ta ström från 100v till 240v. Så allt man behöver göra är att skaffa en sådan här kabel. Samma kabel de första PS2 modellerna hade.

För övrigt har jag varit fri i från Cola Cola och annan läsk i 5 dagar nu. Ja, det är väldigt många dagar för en som drack varje dag. Tidigare i år slutade jag också dricka läsk det varade i 37 dagar, innan jag av någon dum anledning trillade tillbaka. Men denna gången får det fan vara nog, det är bättre att lägga undan de pengarna och kanske faktiskt göra något skoj för det man sparar.
Vill tacka min polare Ezakiel för övrigt som hjälpte mig med min läsk abstinens igår. Hade nog köp om han inte varit i närheten. Det är vidrigt att känna sig beroende av det, som om det är en äcklig drog.
Jag rökar inte, snusar inte, dricker inte alkohol och det är jag jävligt glad för. Gillar inte något av de grejerna, men själv ska man fastna för något sketet som läsk. Men jag har motivation och vet att ialla fall en polare verkligen har hejat på mig och stöttar mig. Det känns jävligt skönt att få det visat.
Bara godis skiten som ska bort sedan också, så kommer jag bli väldigt glad.

EDIT: 2009-10-30: Till alla som verkar tro att “coca cola” är kod för något annat, har ni ju så jävla fel. Tror ni att det är kod för något är ni knäppa. Coca Cola är Coca Cola. Läsken, den man dricker som är full av socker. Inget annat. Fattar inte hur man kan få det till annat eller vad det skulle vara. Jag är fet, äter/åt mycket godis och läsk! Det är något som måste slutas med om jag vill gå ner i vikt.

Disgaea 3 has been shipped!

Woho! Got a message from VG+ now telling me that they have shipped my copy of Disgaea 3! And to my surprise. Everyone that has preordered will get a preorder soundtrack! Woho! I love bonuses like this. Haha, this will be my first videogame soundtrack. Always something!
Keeping my fingers crossed for friday now! >_>
Go VideoGamesPlus go, go!

Soon souls will be mine!

Woho! Got a very nice letter from VideoGamesPlus last night.
Your order of Soul Calibur IV has ben shipped. WOHO!
This is the first time I’ve seen then being able so ship a game before its release date, which is today.
So I’m hoping I’ll be able to play the game on thursday. if VG+ is as fast as always with there delivery, I should have it in the mailbox by then.

Other than that, I’m actually enjoying “school”. Its pretty nice to meet new people and talk about other stuff. Today has been a blast. So I’ve loosen upp to this whole “school” thing.

The 4th month is here

Ah, and now its already been 4months of this year. Time sure does fly.
For the record I hate April’s fools. There was barely any site online, that did not try to fool people.Come on grow up! You do stuff like that when your five.
I had my heart crushed a bit last year when RPGamer announced that Xenosaga IV was on it way, and I was stupid enought now to check the date. They hurt many people that day, or more liked kick people that was already knocked out.

Well as some of you might know, I’m very much looking forward to the PS3 game Valkyria Chronicles. If you don’t know what it is, look up a few trailers on gametrailers. Well yesterday I heard something good about the game, that I know a certain someone might like very much. =)
The games music composer is none other than Hitoshi Sakimoto.

In other news I got Sonic The Hedgehog for PS3 a while ago. (No, still don’t have a Ps3 yet! *sob*)
My sister bought it for me, since it was cheap on VideoGamesPlus. I justed joked about it with her, and she bought it for me. Well I’m not complaining, free games are always welcome. So it should be fun to see if I like it, or complain about it like everyone else. And speaking of Playstation 3.
I’m aiming to get one this month. So hopefully…If everything goes well, I’ll be having my own Playstation 3 at the end of April. *crossed my fingers*
Of course anything can happen, so its not written in the stars, but I’ll try to have faith this time.
So we’ll see, but I most get one before Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out!

4 year anniversary

I know this is a bit early by a few hours, but I don’t care. I just want to say that on the 28th this month, I’m celebraiting a 4year anniversary.
Of what you ask? Well… Its 4 years ago since I first bought my very first import game, from
Man time does really fly, it seems like it was just yesterday….
My very first game I bought from them where Animal Crossing for Gamecube, and I was afraid as hell that they would not be a serious company. Well everything wen’t very well and I love them. And I’m very pleased with all the service VG+ has offered.

So I just want to give those guys in Canada a big thank you. You’ve not only made it possible for me to get games earlier, much earlier!! Or in some cases games that never even came to Europe.
And I have saved a lot of cash by, buying new games from VG+ than in Sweden, about 35$ cheaper with the games from Canada/US than they are in Sweden. So once again, thank you very much VG+. And I look forward to at least another 4 years.