En random uppdatering

Det var ett tag sedan man bara gjorde ett inlägg om lite allt möjlig. Inte för att det har hänt så mycket sedan sist, men det är väl två stora saker som hänt.
Har varit inne på sjukhuset igen för smärtor, vilket visade sig vara fler njurstenar.
Dock så tog det inte ett år denna gången för att få en lösning, så det är ju bra åtminstone. Men tyvärr har det ju gjort att jag än en gång tappat orken att hålla kontakten med folk uppe. Hoppas ni verkligen kan förlåta mig, ni som jag inte haft så bra kontakt med på senare tid. Depression och orken har varit i botten med det mesta, så det har inte funnits någon ork eller lust till något. Jag vill bara att ni ska veta att jag inte skiter i er. Jag har även hunnit fylla år, så nu är man 33år gammal. Men som vanligt så känner man sig inte äldre eller klokare för den delen heller. Men skaffade mig en egen liten present i alla fall, något jag velat ha länge!! Nämligen Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete till PlayStation 1. Musik CDn saknas, men jag har lyckats få tag på den på annat håll, så när den kommer är det helt komplett! <3

Har varit och sett Doctor Strange, som var riktigt bra! Psykedelisk om inget annat! Benedict Cumberbatch var riktigt bra som Stephen Strange och detta var ytterligare en bra Marvel film. Tack vare denna filmen så är nu magi och det övernaturliga/mystiska introducerat i filmuniversumet. Nu längtat man att få se Spider-Man: Homecoming och Thor 3: Ragnarok. Annars var detta mitt sista biobesök för i år, tror inte det blir något mer besök innan Power Rangers har premiär eller möjligen Beauty and the Beast liveaction filmen.

Har inte haft mycket ork för spel sedan en tid tillbaka, vilket alltid är tråkigt att man hamnar i ett sådant läge. Men hoppas man börjar återhämta sig nu, började nämligen spela Batman: Arkham Asylum till PlayStation 4 igår och det har känts väldigt kul att spela igen! Behövde väl mer eller mindre bara hitta rätt spel att spela. Väldigt kul att återvända till det efter besvikelsen Arkham Knight. Asylum är så mycket roligare i min mening, synd bara att de inte gjorde den PS4 port av Arkham Origins som jag är väldigt förtjust i. Trots sina buggar, men spelet har bäst design på skurkarna.
Så det blir att spela klart detta, så får man ju se hur det går med spel där emellan. Eller om det blir en liten paus igen fram tills Final Fantasy VX. Nästa vecka byter jag dock in min PlayStation 4 mot en PlayStation 4 Pro.

Finally some free time

Four the past four weeks I’ve been in charge of some stuff where I work, it was very fun and educational. I took up on this offer since the person originally in charge of this was on vacation. And yesterday was my last day working with that I am doing my regular work this weekend and after that, I have three days off. It is time to recharge the batteries and just take it easy and then return to my regular working routines. Everyone involved in this has been super helpful, thanks everyone. As I said it was fun, but it is going to be a bit of relief not having all that responsibility on my shoulders.

The sad part is that I have almost played no videogames for the past four weeks either. Not as much as I would have liked, since I’ve been to tired to actually take my time and sit down and play. But at the same time that has also been a pretty nice break, because soon Metal Gear Solid V is here and then it’s October with a ton of games, so I have a lot to play in the upcoming months. Just about two months away from the release of Tales of Zestiria and man I’m just getting more and more pumped for that game. I want it now! And then we have Dragon Quest Heroes and Transformers: Devastation.

I’ve also had the displeasure of seeing the new Fantastic Four movie. I’m one of those people who usually enjoy “bad” movies, the movies everyone else hate. But no, not this one. This was a big pile of… Yeah, I’m not exactly what. But this movie was terrible. It had some good idea thought, but they never made anything with them. The movie wasn’t that long but it felt like it was never going to end.
I’ve watched Terminator Genisys too and that was much better, I enjoyed it. Even if the trailers already spoiled one of the major stuff in the movie. The one who made the trailer and the one who greenlit the trailer to be released should be fired.
Anyone have any good tips on movies or tv-shows to watch? I need something new to watch.

Not much happening

Wow, I’m almost impressed by how little that is happening now. Is a bit sad really, but somewhat refreshing too. The most exciting thing that has happened it that I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron when it premiered here in Sweden. Such a cool movie! I really enjoyed it, now I’m really hyped for Ant-man.

I’ve been playing some games to, finally played Shovel Knight and damn it was good! Love the charm of the game, the music is so great. Such a great “retro” feeling to the game. I honestly think this is my favorite game of the year so far, it really clicked with me. Great adventure, cool Mega Man like levels. And I just love the sprite work. Hopefully I’ll be able to start playing The Order 1886 this upcoming weekend, or hopefully I’ll be getting a New Nintendo 3DS and Paper Mario Sticker Star. And then I’ll probably just be waiting until Batman Arkham Knight is released.
But still my most eagerly awaited game for this year is Tales of Zestiria and there are more rumors floating around that there will be a PlayStation 4 and Steam version in the west. So we’ll see if that turns out to be true. Guess I’ll have to but every version of the game… Maybe. ;)

På bättrings väg

Nu börjar det äntligen kännas lite bättre, så nu är man väl på bättrings väg. Mår bättre, har ingen feber som skiftar upp och ned längre. Energin och aptiten börja sakta men säkert återvända. Så i veckan som kommer, kanske jag till och med orkar att göra saker! Ska bli riktigt skönt faktiskt, men jag känner mig inte helt återställd. Är fortfarande trött och orkeslös, men det har blivit bättre. Har ju redan fått tillbaka en del av min vanliga energi och det är jag glad för, då denna helgen har jag gjort mer än bara sovit bort den.

Till och med sett lite filmer i helgen. The Intouchables (En oväntad vänskap) var en riktigt bra film, gillade den riktigt mycket. Feelgood film om en blommande vänskap, den var rolig, helt enkelt. Klicka länken om du vill läsa mer om den. Såg äntligen Edge of Tomorrow också, som jag måste säga att jag gillade betydligt mer än jag trodde att jag skulle. Hade inga förväntningar på den, men jag tyckte den var en schysst popcorns rulle, helt klart. Att den baserades på en manga var en överraskning för egen del också.
Såg även om den nya Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, den är fortfarande okej. Finns en hel del saker jag önskar kunde ändras i filmen, men delar av den är bra. Andra mindre bra, hoppas betydligt mer på uppföljaren.

Har även spelat lite helt otroligt nog! Körde igenom Transistor som man fick denna månaden på PlayStation Plus. Ett helt okej spel, har hört folk som hajpat det rätt rejält. Visst det var trevligt, men för egen del var det verkligen inte mer än okej. Nu ska jag ge mig an att testa Wolfenstein: The New Order till PlayStation 4. Gillar inte FPS[/] i normala fall, men har hört väldigt bra saker om spelet från andra som inte är större fans av FPS. Med detta så blir det en liten paus ifrån Wild Arms 5[/b] och jrpg. Kan vara lite skönt det, jo jag älskar fortfarande jrpg, men måste trycka in något annat i mellan känner jag. Det blir för mycket tårta på tårta så att säga, plus om mindre än en månad kommer ju Final Fantasy Type 0.

Under nästa vecka väntar jag på svar om jag fått en lägenhet jag sökt, så det är lite spännande. För är inte nämna att jag ska till Sci-fi Mässan i Malmö som är nästan helg, ska bli spännande att se vad man finner där. Hoppas på mycket cosplay denna gången och att jag får en massa foton, kommer lägga upp det här i sådana fall. :)

The end of 2014

Back to winning in English again as you can so clearly see. So here in Sweden we are almost nearing midnight and that means the end of 2014.
It had been an pretty okay year, nothing more nothing less.
The last movie of 2014 for me was Sideways that I’ve just finished watching. It was a pretty nice movie, Paul Giamatti is always great. Need to rewatch Shoot em Up again soon.

Last game I’ve played this year turned out to be Injustice: Gods Among Us for PlayStation 4. I’m guessing first game I play/beat in 2015 will be
Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition, a great game that I’ve played before for the PlayStation 3. It felt like it was deserved to be replayed on the PS4.
I’m not so sure about my game of the year, but I’m fairly certain is either
Tales of Xillia 2 or Tales of Hearts R. The worst game for me this year is Watch_Dogs, it did not live up to the hype for me. Looking forward to all the games coming out next year all the movies,I really hope 2015 will be a really great year.

Well folks, thanks for this year. Looking forward to the adventures next year will bring. I’m hoping it will be a new start for things. Take care y’all.

Work, play and more work

Man I am so glad that next week is going to be a “normal” work week. I’ve had my hands full with some courses, both learning and holding my own. And right now I’m so tired of it, but I have a two day course left to hold in the beginning of December then that’s over for this year. Then we’ll get ready for some new stuff next year, I might be tried of it right now but it is fun. I wouldn’t have done it if I though it was crap or I didn’t get any satisfaction from it. That would just be wasting everyones time.
I’m going to work some extra in December, I really need the extra cash to be able to survive in January. Some big bills are on the way then. Wouldn’t be much of a problem if I had the chance to actually save some money. Well at least when my debts are payed that will be a problem of the past and oh boy, I am looking forward too that! I am not looking forward too how tired I’ll be from all the extra work, but what can you do? You do what you have to in order to survive, you can rest when you are dead… =/

Would be nice if there was some money over later to actually get something nice, maybe some new clothes or just something. Maybe some new games, maybe could get a better couch I really need a new one… Sadly there isn’t any money, but there is always expenses. I really wish it was the other way around, if just for one month. Just to feel how it feels to not have to worry about money and your economy. *dreams*
I’ve spent almost the entire day changing my blog, I got a new theme I’m very pleased with. Even if it does look a bit like the other one I had, there are some changes here and there. I’m not going to go into detail about it though, I doubt anyone really cares about it either. I am however looking forward to the day when the newly drawn picture of me is ready to use on the site. Not sure when it will be ready, but hopefully soon. =)

Since it’s been a rough past two weeks, I haven’t been playing like I wanted to. And I’m not really feeling it today, so I might just watch a movie or something.
But I am about 11hours into Tales of Hearts R and I love that game! No surprise there! Tomorrow is game day, so I’ll be spending the whole Sunday just playing. Nothing else matters! I love playing the game on the PlayStation TV, it works great! I just hope they add more support to the thing. Like some of the old PSP Final Fantasy games from PSN and stuff like that. Come on Sony and add more games to your whitelist!

Games, movies and hopefully fun

Man this month has been a killer so far. It hasn’t been easy dragging yourself out of that damn hole called depression, I’m still crawling up and it feels better. But I’m more or less still an emotional wreck when I am alone. Well as I said, its better now. But I’ll be more than happy when this “period” is over and I can go back to feeling well and actually function properly again.
The worst thing about this is that it leaves me with little to no motivation or energy to do anything, I’ve had inFAMOUS: First Light for a while now and I’ve played it for about an hour. I just don’t have any motivation to play games. And now I can play Dust: An Elysian Tail that has interested me for a while, but noooo! Just waste the days by staring at the computer of ceiling.

It’s the same with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of The New World, I started playing it and got past the intro part. Met Martha for the first time and had my first fight and lost all interest, and it’s not because the game is bad mind you. Still way to early in the game to have an opinion about it, but yeah. It’s like this no matter what I play right now. But hopefully after tomorrows work is done, I can start relaxing and get into something. And while we are on the subject of the Tales of-series, next month Tales of Hearts R will finally be released! And Bandai Namco today announced the game will have support for PlayStation TV, so if you rather want to play it on your TV than on an handheld go right ahead. You can read about it here on the PlayStation Blog. I think this was a great choice and I hope more people who release Vita games make them compatible with PSTV. I hope some old games get some patches to work with PSTV too. I like the Vita don’t get me wrong, but as I’ve said before about handhelds, I’d rather play on a TV-screen. Mostly because my hands cramp so damn easily with handhelds.

If everything goes well, me and Elden should be watching at least three other horror or monster flicks this weekend. On the menu we’ll find, Spiders, Cabin in the Woods and one more that I for the life of me can’t remember right now. Which sucks a bit. I have never seen Spiders before and my expectations are as low as they can be, if I can get a laugh out of the movie at least it won’t be a total waste. Cabin in the woods on the other hand is a movie favorite of mine, I love it! So I’m really looking forward to see that one again. When it’s closer to Halloween we’ll be watching Trick ‘r Treat, we both like that movie very much! I don’t think we’ll watch any of the Halloween movies ironically enough, but I’m hoping and we must keep out own tradition of Freddy VS Jason alive! We always watch it around Halloween and have done for the past 3-4 years now.