Tales of Xillia tomorrow!!

I’m getting so hyped!! I just have to survive today and then tomorrow I’ll finally get the game I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time!
I’ve had zero success about finding an early copy, damn! Hehe, well you can’t win them all. But thankfully I have some stuff that I need to do today, so hopefully it will make time fly. Well at least I’ve prepared some snacks for tomorrow, it’s going to be yummy! Yum, yum.

A bit down, but I have a trophy…

Yeah, I’m not feeling to well right now. Guess it was time for another depression to visit. Huh. I just want to get rid of this whole feeling that is covering me, I don’t like it. I loose all energy and will to do anything, what’s the use.
Hopefully I’ll start feeling better tomorrow when it time to work again, I always seem to steer clear of the dark thoughts when I am working. But we’ll see…

Well in better news at least, tomorrow is the start of E3 and I bet that’ll get me feeling much better. It is exciting this year, can’t wait to see what they’ll be announced. Looking forward to the Playstation 4. I’ll do my usual E3 posts later.

And last but not least. I managed to get the platinum trophy in Tales of Graces f, I never thought I’d go for that. So now there is nothing more for me in that game, a bit sad. But still a nice feeling when you know you’ve done everything in the game. All special bosses and stuff like that.

Sci-Fi Convention 2013

Hehe… Better late than never right? I’m about a month too late with this post, but I’ve been so very busy in real life. I haven’t been able to do all the things I’ve wanted and then my site and updates have taking a beating from that too. Well at least now I can post some of the pictures I took from this years Sci-Fi Convention in Malmö, it was fun as always. But damn… There was about double or triple the amount of people this year compared to last year, but great and a shame. Since you couldn’t go around checking out all the stuff you wanted, but at least it seems like these conventions are successful.

Swords and stuff, yo! Dragons and stuff, yo! Even more swords and weapons!
Some Viking things Really cool Zombie head! Yuri Lowell, Alter Figure... Expensive!!

Some pretty nice stuff. I really wanted that Yuri Lowell figure, but it was expensive as hell! About $300USD, too much for a figure. At least for me. The umbrellas shaped as katanas where cool, they were also a bit on the expensive side. Well for me at least, just a few bucks cheaper and I might have just bought one. Or perhaps a boob mousepad? XD
I was surprised too see one at the convention, maybe I shouldn’t have been, But I was not expecting that.

May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce Katana umbrellas? Do want!! Boob mousepad. I should have gotten one...
Sweet dreams... CHAOS POWER!! I'm the master!
Fit it! Felix! No fun allowed!

And I found all the chaos emeralds. And some extras, just in case they break. >_>
They are so lovely, but I don’t know why I should buy one. There really is no need for it, even if they are nice. And on the way home I saw this sign by the train station. I couldn’t help but laugh at it. It just looks so stupid and sounds weird. I got some explanation on why it was there, but I don’t remember that. I just remembered that I had a really good laugh at this. And all in all it was a really good day, but I’ll see if I’ll go next year. If there isn’t any one really special coming, I might consider not going. Why? This year was way to crowded for my taste, I got my panic attacks more than once while at the convention. So we’ll see, it’s about a year to the next one. I might change my mind until then and of course it depends on the guests.

Here are some of the cosplayers from the convention. It’s not everyone that was there, but a selected few. The girl/woman who cosplayed as Wesker last year, was here this year too. But I didn’t get a chance to take a photo of her this time.

Rosalina from Mario Galaxy Some Star Wars guy Some monster thing. Pretty nice. Nice blue elf. Rawr. Ninja Deadpool! He was awesome! Zero from Code Geass.
Freddy Kruger and Spider-Man A bounch of other cosplayers Deadpool in yo' face!

Ni no Kuni is here!

It arrived today, just like I hoped it would!! Woohoo! Installing the game data right now and I’ll precoded to make some breakfast, haven’t eaten a thing yet today. Now it’s going to be real interesting to see what I think about this game, I’ve waited so long for this.

I am feeling somewhat better today, so it’s back to work tomorrow. And then I can spend the entire weekend with Ni no Kuni. But now I am off to play!

A prize from Namco Bandai

In the last days of December Namco Bandai held a competition where you could win
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition. And it would seem that I was one of the lucky 13 winners! I already knew I had one, but I got the stuff today.

Hoho, it was such a nice package. With the game some DLC and a fankit as they themselves call it. In it was some sort of book that I can’t say I care all that much about. But there was also a zippo lighter and its beautiful! Really, really nice actually.

Well that’s all of it! So happy I won. Thank again Namco Bandai for this awesome stuff, hope to win more stuff from you in the future. I love you! Now bring on Ni No Kuni and Tales of Xillia.

Feelin’ pretty good

I’ll never understand how depressions work. I am feeling rather good today, hope this will last long. But you never know, I’ll just embrace it and hope for the best.
Just too keep the sad tone a bit, Ni no Kuni has been delayed. Thank god its only delayed with a week, otherwise I would have gotten very sad.

I am really looking forward to the Sci-fi convention in Malmö this year. No guests or anything has been announced yet, but I just love doing this stuff yearly with my friends. This is the best kind of tradition. This will be my third year in a row, was hoping to come dressed as something this year. But it seems that wont be happening, I wouldn’t know what to cosplay as. Either way I’ll be taking lots of pictures this year too.

I actually got a pair of new shoes, I needed something better for my feet, the ones I had where so bad that my knees started to hurt if I used them more than an hour. The new ones feel great! Now I can go out and take walks again without hurting.

I am also hoping I can start going to the gym soon, hopefully in February or the beginning of March. I really want to get in shape and loose my weight, I really need to do it and I want to do it. I hope one of my friends will join me, I got to speak with him in the upcoming weekend or soon at least.

Goodbye 2012! Hello 2013!

The end of the year is upon us, just a few hours left of this year. 2012 has given me some good times, but also some really bad times I would have rather not endured. But I guess that’s life…
But now is the time to look forward, to hope that 2013 will turn out better than the past years. And that I can keep moving forward and not revert to my former self. I kind of like myself right now, I’ve never done that before. I’ve always hated myself for some reasons, but I seem to have overcome those thoughts. Or at least they aren’t as apparent as they’ve used to be, which is great and feels great.

Not going to keep you much longer, I just hope everyone has a really good happy new year. And next year will be great to all people who read my site. I really appreciate it and I hope you would comment a bit more. ;) But still, I have this site to help me left of steam, get rid of dark thoughts and such. Basically a diary if you will and to preserve some fun memories for the future. I enjoy coming back and reading old posts and go “Damn! That was so long ago?” it’s pretty amusing. We’ll I leave 2012 now with some photos of some pictures below! (Yo, dawg!)

And I’m having a great time with Miiverse, Nintendo own forum like service for the Wii U. I just love watching peoples artwork. Some people are so amazing, they can do really great stuff while having to use such a small area to draw on. And yesterday or rather earlier this morning I found these two hotties of Princess Peach. Yeah, they are over sexualizing here but I just they they are great artworks and they are hot. If you have a Wii U and like what you see, follow the artist you can see her name in my photos.

This is not all that is posted, there are some people who make really incredible stuff. Which I’ll probably take photos of in the future and share here. I just chose these picture of their sexiness or at least I think they are sexy, a bit smaller on the boob size would be nice thought. A little to big for both the character and my own tastes. Starting to sound like a real perv now. XD