New year, 2015 is here!

Yeah, I am a bit late with this post. I was going to post it by the middle of the first week in January, that was my original goal at least. But I didn’t really know what to write about, well I did but it didn’t seem so important to just write a few lines and then be done. I wanted to make a bigger entry and then I had to handle a few things at work, like fixing a few stuff for my “big” travel later this month.
I’m going to Stockholm and while I do live in Sweden I have never been there, much less traveled by airplane. And that’s what I’m going to do, going to travel to Stockholm for my work and stay there for one night and then fly home again. I’m terrified of flying, but it takes about 45min – 1hour, it beats taking the train for 8hours plus… So that’s is going to be a real adventure for me, so we’ll see how that goes.
While I’m in Stockholm I’m going to try and find “Japanska Torget“, where I can buy Japanese curry roux. So I can try and make my own Japanese curry, I’ve wanted to try that so damn long! It always looks so damn tasty!

And I have been drinking/eaten any sodas/candy since the end of 2014, but this weekend I ate some candy. But I didn’t really taste all that good, so I more or less think I’m done with that sugar shit. Sure there are some things I’ll miss, but why eat or drink something that’s not good? I really want to lay of all of those things so I can loose some weight. Sure I have to train too, but I’ll start with getting rid of that shit first. So I’m hoping that will go well, because I really, really want to loose weight and I’ve been eating sweets, candy and drinking soda on almost daily bases. So it needs to stop. =/

The New Nintendo 3DS is releasing February 13 in Europe and I’m very glad we are getting the black regular one, that is the one I want! So I’ve gotten a preorder for one, traded away some old stuff I’m probably never going to touch again. I need a handheld console now if there is going to be more traveling with my work, as I suspect. Will be getting Xenoblade Chronicles 3D when it releases in April for it, it is exclusive to NN3DS. Then I want to play a bunch of older Nintendo DS titles, like the Dragon Quest games. I really want to play Super Princess Peach too, it looks like a fun game and for once you have to rescue Mario. Then in March it is time for Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, I am really looking forward to that one as well. I’ve wanted to play it since the original was released 2011 on the PSP, but now I’ll get my chance.

I’d like to get some kind of gaming headset too, so I can use it on the computer too. So I can chat on my PS4, PS3 and PC. That’s the most important, but that will have to come in the future. Oh, right I almost forgot. This year I’m going to Sci-Fi Mässan in Malmö again. I didn’t go last year since I was a bit tired of it, but I’m definitely going this year. So I’m looking forward to that a bit, hopefully there will be some great stuff and hopefully great cosplay again.

6 responses on New year, 2015 is here!

  1. Är också sugen på nya 3DS:en. Lyckades boka Zelda-versionen innan den tog slut men får se om jag köper den vanliga XL-modellen istället. Synd att XL inte fick de färgglada “snes-knappar” bara.
    Glöm inte Radiant Historia på din DS-lista :)

  2. @ JRPGeek:
    Stod själv och funderade mellan vanliga och XL. Men vanliga passar mig bättre, det är lättare att ha med mig på jobbet om jag så vill. Lättare överhuvudtaget, även om XL inte är mycket större, så är det tillräckligt för att bli otympligt att bära med sig.

    Plus att jag är så barnsligt förtjust i “Snes” färgerna på knapparna. Nästan löjligt att det är en anledning till att vilja ha den. Haha.
    Jo, Radiata Historia står på listan och blir mycket troligen nästa DS-spel som jag skaffar.

  3. Bokat Majoras Mask XLen faktiskt. Alltid föredragit de större versionerna ända sedan DSi XL. Jo det finns en jädra massa du har att spela på 3DS/DS, själv hoppas jag mest på DQ5 eller M&L Dream Team :)

  4. @ Cristoffer Nilsson:
    Jo, jag förstår att många föredrar XL versionen. Men som sagt för egen del är det bärbarheten, med jobbet som gäller. Då passar inte Xl:en för mig tyvärr. Plus Snes-knappar! ;)

    Vetefasen vad jag ska börja spela sedan. Har ju DQ4-6 + DQ9 att spela till att börja med. Men ska nog finna något icke-jrpg faktiskt. Typ Kirby eller något sådant. Saknar någon go härlig plattforms spel.

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