Spel jag klarat 2015: Del 3

Här är en liten lista på de spel jag har klarat under året, jag skriver bara en liten text under titeln på spelet. Förklarar lite snabbt vad jag gillade eller ogillade med spelet. Det kan hända att jag skriver något längre om ett specifikt spel längre fram eller om något i kommentarerna vill veta mer så kan jag skriva mer. Datumen efter namnen på spelet är när spelet klarades.

21: Suikoden [ 2015-08-22 ]
Ett kul JRPG av den klassiska sorten, som var bland de första jag spelade.
Men då jag inte var så bra på JRPG på den tiden när spelet var nytt, så klarade jag det aldrig. Detta behövde naturligtvis rättas till. Ett bra spel, men jag förstår inte riktigt hajpen med det.

22: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition [ 2015-08-24 ]
Aye caramba! Ett ganska kul Metroidvania inspirerat spel, med ett mexikanskt tema.
Från början gillade jag inte detta alls, men jag blev fäst vid det efter någon timme eller två.
Helt klart värt att kolla upp om man söker ett Metroidvania liknande spel.

23: Mega Man [ 2015-08-30 ]
Ett av de mest klassiska spelen från min barndom, det var riktigt kul att spela om. Roligt nog så kändes det betydligt svårare nu på äldre dar än det gjorde när jag var barn. Fortfarande kul dock. =)

24: Mega Man 2 [ 2015-08-30 ]
Mitt favorit bland klassiska Mega Man spelen! Musiken, robotarna! Gillar det mesta till tusan, var i princip hur jag mindes det. Det har åldrats bra, dock kändes det på tok för enkelt. Får köra på svårare svårighetsgraden nästa gång.

25: Mega Man 3 [ 2015-08-30 ]
Detta var lite av en besvikelse, fortfarande bra, men inte så bra som jag mindes det. Var lite utmanande här och där, men det kändes inte så kul. Gillade detta betydligt mer när jag var barn.

26: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain [ 2015-09-18 ]
Troligen den största besvikelsen i år för min del, knappt någon story, inga minnesvärda bossar eller boss fighter alls. Allt kändes så otroligt “meh” för min del. Gameplayet är hur bra som helst och spelet hade stor potential. Men utan allt det där klassiska Metal Gear, föll det väldigt platt för min del.

27: Transformers Devastation [ 2015-10-13 ]
Transforms and roll out! Ja! Bland det roligaste jag spelat i år, visst det är väl inte mycket annorlunda än många action spel. Men spelet har en tight kontroll, grymt rockigt soundtrack och man slåss som stora robotar. Vad mer kan man behöva!?
Det baseras på G1 och IDW serietidnings versioner av Transformers och är grymt som bara den! Gillar man Platinum Games och gillar man Transformers så borde man verkligen spela detta.

28: Tales of Zestiria [ 2015-11-06 ]
Mitt mest efterlängtade spel i år! Det levde absolut upp till mina förväntningar, men som många andra spel är det inte perfekt. Striderna är roliga som vanligt, men jag gillar inte Fusions och skill-systemet så mycket. Finns andra små saker som irriterade lite, men i det stora hela är jag väldigt nöjd med spelet och fick absolut valuta för mina pengar.

29: Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows [ 2015-11-15 ]
Visst är Plague of Shadows bara DLC material, men jag kände att det var så fullt med saker att jag räknar det som ett eget spel. Hur som helst var det bra som tusan! Det var kul och svårt att spela som Plague Knight, har du inte spelat Shovel Knight än så gör det! Det är bland det roligaste jag spelat i år, både original versionen och DLC.

30: Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush [ 2015-12-05 ]
Kirby blev spel 30 att avklaras i år, det var ett trevligt och söt äventyr. Blev dock besviken att man enbart spelade med stylusen, hade hoppats på en mer klassisk styrning. Men allt som allt, helt klart ett trevligt spel.

Thoughts on Metal Gear Solid V

I finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain earlier today, it was a bit of a chore to get the “true” ending. Well okay, not really I was just more or less a bit tired of having to do a bunch of side-ops to get it to unlock. But now that I’m finished I’m going to share some of my thoughts on the game, I was going to make this spoiler free from the beginning, but to talk about what I want I can’t do that.

So if you don’t want anything spoiled don’t read past this.

Metal Gear Solid V has taken my time

Since the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, I’ve spent a lot of time with it. I think I’m closer to 50 hours or so now. And I’m still not at the end, all the side-ops in the game has really taken my time. It’s easy to get lost there and just roam around and collect and Fulton stuff.

So that must means I really dig the game, right? Well not necessarily. I’m not sure what I think of the game right now to be honest. I’ve had some enjoyable moments in the game, but I wish there was more story, more cutscenes. You know like a regular Metal Gear Solid game and I would have loved to have some iconic bosses. Seemed like those died together with Metal Gear Solid 3, a damn shame!
Sure the game is good, just not as good as I hoped so far. I’m not a fan of the mission style, it works but I don’t like it for the story mode, I guess that’s why I never got into Peace Walker either. I’ll see what I think about the game, when I have finished it. That’s when my final verdict for a game is formed. If the ending is totally crap it can ruin a game for me, then it becomes more along the lines of “What am I fighting for!?“. The ending is my reward, it has to feel fulfilling, sure if the game has been fun and is good I won’t dis it just because of the ending.
I’ll write more about MGSV later, both what I liked and what I hated and I’ll try to make it spoiler free.

In other news it has been a slow month, but that’s okay. Looking forward to next month with three games I’m very excited for. Transformers: Devastation, Dragon Quest Heroes and of course Tales of Zestiria. Fun times are ahead for me at least.
And today I picked up my 20th anniversary controller, I just love this thing to death. So much nostalgia for me, just because of the PlayStation grey color. Now Nintendo should release a Pro controller that is NES or SNES inspired. I would have to get them, because of reasons.

I must clairyfy that the touchpad does not look like this when you buy it! I bought an sticker to go over the touchpad to protect it from fingerprints and I wanted to have the 20th anniversary logos on there. Just so you know and I put caps on my sticks to protect them too, I don’t want to risk the sticks falling apart.

Some game stuff

Some videogame news have dropped today. Nothing major IMO, but some fun stuff, for me at least. And Tokyo Game Show is this month too, so I hope we’ll hear about some great new Japanese games. Hopefully get a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III would be sweet, some info on Dragon Quest Heroes II and Star Ocean 5.
And I do hope we do get some awesome surprises and hopefully what they announce, will also get an western release.

Deadpool Remaster
It seems Activision is trying to cash in on the Deadpool hype for the movie, by releasing the old Deadpool game on the newer consoles. It will probably cheap and a dirty port, but sadly I think I’ll buy it, when it’s cheaper. I liked the Deadpool game and I want it in my collection.

Resident Evil Origins Collection
After the announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake, I got some new interest in the series. So I was thinking about getting back into it and today Capcom announced Resident Evil Origins Collection. Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 remake on one disc, I do prefer my physical games. And they showed a new mode in RE0 called “Wesker Mode”. Capcom is slowly winning me back.

And today I finally got my copy of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. I was a bit disappointed when it was shipped last Thursday, but still didn’t arrive until today. But hey, at lest it got here on release.

Played about 3 hours so far and it is nice! Really looking forward to this adventure with Big Boss. He is my favorite of the “Snakes”.

Mega good time

I downloaded the Mega Man Legacy Collection for the PlayStation 4 last night, so I’ve been playing that all day. I’ve made my way through Mega Man 1-3.
All games I’ve beaten in the past, but it was fun returning to them, so it is going to be extra fun when I start playing Mega Man 4-6, since I’ve never played them before. Hopefully I like them too, but who knows. At least I’ll be going into those games with no knowledge of weaknesses or stuff like that.

Other than playing Mega Man games things have been pretty quite, not much has happened. Well there is a big thing that is happening in my life, something I will go deeper into later. Why not now? I feel like each time I talk about something good, before it has started something always comes in the way and screws with it. I’m not taking any chances now, but it will be something that is good for me and might possible lead me to actually try and go and visit friends that live far away from me. (No, I’m sadly not getting a drives license. But I wish I was.)
Well I won’t be able to spend money on stuff, for the upcoming future at least.

But it’s worth it. And I’m lucky I’ve used my local GameStops trade-in deals, to preorder all the stuff I wanted this year anyway. So I’m all set! I’m awaiting a DualShock 4 20th Anniversary edition, Tales of Zestiria, Dragon Quest Heroes and Transformers: Devastation. I’m set for the rest of the year.
And hopefully I’ll get Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, tomorrow in the mail. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I’ve also done some work on my site, mostly stuff you wouldn’t think twice about. Fixing old posts, that had missing pictures. Sadly couldn’t fix all since some photos I don’t have anymore. But everything under the hood of the site is more streamlined for me.

Batman: Arkham Knight & Tales of Zestiria

So for the past week I’ve been playing Batman: Arkham Knight for the
PlayStation 4. Such a great game, I had some troubles putting the controller down. Like yesterday I played for about 15hours straight! Well I took miniature pauses for food and other visits, if ya get my drift. The worst (best) part is that it didn’t feel like I spent such a long time with the game, the day just flew by and I haven’t done gaming in one sitting like this in years! Mostly I’ve just gotten 2-3hours in one sitting.

I did really like the game, but I’m a tad sad that the batmobile takes up a bit too much space. I can’t go into detail on what exactly what I mean, since I would then have to spoil some stuff and I’m NOT going to do that. All in all it was a good game and a good ending to Rocksteady’s Arkham trilogy, I’m please that Rocksteady acknowledges the stuff that happened in Arkham Origins even if they didn’t make the game themselves.
I just have some Riddler stuff left (almost all of it) and I’ll see if I will give them ago, probably not. But if would be nice, since there is a surprise… ;)

And in other news Bandai Namco today announced the Collectors Edition for
Tales of Zestiria, it’s more or less the same version as the Japanese CE. A shame that the will bring the ToZ OVA over, but on a DVD. You would think they would put it on a blu-ray for the PS3 and PS4. You’ll get a cloth artwork, steelbook, 4 Chibi Kyun figures, hardcover arbook, selected soundtrack cd and a big old box to put everything in. I’m still thinking about getting this or not, some great stuff, but I would have preferred a figure like Milla or Ludger from Tales of Xillia 1 & 2.

Some retailers will offer some Tales of Cameo costumes! I need them, I must have them! So hopefully my local GameStop will be able to offer these costumes. If you get the game digitally you will get them regardless. I’m not sure if this is true even for the steam version of the game, but I would be surprised if you didn’t get them there too. And speaking of steam, they are going to release Tales of Symphonia HD on steam next year. If a lot of people preorder Tales of Zestiria on steam and they hit a certain mark, those who preordered ToZ will get ToSHD for free. Not bad, not bad.

So what is next for me in line of games? We’ll I’m looking forward to
Onechanbara Z2 Chaos which is coming out the Juli 21 in the US. Guess it will be imported since we still don’t have a date in Europe and I want to be sure to get a physical copy. After that its time for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain in September, then in October I have no idea how I’m going to find time to play all the games I want. Dragon Quest Heroes, Tales of Zestiria, Transformers: Devastation. Ugh. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is something I’ll be getting later, since I do not have the time and I’m pretty sure it will sell well either way. There are probably so many more games I’ve missed and for now that is okay, I don’t need to remember them all. That would only be more trouble for me. Hehe.
What did you say? I don’t have to get all the games at once? I can wait? What are you saying dear sir/madam? You crazy. O.O

Games I want in 2015

I made this post before but in Swedish, but I thought I might revisit it and make it in English instead. Why the revision? Well one of my most anticipated games of the year has slipped into a 2016 release, which is a shame. But hopefully it will lead to a much better game. And honestly I’m not surprised it got delayed, still a shame though. This list is nowhere near complete, I have just taken the big games that I’m getting this year. I have probably missed a few titles that I would love to get my hands on. So this post might be updated at a later date, or I might have to update because new announcements or more delays… But we’ll tackle that hurdle when it comes to that. But for now these are the games I’m most looking forward to in 2015.

Tales of Zestiria

I love the Tales of games. It’s just about the only JRPG series that I really love and enjoy to my fullest right now. Of course there are many great games out there, but right now Tales is closest to my heart. So when Bandai Namco localizes Tales of games, I just really need to buy them an support them. And Tales of Zestiria will be no different. Just as long as it isn’t any mobile stuff, in getting it. The game is looking good so far and I’m really looking forward to my hands on this title. I’m just hoping I’m not hyping myself to much on the game, but for now it is my number one sought after game this year. Just announce a date Bandai Namco! I’m there day fricking one!

Dragon Quest Heroes

When I laid my eyes upon Dragon Quest Heroes for the first time I knew I had to have this game. I was thinking of importing it but then Square Enix announced it would be released in the west. I was as happy as a cat playing in a cardboard box. Its supposed to be like a Warrios/Musou game, but with more action RPG elements and that is something I can really dig. I really like the 3D models of Akira Toriyama’s designs, I think they found a 3D style that really works well. It is going to be fun running around together with old DQ heroes in the game, Jessica will be on my team as often as she can be! When a problem comes along, she’ll whip it! Whip it good!

Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman! Always Batman! Always driving villains bats! So what do we do? It’s simple, we kill the Batman. I guess that sums it all up huh? Well I’m very excited for this game, its the last game in Rocksteadys Arkham Trilogy and I’ve enjoyed the past two games very much. Even Arkham Origins which isn’t made by Rocksteady.
So will this truly be the end for the caped crusader? Will he kick the bucket? Will Arkham City take over the pieces that are left of Gotham? On June 23rd we will finally find out, that is if it doesn’t get delayed yet again…

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Those who have followed me for a while or just know me, knows how much I love the Xenosaga games. I still prefer them to Xenoblade, which is also a fricking awesome game! But Xenosaga just spoke more too me, an unpopular opinion which I hope I can have without being slaughtered. That being said, I can’t wait to get my dirty little mittens on Xenoblade Chronicles X! What I’ve seen so far really blows me away, now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this title won’t be delayed into next year. That would really bum me out. Hopefully it will be fun to create your own character, so naturally I’m going to try to recreate KOS-MOS.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

After MGS4 I hardly wanted anything to do with the MGS series again, it was a disappointment to me. Maybe I expected to much, but solve everything with nanomachines and taking away my sob ending, ruined it for me. With MGS5 we are turning back to Big Boss and I’m hoping we will see him fall to evil in this game. What I’ve seen so far of the game has really got my interest going to the game. September 1st can’t come soon enough.

Yoshi’s Woolly World

It’s Yoshi made of yarn. If it could work for Kirby it can work for Yoshi, to be honest I actually think it will work better for him. Either way, the more platforming games we can get the better. I feel like its a dying or rather sleeping genre and its a damn shame. Nintendo always delivers quality games, so I’m 100% sure this title will be very enjoyable.

Onechanbara: Z2 Chaos

Girls, Swords, Zombies. What more can you want? Good gameplay would be nice… It seems like this has that too, from the few movies I’ve watched from this game, I think I’ll get an enjoyable game. I’ve heard its an okay game and it reminds me a bit of Lollipop Chainsaw. Google it, see for yourselves. But I think this will be a “guilty pleasure” game for me this year. Not that I really have GP games, since I like what I like and I’m not afraid to say so.