Cleaning Frenzy

Thanks to the weather being the way I want it to be today, cloudy (no sun, woho) and a bit chilly. I finally took the liberty to do a big cleaning on my room. Dusted everything I have. And there was a lot of dust! >.<
But now everything is cleaned and it feels so good. I also moved some furniture around the room. So I have a bit more space now, not that I need it. Its just nice to have it.

Other than that, its been very quitet. Nothing much has happened. I'm going on a "studiebesök" on Lernia the 20th this month. So after that I'm pretty sure I'm going to start my education on becoming a welder. Perhaps not the ideal job I've wanted. But if I can get a job and get cash, I'm ready to do it. If I get a job as a welder when my education is finished, I hope I'll be able to move to my own place about a year after that.

I'm going to start playing Vagrant Story for the PS1 later tonight, so I hope that game is good. I've played a little of it before. But I don't know what to make of it… I'd rather play something else, but it will have to do. Hopefully I'll like it more when I play it.
Well at least I hope it will keep me settled untill Metal Gear Solid 4 arrives. After that I don't have anytime to spend on any other game. Oh, Snake!

My third PS3 game finished

Ahhhh… Now I’m happy. I have finished the third and final game of the 3 original Playstation 3 games that I wanted to play. These where, Folklore, Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction. And I’ve just finished Ratchet. A great game, better than I had expected. The music, the humor, just everything is so good! I guess I’ll rate it 8/10. Same goes with Unhcharted. Folklore was my only big dissapointment this far. But you can’t get them right all the time. I hope I can get Enchanted Arms again, I was dumb enought to trade it without having had the chance to play some of it. Oh, well… =P

And it feels like its time to get a preorder on Metal Gear Solid 4. Damn I want that game! Together with Soul Calibur 4 those two are my most anticipated games right now. So MGS4 next month and SCIV in July. Ahh, I’ll have some gaming to do for some time. BTW, I used some of the “cash” I had on my giftcertificant on EB Games to get me and RGB cabel. So much better, its love!! Now i’m heading to bed. G’nite.

EDIT: And I’m thinking about playing Vagrant Story.
Anyone have any comments about that game if its good or not?


*Sorry folks, Swedish only*

Efter flera år av att vilja byta namn, har jag äntligen gjort det! Det som hållt mig tillbaka var att jag trodde det kostade en förmögenhet.
Vilket visade sig vara osant. Hurra säger jag! Det kostade inget! <3
Så efter år av att ha plågats av namnet Mikael heter jag äntligen Micke. Nu är det inte bara mitt smeknamn, utan mitt riktiga namn! *glad*
Fick papper om det idag och det började gälla redan den 2a Maj.
En sådan där liten sak man bara blir glad över. ^^

Finished Uncharted

Earlier today I finished Uncharted. It was a wonderful game. I can’t wait to replay it, but won’t untill I’ve finished Ratchet & Clank and also have gotten a Dualshock 3 controller. Mostly since I like the feedback I get in the controller with rumble.
As I said the game was great, and beautiful. The music was drawn from an adventure movie. It was awesome. <3

Ohh, the time is closing in on both Metal Gear Solid 4 and Soul Calibur 4. Must get a second controller untill SC4 is released. Hope the RPGs will start to drop in on the PS3 soon. I feel like I really could use one right about now. Guess I’ll have to settle for Enchanted Arms untill better stuff comes along. And now I’m off to start playing Ratchet & Clank Tool of Destruction.
The third game I’ve been drooling over of the games released on the PS3. For those who don’t know or remember the other two where Folklore & Uncharted. Of course there are more games to drool over now, but they where the original three. ^^

First impressions

So I’ve had my Playstation 3 for about 24hours now. And What have I done and what do I think? Well… I haven’t actually played very much on it. I’ve been checking it out, trying to learn the different things about it.
I’ve downloaded some demos and tried them, right now I’m downloading the Uncharted demo. I’m impressed at how good the divx function was, I was honestly expecting something not so good.  And it was a pretty good music player. Overall I’m very happy with what I can do.  And OMG! Its quiet! I’m actually amazed at that since I was expecting it to sounds a little, but it dead silent.

I’ve just played the start of Folklore, the first chapters with Ellen & Keats. But its a lovely game. I like the atmossphere. It really does feel like a Tim Burton movie. The story goes by in a comicbook way, its pretty hard to explain but its cool. Too bad there isn’t voiceacting in those scenes. The music?
Well can say very much about it now, not more than it fits the game. But I would have loved if they had Danny Elfmans music in the game, that would give it more of a Tim Burton feeling. But I’m liking what I’ve played so far. Going to continue after I’ve had something to eat.

I haven’t even opened GT Prologue yet. I’m saving it untill I’ve played a bit more on Folklore. But all in all I’m very pleased with my PS3. And when games like
Metal Gear Solid 4, Valkyria Chronicles & White Knight Chronicles are released, I’m going to be in heaven! <3

Yes! YES! YES!!!

Yes, yes yes!!! Finally! I have a PlayStation 3!! I’m really happy right now.
And this is all thanks to my friend Kntheking. Without him, this would not have been possible. Thank you so much!!!! I also like to thank my other friend ZX-Omega who has helped me a lot. Well there is not much to say.
Now I’m going to check my mail, take something to eat and hook it up!

About the PS3

Since a bunch of stuff has happened recently, it seems like I yet again have to wait to get a PS3. But actually this time, I myself think the wait is good. Since I’ll have more money over when I buy it next month or in June.
Depends on if they release a MGS4 bundle here in Europe, if they do I’ll wait for it.
Well actually that’s just about it. So I have two more month, I’ll be able to at least buy one or two more PS3 games I want, so I’ll have enough to play with when I get the console. ^^

So I’m not that sad really, If I had bought it this month I would have been entirely broke until May, not the wisest of choices.But still something I could have lived with, but since trouble has been happening at home, I’ll pitch in and try to help there. I traded in some old games on EB games and bought Folklore. So I can’t wait to try it. Well other than that, not much has been happening.
Well hope you are feeling better today, Lania. ^^