Så här var mitt 2015

Året är nästan slut och det är dags att titta tillbaka på hur det varit. Det har om något varit ett relativt lugnt år, men det har ju hänt lite åtminstone. Både på gott och ont, det känns som det är en del som hänt. Men så börjar man tänka efter och inser att det är inte så mycket som hänt. En av de “större” grejerna som hänt nu de senaste månaderna är att jag börjat skriva på svenska istället för engelska.
Det känns rätt skönt att skriva på svenska, lite lättare att hitta orden och lite roligare. Förr skrev jag på engelska då jag gjorde mycket AMVs, men inget jag gör längre. Tyvärr. I framtiden kanske jag kan börja igen, men hur som helst. Ytterligare en anledning till att jag valt att börja skriva på svenska är att nästa år firar jag 10år med min blogg! :D

I januari så åkte för första gången flygplan, då gick jag ur min lilla skyddsbubbla och åkte till Stockholm. Var där på utbildning för jobbet, det var väl rätt kul att se. Dock blev det en överladdning i mitt system att säga, tog nästan 2 månader innan jag var mig själv igen. Det blir lätt sådär när man är folkskygg och utsätter sig för något sådant, sedan har det lite att göra med att jag blev lite utbränd också. Men det blev bra igen, sedan har jag tagit det lite lugnare.
Har hållit en del utbildningar med jobbet, det har varit roligt. Gör ju mycket det för att komma över min skygghet för folk och lättare kunna prata med personer.

Dags att åka flygplan för första gången…

Sedan fick jag en konstig smärta i magen eller i sidan av magen. Som först misstänktes kunna vara njursten, håller på att undersöka vad det kan vara nu. En annan läkare trodde det kunde vara magkatarr, så vi får väl se. Hoppas nog på njursten om något som spökat. Hoppas hur som helst det blir en lösning och får besked på vad det är som spökar i kroppen.
På tal om kroppen, så har jag även gjort en liten operation/ingrepp. Det är egentligen inget jag vill gå in närmare på, men något som kändes bra att få fixat. Ingen GBP operation i alla fall, men en sak som kan förbättra ens levnadssituation.

Fick äntligen mina tänder fixade, något som jag velat ha gjort ett bra tag. Men inte kunnat på grund av ekonomiska själ. Det är också en sådan sak som påverkat att man inte alltid velat åka ut och göra saker med folk eller visa sig bland folk till och med. Men nu känns det okej och rätt skönt, dessa problemen skapades av en infektion jag fick i munnen 2007 tillsammans med en del läsk drickande. I skrivande stund har jag dock inte rört läsk på snart 4 månader och det känns skönt!
Tar itu med godis nästa år (efter jul) och så ska jag försöka komma i bättre form än jag är, väntar ju bara på svar om skiten med magen. Men det ska nog bli bra.

Det är så härligt att kunna le igen!

Jag har ju spelat en del spel i år. Klarat av 31st (kan bli fler) så det är 7 mer än jag klarade förra året, så det känns ju kul. Får göra ett separat inlägg sedan när jag har bestämt vilka som var mina favorit spel för året, det tar ju lite tid att gå igenom. Men en sak jag gillar som jag gjort i år, var att jag var med och backade en Kickstarter på Bloodstained. Det är en spel ifrån Koji Igarashi, mannen som var med och skapade Castlevania Symphony of The Night, så kunde inte låta bli.

Det var väl vad jag kom på just nu. Det som är kvar av året är att se nya Star Wars nästa fredag, sedan blir det väl något med några polare på nyår. Det är väl det som ligger på kartan just nu. Nästa år väntar som sagt flytten, det blir väl i stort sätt det första jag börja med. Eller ja, jag har tillgång till lägenheten i februari. Sedan blir det bio med Deadpool i februari också, det ser jag fram emot. Hoppas vi får Tales of Berseria i väst nästa år också, det hade varit grymt! Vi får väl veta vad Nintendos nästa konsol är för något. Så det ser ut att kunna bli ett spännande år.

Vi är några vänner som snackar om att försöka åka till Kolmårdens djurpark nästa år, det hade varit riktigt kul. Hoppas det kan bli av, men jag är försiktigt optimistiskt.
Vi får helt enkelt se vad som sker. Hoppas 2016 blir ett mer händelserikt år, om inget annat så ska jag i alla fall flytta så det blir ju skönt. Ska äntligen ifrån min lilla ettan till en tvåa, det ska bli riktigt skönt att få ett sovrum! Ett kök att kunna sitta och äta i, mycket som man kanske tar för givet ibland. Så det ska bli otroligt kul att få inreda den lägenheten, i de två tidigare jag har bott i har jag inte gjort något speciellt.
Men nu ska det upp tavlor och annat, det ska synas att det är någon som bor där. Så har ni tips och idéer på inredning får ni gärna komma med det, alla tips är välkomna!

I’m going to move!

I’ve finally found an apartment I am going to move to! It about double the size of my current one and I’ll finally have a kitchen I can sit in. And most important of all, I will have a bedroom. No more having to share bedroom/kitchen/living room in the same room, finally some much needed space!
That also means I can start decorate the new apartment, those three years I’ve lived in my current one has felt like no one has really lived here.
I have had nothing on my walls, nothing in my windows, it has been very barren. Mostly because I took this apartment to settle down and move right away, things didn’t go like planed and I was stuck for three years. But now I can live! And it is going to show, I’m looking around for furniture and videogames posters to frame and hang on my walls. It is going to be so much better.

I’ll have access to the new apartment in February, so I’m really looking forward to that. Now I need to save all money I can, it’s not cheap moving. With all the costs that usually arise with moving, like transferring my internet provider to the new address and stuff like that. I’ve already packed down a bunch on games and stuff, no need for it to be up right now. Since I know I won’t have time to play them and I like to be well prepared. Even it it is three months in advance, I don’t want to deal with eventual stressfulness that can appear at that time. So I want things to be ready, I’m going to pack more in the coming weeks. And throw away old junk I don’t want to have anymore.

So I’m looking forward to this, for many reasons. One and the most important for me is space right now, I feel claustrophobic in my current apartment. And another reason is now it will be easier to have friends over. This is going to be great, at least I hope it will be.

Vacation almost over

Time really does fly when you are free. Soon my three and a half weeks of vacation will be over, I start working again on Wednesday. It’s been pretty nice not having to go up so early and I’ve had as couple of late nights and I didn’t realize how much had missed this. But alas all things must come to an end, and I’m somewhat looking forward to starting working again. Mostly because I’ll get out of the apartment more than I have under my vacation. I have gotten out quite a bit in the first week of vacation, buy then I’ve mostly stayed home and have been taking it easy and lazy.
It was nice being lazy for once.

I’m still searching for a new apartment, I have a few I’ve show interest in so I hope the will pick me to check them out. Then I’ll just have to hope I get one of them. I really want to move now, I want a bigger apartment so I can rearrange my stuff better.
I want a kitchen I can sit and eat in, I want a real bedroom so I don’t have to have everything in the living room as things are now. And hopefully later people can stay over if they want, and if I’ll let them off course. ;)
In looking forward to actually hang some posters/paintings up, right now I have nothing on the walls. Mostly so I don’t have to fix anything when I leave the current apartment. I really want my hobby and life to show where I live, right now there is nothing of that. I like games, I like cartoons and I want that to show. If people don’t like it can handle it that is their problem not mine, I’m not ashamed of what I like.
And if I do meet a special someone, they have to accept this part of me too.

I’m hoping to get some other furnishers then I finally move to, some more shelves for the games and hobbies. I hope my economy will let me start retro collecting soon, but before that can happen I need the older consoles first. Well I don’t really need them first, but I want to have them first do I can start playing as soon as I get some games, but that is for another post. I’m hoping I’ll be able to see Ant-man in about two weeks, when it has finally premiered here in Sweden.

Other than focusing on work and looking for a new place to live, the coming months will be filled of games for me, so at least I’ll have that. And if I’ll be moving hopefully it will be done in the coming thee months, and then there will be no money left for anything else. Moving is expensive, especially when you end up with double rent.
But it’s only for a month or so, just have to hold out. Things will be better later.
All in all I’ve had a great vacation starting home and taking it easy, next year I might be ready for some more action. Hopefully I’m in better shape next year to, hope I can start going to the gym again soon. Everything depends on the economy, but at least I haven’t had any soda for a week now, yes it’s a big deal actually. And I’ve only eaten soon candy that I’ve had at home, I have not bought anything new. So now I want to get in form, I really want to regain the weight I had 15 years ago.

Just a few more days…

In just a few more days I’ll finally be moving, can’t wait to get away from here and start my new life. I hope I’ll finally get to feel at ease and finally start to feel happy again.
But enough of the dark and gloom, I’ve actually been feeling rather well lately, probalby do to the moving part. But it feels good not to feel pissy and sick all the time.

I’ve also gotten a bike so I can go on trips on my own, no more taking the bus to get where I need to go. And not only that, but I can get some excercise. So that feels so damn good!! Hehe, so no more sitting at home at weekends, now I’ll go out and take trips.

I saw The Avengers yesterday too. I liked it very much, it was just what I had hoped for. I won’t say much more that that. Sadly it was only shown in 3D, which at least in out cinema sucks. I’m not impressed at all and it’s hard on the eyes.
Right now I am watching Underworld Awakening, it is pretty okay. Wasn’t expecting much, but I like Underworld 1 and 2 more. But Kate Beckinsale is hot, hot, hot!!

Well that’s enough ramblings from me right now. My regulsr internet will soon close, so I won’t be able to surf or talk with people. Which I’ve been pretty bad at the last couple of months, but I just don’t like being as much at the conputer as I did in the past. Well either way, I’ll only be able to surf on my cellphone. So I’ll be making an update when I have moved.

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Weekend will be nerdy

Damn I am tired. I started working with a new client at work and we have to get up early to go there. So this week is my “start working early” week, next week are regular working hours. It’s a good place I like it there, but damn I am tired. Haven’t played anything this week because of tiredness. Not packed anything either preparing for my move, gotta do that next week.
Sure I still have a lot of time, but if I just sit around and wait doing nothing that time will soon be all up. God! I am so looking forward to moving, get to a better quiet neighborhood.

Now this upcoming weekend I am going to Malmö, it’s the SCI-FI convention! Been looking forward to that for a year now. Gonna take a lot of pictures again. Lance Henriksen will be one of the guests this year, he is awesome and has a cool voice. Gonna be awesome.

Oh, I just can’t wait until May!

No, no! It’s not a girl I’m longing for. Not that I wouldn’t turn down a cutie. Hrmpp, this is about the thing I said in the “Suck Calibur and finally Friday” post I did some days ago. I’ve been looking at a new apartment, and they called me yesterday and said I got it!
So in the first week of May, I’ll be moving. It is a smaller apartment, but its in a better location. And speaking of location, its almost in the middle of our city (Kristianstad). So everything I need and my work is really close, so no more need to take the goddamn bus!

It’s almost half as big as the one I have now, but I don’t need bigger. It’s just me living there, so I’ll manage fine! The one I have now is to big, I can’t fill it with stuff. And I don’t want to fill it with unnecessary crap. So my upcoming weekends will be spent with throwing stuff I’m not going to bring with me or can’t bring with me. So I’m glad I have a good reason to go through my stuff now. As I said I am looking forward to this now, be able to start something new at a new place.
Now I just have to let go of crap of the past and cut away the things that are holding me back and make me feel sick and have done so for a long, long time.

My own home

So I’ve finally finished moving the few stuff I had into the apartment and, I’ve finished cleaning the kitchen also. Wow, it feels great to have to do all these things by yourself. It feels great to finally have my own home. I promised I’d take some photos and I have, but its not much to see. I will take new ones once I have more furniture and I’ve decided how to decorate the living room. But for now these will do, oh just look at that stain on picture #4. Nice little gift from the previous resident…

Pizza and milk Look at all that space for activities!

Went with milk and a kebab pizza as moving in food, it was so delicious. Tasted extra good eating it in my own home. And then you see my living room, haven’t done much there. At least I can play games again. Need a couch… Computer table will come later.

My very simple bed in my very simple bedroom. God its nice to sleep in a bed again… The nice stain the previous folk living here left in the kitchen, it’s the only thing that sucks in the kitchen. And my two man kitchen table. Perfect for me.