Hello 2012! Hope you bring goodies!

Hello 2012! How nice of you to come around, I hope you bring a bunch of wonderful things with you. And I hope that our year together will be awesome or at least we’ll get along well together.
I’ve started this year with playing Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360. It’s been a while since I played a more classic RPG and a good RPG for that matter. Well since this was MistWalker’s first RPG I just had to play this one and I’ve been interested in Blue Dragon for a couple of years. I got to play it for the first time around 2009 and its first now that I’m able to play it fully.
Of course I’m going to play Lost Odyssey later too, but Tales of Vesperia and
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword are first on my list. And since I was able to borrow Elden‘s Wii and Zelda, I really want to play that Skyward Sword.

So that’s a pretty neat way to start this year of with lots of great games! And this year will probably be filled with a bunch of great games and movies to I hope! Yeah, I’m really hoping this year will be really awesome.

Judith, the sexy Krityan!

I’m back with a new vector! Its been ages since I’ve uploaded anything.
Well according to my DeviantART account its been a bit over a year, but now finally I have something to post again. Something I’ve been working on for some time, its Judith from Tales of Vesperia!

The base for this vector comes from a screenshot from the Playstation 3 version of Tales of Vesperia.
Where she is sporting a black bikini, rawr! I think Judith is super hot! But then again I like elven type girls, they really get to me. Must be DEM EARS!

I’m hoping I’ll get the chance to work on more Tales of art, since I’m a fan of the series. I have something that is kind of an ongoing project concerning a certain Tales of female. I’m hoping I can finish that vector sometime too.
Just click the image and follow the link to my DeviantART page, where you can download a much bigger version of this picture. I guess you’ll like it!

Picking up Tales of Vesperia again!

Its time to continue where I stopped playing Tales of Vesperia. I haven’t been able to play the game since April 25th 2010, that’s quite some time… But I’ll be playing it as much as I can now! Played about an hour or so today, I’m hoping I’ll be able to put a bit more time into it tomorrow. If not I’ll have to wait until Friday. I can’t wait to do a review for this game…

Time to kick evil in the face and eat lemon gels... And I'm all out of gels.

Äntligen helg V.16

Denna veckan har varit väldigt lugn. Har varit på kurs på jobbet i två dagar, så har sluppit vara ute och städa då. Väldigt skönt, men det var tråkigt att sitta stilla och inte göra något. De bjöd dock på mat och frukost, alltid något.
Så på tisdag börjar jobbet igen, är ledig på måndag då jag ska till doktorn. Jag hoppas att äntligen få hjälp med mitt psoriasis som jag är mer är duktigt trött på.

Fick även träffa en gammal vän till familjen jag inte sett på länge, det var trevligt. Ännu trevligare var att han hade en gammal Xbox 360 han inte använt på flera månader och skulle troligen inte använda igen. Då han spelar inget längre, så jag fick den för en hundring. Mest för han var lat! Han ville inte gynna GameStop med att sälja in den till dem och han orkade inte lägga ut den på Blocket. Inte för att jag klagar precis!
Har gjort mig av med lite fler gamla spel också för att kunna förboka
3D Dot Game Heroes och Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands. Tack vare allt skit jag kunde byta bort, betalar jag ca. 50kr styck för dem, som ska betalas senare. Urk, nu har man knappt något kvar…

Men skönt om man kan börja få in lite pengar igen, så jag kan betala av folk det jag är skyldiga dem. Är tyvärr en del och jag tackar för er tålamod. Gör mitt bästa för att få fram något till er, men det är inte allt för lätt när man inte har haft några pengar alls.
Men hoppas som sagt kunna fixa med er de kommande månaderna, hoppas det är okej med er. Och att vi kan träffas snart, det var fruktansvärt länge sedan vi sågs.

Bästa i veckan
Fick träffa en gammal vän till familjen man inte sett på ett tag, fick även hans gamla Xbox 360 för en hundring. Utan tvekan gjorde det hela min vecka. Kanske till och med hela månaden.

Sämsta i veckan
Turligt nog har det inte varit så många dåliga grejer denna veckan. Varit lugnt på jobbet också.

Spelat i veckan
Det har blivit lite spelande på Tales of Vesperia och det kommer bli mycket mer under helgen.

Annat i veckan
Fick mitt intyg på att jag har fått grundutbildning från jobbet! Och så en liten extra notis!
Detta är mitt 350e inlägg! Tog bara en sådär 4-5år.

Sometimes you can be lucky

Yeah, sometimes you can get lucky. Like I did today. I met with an old friend who gave me his old Xbox 360. Well, I gave him 100SEK for it, but that was mostly so he didn’t give it away totally free. Love that friend! Its an older machine but with an HDMI-port and he never played anymore. So better it comes to some use, just hoping it wont die on me… Well now I’m finally going to play Tales of Vesperia!!
I was going to play it all day today, but got interrupted by two friends, Elden and Stingdragon that came and visit me. That was a nice surprise. They brought gifts! Well some cookies but still, it was very nice. Don’t get visitors all that often.

And I don’t have to work tomorrow! I’m going in for an educational purpose, they are going to check what we know and what we can. Will do this on Friday too, so it will be a pretty good relaxing end to the week. And they’ll treat us to breakfast and lunch! Amazing, didn’t think they would ever do that. Now give me a paying job instead…
Well have a meeting my my contact at “Arbetsförmedlingen” on Tuesday, so I wonder is she has anymore info for me. Hopefully I can at least work there and earn money under the summer, I could at least pay of some debts…

Yum, yum cookies from friends New Xbox 360

The one game I really want…

I should be pretty excited about all the upcoming games and I am. But there is actually one game besides all of the upcoming ones I want even more. I realized that tonight when me and my buddy Kntheking where talking. What could this game be that has me more excited than both White Knight Chronicles & Final Fantasy XIII? The answer to that is Tales of Vesperia. I am a very big fan of the Tales of series and has been since i played Tales of Symphonia on the GameCube.
I’ve been dying to try this game for so long now, but without an Xbox 360, is more or less impossible. And there are no funds in the nearest of months (or even under 2010) to buy anything like that. And as time passes it seems less likely that the Playstation 3 version will be released outside of Japan.

But why am I this hyped for the game? Honestly I can’t answer that, I just have a very strong feeling inside my whole body when I think of this game. It may sound cheesy or strange, but that’s the only way I can put it. The Tales of games have always made me feel better when I’m playing them, there is something there that I just love. With the exception of Tales of Legendia, which I do not like at all.
So just knowing its out there and waiting it actually kinda hurtful… The way and the longing I feel for Tales of Vesperia is something I haven’t felt in a long time.

I won’t put any hope in the PS3 version coming out here, I don’t have the heart to hope for something like that. I’ll just get depressed then. I’m just hoping I’ll be able to get a hold of an X360 version of the game later, so I can play it. They seem to be getting pretty rare… I really do think its amazing you can feel like this over a game, but I can’t help the way I feel. I hope I’ll get to play the game soon and that it will be just as great as I think it is.

Xbox 360 get!

Well sort of. Some time ago my friend “Evangela” gave me his broken Xbox 360. So I gladly accepted and sent it in for repairs, he was to lazy to do this himself. (Well, you where…)
Not that I’m complaining since it scored me a 360. So its seems like its on its way back from Microsoft now. So looks like I might finally be able to play Blue Dragon. Well actually there is only one problem. How much I’d like to play I can’t. Since I don’t have a 360-controller. So I will need to find a cheap one next week, if I can afford it. Don’t care if its wired or not as long as I ca play with it. That didn’t sound right…
Either way I’m a lot closer to being able to play Blue Dragon than I was before.

And I guess some of you have heard. Tales of Vesperia IS heading to Playstation 3.
Only anounced for Japan right now. But hopefully we will see a US version too. I’ll still try to get the PAL version somehow when its released. Same with Star Ocean 4. Hopefully I can borrow them from someone. My economy is down the drains bad right now. God I hate it. Almost every last penny, goes to pay bills and make sure I have a roof under my head. I wonder how much longer this will have to be like this. I want to start to live again. Go places, be able to travel and visit friends. But right now stuff like that is like a dream. And I’ll continue to dream, untill I can’t stand it no more.
Well take care everyone. See ya!