Bäst av Sony E3 2018

Detta året kan nog ha varit en av Sonys tråkigaste E3 show. Det kändes mer som en konsert än ett TV-spels event. Hoppas på en återgång till det vanliga formatet nästa år, saknade även Sony i år med alla stora överraskningar. Känns som detta är det sista PlayStation 4 har att erbjuda, nu läggs krutet på PlayStation 5.
Var bara en känsla jag fick, behöver ju inte alls vara så.

The Last of Us 2 ser väldigt bra ut! Snyggt som fasen och man får väl köpa detta någon gång i framtiden sedan. Det lär inte bli ett köp när det kommer, jag väntade rätt länge på att köpa första spelet, så jag kan vänta lite till.
Ghost of Tsushima är snyggt som fasen, men väldigt lite intresserade mig av det jag såg. Kul att SuckerPunch jobbar på något nytt, men det är inte riktigt min kopp av te.
Death Stranding var bara konstigt som fan och jag har inte en aning om vad fasen det är, kommer hålla mer koll på det. Men nja…

Resident Evil 2

Äntligen får vi se något från RE2 remaken! Det ser ju riktigt kusligt ut, vetefan om jag vågar spela! Haha. Spelet kommer släppas den 25e Januari 2019, så lite mer än ett halv år kvar innan det släpps. Ska bli intressant att se hur spelet är, det ser ju väldigt annorlunda ut. Dags att följa med Leon till sin första dag på jobbet. Igen.

Kingdom Hearts III

Vi får se lite klipp från pirat världen. Fasen vad det ser snyggt ut alltså! Gillar att dom inte ändrar den grafiska stilen i detta spelet beroende på världar dom besöker. Pirat världen såg alltid så konstig ut i Kingdom Hearts 2 med sin grafik.


Ett av de spelen jag ser fram emot mest i år och var jag inte såld på spelet sedan tidigare, så är jag det helt klart nu! Denna demo video sålde mig ännu mer spelet, det ser helt sjuk coolt ut. Som tur är så är det inte så långt kvar till september.

Allt som allt en helt okej show, väldigt tråkig dock i min mening. Xbox har varit den show jag gillade mest än så länge, dom visade fler spel som tilltalar mig. Som tur är kommer ju även de spelen till PlayStation 4. Men jag önskar Sony hade haft något av det att visa upp, som exempelvis Devil May Cry 5. Eller varför inte Tales of Vesperia? Men känns som det gjorde sig bäst hos MS för det var exklusivt hos dom förut.
Hoppas Sonys show är bättre nästa år, brukar alltid uppskatta dom. Så känner mig absolut lite besviken. Men som tur är så ser ju spelen som visades fantastiska ut.

Some game stuff

Some videogame news have dropped today. Nothing major IMO, but some fun stuff, for me at least. And Tokyo Game Show is this month too, so I hope we’ll hear about some great new Japanese games. Hopefully get a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III would be sweet, some info on Dragon Quest Heroes II and Star Ocean 5.
And I do hope we do get some awesome surprises and hopefully what they announce, will also get an western release.

Deadpool Remaster
It seems Activision is trying to cash in on the Deadpool hype for the movie, by releasing the old Deadpool game on the newer consoles. It will probably cheap and a dirty port, but sadly I think I’ll buy it, when it’s cheaper. I liked the Deadpool game and I want it in my collection.

Resident Evil Origins Collection
After the announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake, I got some new interest in the series. So I was thinking about getting back into it and today Capcom announced Resident Evil Origins Collection. Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 remake on one disc, I do prefer my physical games. And they showed a new mode in RE0 called “Wesker Mode”. Capcom is slowly winning me back.

And today I finally got my copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I was a bit disappointed when it was shipped last Thursday, but still didn’t arrive until today. But hey, at lest it got here on release.

Played about 3 hours so far and it is nice! Really looking forward to this adventure with Big Boss. He is my favorite of the “Snakes”.

The king has left the building

Earlier this morning Kristoffer went back home. After staying at my place for almost four days. Four fun days mind you! We watched a shitload of movies, both old and new. Like Insidious and Fast and The Furious 5. While Insidious isn’t that new I hadn’t seen it before, it was nice and a bit spooky. FATF5 was just awesome, fucking awesome even. Loved the action in that movie. Duane “The Rock” Johnson and Vin Diesel where awesome. Paul Walker was of course great too! Good movie is good.

Kristoffer played through Resident Evil 4 from beginning to end. It was nice to relieve that game again, even if I didn’t play it myself. It so much better than RE5.
And as for me now I’m going to spend this whole week devoting myself to Disgaea 4, so I can start playing Zelda Twilight Princess for real. An hopefully around the same time I have my birthday (27th this month!) I can have Batman Arkham City. One of my most anticipated games of the year. Really looking forward to kick ass as Batman again.

And I just added a bit more to my “Xeno” collection today. Joining such games as the Xenosaga Trilogy and Xenogears is Xenoblade Chronicles. The only thing they have in common is the Xeno-name and that they are made by the same people.

April is here!

I hate 1st of April. its the day when people think they are so fucking funny and can trick people. Honestly, what the hell is so fun with that? Can understand it. I think last time I tricked someone on April’s fool was when I was 13years old. Almost ten years ago.
This tradition could die for all I care. This is the one day Ican’t trust a single soul. Well only a few, that knows how much I hate this day.

Well I updated the picture to the right here today. I was thinking of doing some small advertisment for Cross Edge. Even if its due to be released next month. The picture is of Misha from Ar Tonelico. She is a playable character in Cross Edge.
For more info on this game you can check it out on RPGamer.
Wish I had a DS this month. I would really have liked to get a hold of
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier, for the system.
Since it looks to be a pretty nice RPG, plus the game has KOS-MOS as a playable character. How can I not want that? No one with a spare DS they can let go of cheaply?

I should have mentioned this before, but I have started to watch Scrubs. Rather I’m midway thru season 4. Gotta love that show. “The Todd” is awesome. Highfive people!
I’ve keept playing Resident Evil 5. Trying to get all trophies in the game. Well since I got nothing else to play at the moment why not? And once that is done I’m moving on to take on Uncharted again in the crushing difficulty.
So I guess that’s how stuff is right now. I need to start writing more of my own material. I really want to do something! Reviews or whatever. Even if I suck at it.
Take care untill next time people!

Resident Evil 5 cleared!

So I finished Resident Evil 5 a few days ago. Good game.
Better than I thought. But I still feel it was a bit dissapointing as a Resident Evil game. Its a really good action game, but if they had called it something else than Resident Evil I would have been more pleased. Why? Well its moslty some story releated things I don’t like how they turned out. I also feel like they “ruined” some characters.
Won’t go much more into that, since they it will be spoiler galore
The game has a really good co-op mode, I really enjoy playing this game with friends it makes it a whole lot better. There is a whole lot to do in the game so at least you can’t complain about you finishing it to fast, and that there is nothing else to do.
If you want everything in the game it will take a couple of hours to accomplish.

In other news, it seems like Tales of Vesperia will se the light of day in Europe in June! Same month as Star Ocean 4. Well that’s about fucking time! Now I just somehow need to get an Xbox 360 and try to get a hold of the game. Much much easier said than done. Its depressing. Really depressing. =(

RE5 – Impressions #1

So I’ve played a little bit of RE5. I’m not a big fan of the controlls, but hopefully they will grow on me. The action has been good.
Sheeva is just in the way the entire fucking time. God I wish she wasn’t in the game. Not as an A.I at least. I’m looking forward to try this with kntheking . Now there is where the real fun will be, playing co-op with a buddy. Can’t wait to try that.

I’ve also started to use Twitter. Hope livejournal can add support for it here. So I can have my twitter in the sidebar. I like it, since I can post just some small things on the go. Well don’t know. I just seem to like it. So I hope it get’s supported.

Resident Evil 5 is here!

Got the game now! Just going to check my regular sites, then I’m of to try the game. And hope I will like it. Please let me like it. And a big congratulations to my buddy Kntheking! You know why man! I won’t post it here until you do.