What I’m doing now…

I’ve been busy as usual, but last week and this week has so far been pretty good. I’ve managed to finish Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD. Now try saying that name five times fast! It was pretty okay, the worst part about the game is its loading times. And that some of the sound effects sounds like a fart in a can. I’ll see if I can list everything about the game in a later post. That’s if I still care about it by then, which is doubtful.

Now that’s out of the way, I am going to start playing Batman: Arkham Origins. I’ve so far just seen about the intro, so I’m looking forward to start playing it tomorrow. I have watched some animes as usual and I’ve actually started watching a series I thought I would never see. That anime is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012 ver.)
So far it is really nice! And I’ve discovered that Dio Brando is one sick mofo. It’ bloodier than I anticipated, but it doesn’t bother me.

This upcoming weekend I’m just gonna relax and take it easy. Unless I have to work, if I am not working I’ll game and watch anime all weekend. Ahhh! The good life. Only around 24 days left until I have my PlayStation 4! Hype, hype, hype!! So looking forward to that. :D

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