Picking up Tales of Vesperia again!

Its time to continue where I stopped playing Tales of Vesperia. I haven’t been able to play the game since April 25th 2010, that’s quite some time… But I’ll be playing it as much as I can now! Played about an hour or so today, I’m hoping I’ll be able to put a bit more time into it tomorrow. If not I’ll have to wait until Friday. I can’t wait to do a review for this game…

Time to kick evil in the face and eat lemon gels... And I'm all out of gels.

Review: Folklore


Konsol: Playstation 3
Utvecklare: Game Republic
Utgivare: SCEE
Release: 09 Oktober 2007 (USA), 12 Oktober 2007 (EU)

Folklore var ett av de 3 spel jag ville spela allra mest när jag fick min Playstation 3.
De andra två var Uncharted och Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction.
Men det som lockade så mycket med Folklore var hela stilen i spelet, jag fick en
Tim Burton känsla av spelet när jag såg på bilder och filmer ifrån det. Mysigt och lite
mystiskt, på det där lekfulla sättet han har. Mycket riktigt kände jag även så när jag spelade hela spelet.

Spelet utspelar sig i den lilla byn Doolin. Ellen som förlorade sin mor för 17 år sedan,
får plötsligt ett brev ifrån modern. I brevet står det att hon är vid liv och är i Doolin.
Hon beger sig genast till byn, men hon finner inget. Men hon möter en mystisk figur som ger henne “Messengers Cloak” som ger henne förmågan att färdas till Netherworld,
de dödas rike. Där hon hoppas få veta något mer om hennes mor.
Ungefär samtidigt som detta sker så får Keats, en journalist för en ockult tidning ett telefonsamtal. Det är en kvinna som är panikslagen och säger att hon kommer bli mördad av någon i Doolin. Keats som är väldigt nyfiken av sig, beger sig genast till Doolin. Där han av en ren slump också får lite av “Messenger Cloaks” krafter.

Man kan spela som både Ellen och Keats och de har olika mål. Ellen vill finna hennes förlorade minnen samtidigt som hon vill veta vad som hänt med sin mor. I Keats fall handlar det mest om hans nyfikenhet. Han vill bara ha en bra story så han kan sälja många tidningar. Men för båda parterna kommer det bli mycket mer komplicerat än vad de först trott. Jag gillar verkligen storyn i spelet och hela atmosfären. Som tidigare nämnt känns väldigt Tim Burton, vilket jag verkligen gillar. Fanns även en del överraskningar i storyn. Man måste även spela med båda för att få en komplett bild av storyn.

Man samlar på monster som kallas Folks och de är dom du använder för att slåss.
Olika Folks ger dig olika egenskaper. Som en tigerliknande folk, kan fungera som ett
svärd. Eller en robotfolk kan vara en sköld. Eller kanske en kraftig kanon.
Man kan ha upp till fyra olika folks equipade och de sätts på någon av kontrollens fyra
knappar. Triangel, Cirkel, Kryss eller fyrkant. Ibland måste man använda olika Folks
för att fånga en annan folk. Då slår man dessa tills man kan se deras själ lämna kroppen då är det bara att börja vrida och ha sig med Playstation 3 kontrollen.
Ja, kontrollen är rörelsekänslig och ibland måste du skaka kontrollen upp och ner,
svänga den åt häger eller vänster. När själen blir röd drar du kontrollen snabbt uppåt
för att dra själen ur en folk. Oftast är det bara bossarna i spelet som kallas Folklores som man behöver använda de riktigt jobba rörelserna på.

Jag kan inte minnas ett enda musikstycke ur spelet, vilket är tråkigt. Så om det någonsin blir en uppföljare hoppas jag de fixar musiken. Anledningen att jag inte kommer ihåg den är för att den inte stack ut. Det var inget speciellt med den, man lär inte lägga den på minne. Blev dock besviken på hur repetitivt spelet blir, lite mer variation hade det verkligen mått bra av. Det som höll kvar mig hela tiden var storyn som verkligen intresserade mig, Folklore fick även vid ett senare tillfälle en uppdatering för att stödja skak (rumble) funktionen, det gör hela upplevelsen lite bättre och skönare när man känner hur Folks kämpar tillbaka för att inte få sina själar tagna.

+ Mellansekvenserna som har en serietidnings känsla över sig.
+ Intressant story som höll mig fast.

Blir lite väl repetitivt ibland…
Serietidnings mellansekvenserna skulle innehållit röster.


How I love rain & free time

Ah! The weather is really nice here today! Its raining! How I’ve missed rain, I sure hope we don’t get more goddamn snow here now. So sick and tired of that shit.
But rain, I really do love rain. It makes me feel good and relaxed. And its so nice and fresh outside. It was along time ago I’ve felt this good.

So I went for another meeting at ***** yesterday and the guy there went through some more rules and stuff. Nothing I can talk about since I had to sign a confidentiality paper. So I can’t talk shit about what I do, I don’t think I can even say if I have a good or bad time there. I just need to shut up about those parts, sadly.
One more meeting on Monday and after that I guess its time to start with some sort of work there, don’t know yet. But we got today off. And that’s pretty nice, especially when I’m not used to being up very early in the morning.

I’m also going to watch my first blu-ray movie later tonight. I will be watching
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. Now try saying that five times fast!! Looking forward to it, I haven’t seen that movie in a while and the blu-ray version contains 20-26 minutes of new material. Some hate this movie, but I like it quite a bit. Pretty funny since I’m not to fond of Final Fantasy VII. Too bad they didn’t add
FFVII: Last Order into this blu-ray also. Would love to have that as well. But it seems Square Enix cut that from the story when they released FFVII: Crisis Core.

And I might go to my friend Elden’s place this weekend, not sure yet. If not there will be a lot more FFXIII played. Wish I could get my hands on an Xbox 360 so I could play Tales of Vesperia. I’m really looking forward to play it!

Can’t sleep, but need to!

Urgh, I just hate it when you have to go to bed early. I’m supposed to go to a meeting with “Arbetsförmedlingen” today. So I would really like to feel rested when I have to get up around 07,00. Well, what happens? I’m more awake than I’ve been in a long time. Figures. The one time I really need my sleep, is of course the time I can’t sleep!
I was thinking of starting FFXIII but I’m sure I would be stuck with that all night, without any sleep at all. And I’d rather take a little sleep than no sleep at all.
So that kind of sucks, hope I’ll get some sleep and the meeting goes well later today. If it does I guess I’ll start my trainee post at ***** later this week.

I’ll be leaving with some RPG related news. Trinity Universe will get a release outside of Japan, the publisher has not been announced but it would surprise me if its NIS America. It seems like it will be ported to the Xbox 360 too, it was a PS3 game in Japan. Pretty nice, get it out to more people. I will check it out as soon as I can. – Siliconera.

15hours into FFXIII, my impressions

I’m about 15hours into Final Fantasy XIII and I thought I would, write a bit of my impressions of the game so far. For starters I can say, that I’ve had a blast with the game. This is another one of those titles, I have long awaited. So when you finally have it in your hand, it feels a bit strange. Its a wonderful feeling.

Many have complained about the game being to linear and I understand that people think that, I haven’t been bothered by it at all. I was afraid what I would be, but I’m finding it to hard to let go of the controller at times.
My biggest complaint about the game is the total lack of towns. I do miss walking around in town and talking to NPC’s like in past Final Fantasy games. It would help me make the game feel more alive, I understand why its like this, but I think they could have solved it better. And Square Enix “excuse” that its to hard to make towns in HD, is just bullshit. So many others before then have succeeded.

The fighting-system on the other hand is great! Its very fast paced and if you’re not observant, you can die pretty quickly. Won’t go into that much more, I think its better if you experience it by yourselves.
The story can be a bit of the cheesy side, but then again. I’m easily drawn to this kind of story’s for some reason, since I’m really waiting to see what happens next.
Well all in all I’m very pleased with the game so far and I’m looking forward to play more. Just need a break, I’ve been playing the whole day. Well almost.

Final Fantasy XIII today!

Yes! Finally got Final Fantasy XIII today, I’ve played about 2½ hours so far and I like it! I know it is a bit early to say anything, so far I’m liking it.
So glad my weekend is saved! Just taking a break watching some anime and then its back to playing. If I’m not very active on MSN its because I’m playing!

A knight in shining armor

And the knight has done his duty well. A couple of hours ago I finished
White Knight Chronicles, which was a game I had waited a long time for. I was sold on the game since the first trailer, but It would take some time before I would be able to play it. The game was released December 26th 2008 in Japan, but for some reason the localization took its sweet time. It was released February 2nd 2010 in the US...
Thanks to it being in translation for so long, a lot of people lost interest in it. And I still wanted to see this game being released sometime last year. A shame it didn’t, I’m not sure it was worth the wait. But I did enjoy myself.

The gameplay battle-wise reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy XII, with its
MMOish-interface. If people hated it with FFXII, they are probably gonna hate it in WKC also. The battle-system works fine and is pretty fast, so I’ve got no complaints there. I like the graphics, but I wouldn’t complain it they could have fixed how some of the characters look. The story characters are fine but the rest not so much.
The music in the game is good, but I wouldn’t have complained if there was more variation in it. But the opening/demo theme with the violins in it rocks!

You create your own character in this game, that will follow the main characters through the entire game. This characters biggest role is in the online part of the game. Where he is the main star, but I wish they had made the character creation part a little bit better. Its easier to make a freakish character than it is to make a good looking one. Hopefully they will fix all the minor stuff to the sequel. I would say the game takes about 20-25hours to finish, depending on what you choose to do in the game. And it is a bit easy. While I see those to things as a bit of a let down, perhaps others will be glad to know its not a long game. Or very hard. But thanks to the online part, the games playtime will probably last for about 100hours. At least it wouldn’t surprise me if it lasted that long, to do everything online.

Great game that lived up to my expectations, 2010 has started of really well with first Darksiders and now WKC for my own part. I’m hoping this trend will keep on with Final Fantasy XIII & 3D Dot Game Heroes. If you are looking for an RPG for the PS3 I would recommend this title. The release for the game in Europe is either the 24th or 26th February. Hope the sequel to this game won’t take over a year to localize.

White Knight Chronicles