I’m longing for Friday 13th

I’ve been feeling I’ll for some time now, but its finally starting to feel better. And that’s good, since I must be better until Friday 13th next week. Since I’ll be getting a visitor then, its my good buddy KNtheking who will come down and visit me! I’m really looking forward to that, it is going to be nice! :D

I’m really hoping we’ll have a great time, but just being able to meet one of my oldest and dearest friends are enough. If you are reading this man hope you aren’t pissed about my lack of responses to your SMS.
I don’t have much money left on my phone and need to save that until Friday so we can keep in touch then. I think that’s more important.

I’m on season 5 on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series). Its really great, I like it a whole lot. Only two seasons left until it ends, I’m a bit sad by that. But oh, well.
This show is so much better than the old one, its more mature and darker. But it also has its goofier moments, but nowhere near as many or frequent at the original show. And then there is a new Turtles show in the making, I’m gonna watch that too as soon as it premiers.

I’m gonna go see Thor

Later today me and my buddies, Elden and ZX-Omega are going to watch Thor. It will be the first 3D movie i’ll be seeing. So that’s going to be a new experience, I just hope it is a good experience so I don’t feel sick because of it.
Come back later and i’ll probably will have written some of my thoughts on the movie.

As you might see, i’ve changed the sites design a bit again. I’m more satisfied with it this way. Still not finished with everything, I want a background picture and doing some color changes. The background will take time, since I am not very good at making those.

Off to Malmö! (updated)

We are awake, we are ready! Breakfast ready, waiting for the buss to take us to the train station. We are going to take us to the sci-fi convention in Malmö. Me and my friends, Elden and ZX-Omega have been looking forward to this for a long time. I’ll be posting pictures later, when we are home tonight. Bye!

Update 1: Time 12.38
Just saw a cosplayer dressed as Alicia from Valkyria Chronicles. Fucking awesome, must ask her if I can take a photo.

Update 2: Time 13.45
Got a picture of the Alicia cosplayer! Not the best cosplayer I’ve seen but nice! Too bad I got an Naruto cosplayer on the picture too.

Update 3: Time 17.10
Ahh! The day is now over and we are getting ready to return home, I bought nothing. But Elden bought a bunch of stuff. After we get home, I’ll post a new post with some impressions of the convention. And of course with photos. See ya later!

Pre Sci-Fi convention and movies

Been spending this weekend with my friend Elden. We’ve been playing for next week, it’s the Sci-Fi Convention in Malmö! We are going there together with our friend ZX-Omega on Saturday April 2nd. Its going to be fun, I’ve wanted to go the past two years but haven’t been able. So its finally my time to go where all nerds must go. We’ll be taking photos and even record some videos, I’ll at least upload the photos here, I’ll see what we’ll do with the videos.
While Elden was here, we decided to watch some movies.

Age of The Dragons
A more fantasy take on the Moby Dick story. Instead of a whale and out on the sea, it takes place on land and has dragons in it. Yeah, that’s about it. Now I’m not too familiar with the MD story, but a guy looses his sister to the “great white dragon” and becomes obsessed with slaying it. Danny Glover plays this crazy ass captain, I really enjoyed his voice in this movie. It was cool and I’d love to hear him do some voice over work. The movie was pretty okay, nothing more or less. While I did like it somewhat, it’s hard to say if I would recommend it.

Bitch Slap
This movie on the other hand came as a surprise. I enjoyed this one very much, I also thought it was funny and laughed for a good bit of the movie. It was so cheesy, so dumb and mostly playing on the hotness of the three female leads.
But it tried to take it self a bit to serious and I think they themselves made fun of that. There are girl on girl fights, other girl on girl stuff… Explosions, weapons, kickass ladies. This is just the kind of movie I love. And I got a neat gif animation out of it! I don’t know what more to say, but if you like  “stupid” movies in the style of Shoot ‘Em Up (which I love), I think you can like this. Just to be clear, I said its in the style of SEU, not that it was like it!

Clash of The Titans
I’ve seen this once before and I like it, I think its a great movie. But it seems to be hated by a whole lot of people if I’ve understand things correctly. Don’t know why, I think its a nice action fantasy flick. But then again, I like mythology and take it in almost all the ways I can get it. But I do enjoy this one and I’m looking forward to the sequel. I have a faint memory of there being one in production?

Ten is the magic number

Ten is really the magic number for me, its the number of month it took me to be employed at work. I’ve known Kntheking for over ten years now. Its ten years this year since I met another one of my most important friends, when we went to C4 IV.
Its also been ten years since me and Elden started our fantasy series/story
The Saga of Reconis, time sure does fly… Its amazing to think we’ve spent ten years on that. Just continuing to adding, fixing the characters story and such. I’m glad it still lives on. I’ve used my username Yazuka for ten years now, might even be more than ten years there.. But I’m at least 100% certain I started using it seriously in 2001.

I was thinking of something else that had to do with ten also, but now that I’m writing I can’t remember what it was. Either way ten years is a long time for anything, it hasn’t always been easy. But I’m glad I’ve had the support of my friends all the way, some shown much more support than others… Its been fun times and now I have slowly started working on my newest project, but I’ll post more about that later. Want to get it ready a bit more before I show anything. Its something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time and have done before, but it didn’t work out as I had hoped. Now I’m more in control of the project and Kntheking who is my partner in this project share mostly of my ideas. We had an idea of this before, but now we are really going to go our own way with this. As it was first planned, now some of you might have already guessed what’s cooking. But you’ll still have to wait to find out.

It’s meme time again! 2010 edition

2010 is coming to an end! And I thought it was time to do the meme list thing again!
Hey! Why not? Its not like I have to many traditions so might as well keep this one alive at least. Here are the two previous lists I’ve made 2008 meme list and 2009 meme list.

01 What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
Sadly I can’t think of anything. But I at least there is one thing.

02 Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I still don’t make a new year’s resolutions. No, I will not make anyone next year either.

03 Did anyone close to you give birth?

04 Did anyone close to you die?
Luckily no.

05 What countries did you visit?

06 What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Money, money, money. (Deja Vú?)

07 What date from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
September 1st! Its the date when I finally could move into my own apartment. Out of my parents house and finally start living my own life. Sadly there where a lot of crap that happened, so it was bittersweet. But mostly it turned out good.

08 What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Look above!

09 What was your biggest failure?
This year, I really can’t say there where any big failures. Surprisingly.

10 Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nope, nothing.

11 What was the best thing you bought?

My HDTV, but then again I didn’t buy it on my own.

12 Whose behavior merited celebration?
None, of what I can remember.

13 Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Hmm… No ones?.

14 Where did most of your money go?
I feel like a broken record? What money!? Show me the money!! =(

15 What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My own apartment and my job! :D

16 What song will always remind you of 2010?

17 Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) Happier or sadder? Much happier
b) Thinner or fatter? I’ve lost weight! YES!.
c) Richer or poorer? A little bit better, but mostly still same poor bloke.

18 What do you wish you’d done more of?
Exercising! But I’m getting there!

19 What do you wish you’d done less of?
Candy, but it has been better since last year. And hopefully next year it will end.

20 How will you be spending Christmas?
With my family as always.

21 How will you be spending New Years?
With two close friends, ZX-Omega, Amadeus and hopefully Elden. I’ll have to see if more show up.

22 Did you fall in love in 2010?
Not in a person, but with many people. I do love the people at work, they have all been so awesome to me.
But nothing more than that, I think I can’t fall in love.

23 How many one-night stands?
Still none. -.-

24 What was your favorite TV program?
Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Transformers Prime.

25 Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Actually, I do have life and people a little less now… Surprising?

26 What was the best book you read?
Transformers Exodus, its the only book I read this year. But damn, I had a hard time putting it down.

27 What was your greatest musical discovery?
None this year sadly. Even if the music in the anime Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt was great!
I think that’s the closest I come this year.

28 What did you want and get?

Not much. Perhaps Uncharted 2 & Batman Arkham Asylum.

29 What was your favorite film of this year?
Hard to say.

30 What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 27 and there was nothing in particular that happened. But since I live in my own place now, a lot of friends I haven’t seen in a while came over.

31 What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I could have skipped mid June to September, this year would have rocked!

32 How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
I still have no fashion sense! Didn’t I tell you to stop talking to me last year!?

33 What kept you sane?
Sane? Oh, you! :D

34 Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

35 What political issue stirred you the most?
None. I find Politics so damn boring!

36 Who did you miss?
Same as always the friends I don’t get so see very often.

37 Who was the best new person you met?
I’ve met a bunch of new people! I can’t possibly write them all here! But everyone at work.
They have all been awesome! So damn awesome! Thank you all!

38 Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.
That I shall stop hoping for stuff, since something always comes in the way and stops my plans.

39 Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Can’t think of one right now…

2010 is the best year ever!

Those who have followed my site over the years, know I’m not the luckiest guy alive.
I’ve always had bad luck and a somewhat challenging life. But I’ve tried my best to make it work, but was almost always kicked in face. So to say, 2010 started as a pretty good year.
I started working and got some rhythm in my life. My insomnia problems, I’ve ha for about 10-12years disappeared. And that felt really good to be able to sleep like a normal human, it has done wonders with my mood.

Despite that crap that happened in June-September, this year has been awesome.
I finally got my own place and it was so awesome and I’ve never felt so free! But the thing that really make this year one of the best ever for me… Is that I’ll get employed! Fuck yeah!
Yes, from January 2011 I’ll be employed and earn money!! I’ve worked hard for this moment, this whole year. I’m so happy to see it finally paying off.
And it seems like things will finally start to change for the better for me, I’m really looking forward to see what 2011 will bring now. Thanks all my friends who have supported me, I appreciate it all.