Hero of the day. Nay! Month!

Stuff from HubbeMy friend Hubbe came to visit me today and be brought gifts, his brother is moving and he was getting rid of some old furniture.
So I thought I could maybe buy them cheap, but he was just going to throw them away so I got them. I really appreciate it man.
Sure I gotta admit the couch is not very attractive, but its actually pretty comfy. And I really can’t complain since it was a nice gesture and as I said I’m very thankful..
You can read the rest of the post, but its mostly just stuff that happened in the week.

I’ve been playing a whole lot of Trinity Universe for the Playstation 3 in the past week, it was pretty fun. But it got to repetitive in the end for me. Slow and with a battle system that could use some adjustments. Other than that, it was a good game. I’ll hopefully have the energy to finish it one day. So instead I chose to play Infamous, a game I started playing long ago but never finished. I’ll probably write more about that another time, but I really liked the game!

The end of last week just wasn’t my day, I was sick and I managed to get hurt two times on the same day. Firstly I tried to make something to eat while I was sick, not good. My concentration was not there, so I burned a bit of my hand. Nothing serious, but still hurt like hell! And finally when the hurt from the burn started to fade, a goddamn bee stung me on my finger. Of course on the same hand I had burned… Ouch, the bee sting actually hurt more. And I don’t see to be allergic to bee stings anyway, so it wasn’t all that wasteful of an experience. That and I’ll keep my flyswatter even closer to me from now on.

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