My darkest hour

About 2-3years ago me and my family lost our electricity at the place we lived at the moment. It took a certain electrical company about 2 months to fix that. And that was in the middle of the winter, not so good times.
And now they have screwed up again. They were going to fix some electrical work for our neighbors but shutdown our and another one of our neighbors electricity.  And what do they say?
We are sorry, but we can’t send another man out there to fix it before next week.” So sometime next week we’ll have the power back on. So if I’m not online much that’s why.

And there have been some talking here at school that they might get me into a store, where I can work. It will only be for a month. I both hope it happens and at the same time hope it does not happen. If I don’t do it, I’ll loose all my money they are very strict with this. I really don’t want to loose all my money. There has been a lot of shit happening wiht others where I go, that’s why they have become so strict with this. But if I do it other plans might get scraped…. Sadly…. I still don’t know if its the case but a big possibility, just so ya know.
Also sometime next week I will have 100% info on that matter, so for now lets keep our fingerscrossed.
But as always life keeps kicking me when I’m on the ground.

EDIT: Well it seems like we’ll be getting our electricity by tomorrow.
Guess they admited they had done wrong. Holy hell! Either way I don’t care if they are right or wrong as long as I get power pack I’m glad.

8 responses on My darkest hour

  1. It would be very sad if you couldn’t make it. I don’t think KN made it so that the tickets can be returned. O_o That means we’ll lose the money. Oh well, we’ll see what happens. But on the bright side, a job is a job and that is always a good thing. Experience etc. Try to keep an open mind. We all work for money, that’s what it’s for, and only in very rare cases do we work because we want to or because we care about what we do. If you get it, I’ll think you’ll do great. :)

  2. Oh im sorry to hear about that Shinra shit again, great that they will fix it tomorrow.

    And don’t think about what will happen with new years, if it won’t work out, so be it.

  3. Nej jag bokade inte med återbetalningsalternativ för bara det hade kostat cirka 300kr per biljett extra, det är inte ens en möjlighet att göra så, begriper inte att SJ ens har det när priset ör så svinigt.
    Så är det väl när man har monopol i nånting.

  4. Lania: Jo, vi får väl se vad som sker. Förlorar pengar gör ni ju inte, jag sätter över pengarna för vad de kostade i December i så fall.
    Jo, jobb är ju jobb… Men att de naturligtvis ska tvinga oss att göra det under December och sådana “hot”. Alltid kul när andra missköter sig och andra blir lidande.

    Kntheking: Ja, de är fan hel skumma. Som du sa, klart de kan göra så när de har monopol.

  5. Yeah, well a bit of credit to them since they came rather early in the morning.

    Still… I hate that they force us to do this stuff just because we don’t have jobs. Do it or loose your money. They have total controll.

  6. Jo, det är klart, jag tänkte mera att vi tillsammans skulle förlora på det. Pengar är ju pengar, men det skulle ju vara tråkigt att bli utan ditt besök.
    Det är verkligen dålig stil att kollektiv bestraffning ska behöva ske. Det löser ju inga problem direkt. Ni som har skött er ska väl få en morot och kunna göra annat, och de som är dumma får helt enkelt inte vara lediga, så de lär sig. :( Vi håller tummarna.

  7. Jo, om du menar så sätt så förlorar vi ju.
    Fast det ligger fler fula trix bakom den här bestraffningen. Men jag vill inte ta det här.
    Så om du är online på google talk eller så senare kan vi ta det där.
    Du har min nya Gtalk adress va?

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